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  • CreeperXEnderman-Final-wip.mp4



I'm 100% burnt out on trying to get this one finished. I let this one sit too long, and the way I was organizing each part was just making a lot of added unnecessary work that could have been made easier. I couldn't bring myself to work on new scenes, I couldn't bring myself to go back and fix the mistakes I made in previous scenes, and to be honest I just want to stop obsessing over this and work on new stuff. At this point I just have to throw my hands up and admit that I failed with this one.

Thanks for sticking around while I worked on this mess. I apologize I couldn't get it done.

I'll hold onto these characters and reconsider a small project later, but for now it just aint cutting it. You can see how far I managed to get it down below.



Nothing kills motivation quite like a mess-up pipeline. Appreciate the transparency.


More kobold, but draw her in a sexy wedding dress and then getting banged!


Hey it's alright, knowing when to quit is always a good thing! Can't wait to see what you'll be working on next it'll be great no matter what!


Super sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth, I thought it was shaping up really nicely, one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. But I can totally appreciate getting burnt out on a long project and wanting to work on something else instead of fixing compounding issues on something that’s already been a big time sink. As always, looking forward to seeing whatever you do next, and looking forward to hopefully seeing these two again under better circumstances


I wouldn't sweat it just happens that way sometimes, always love seeing romantic stuff from you though!


You made it far enough though, and stuck through with it as long as you could. There'll always be another project, and each one means more practice than you had the last. Hang in there, good luck!


hey you did mre than enough, burn out is rough! one thing i always tell my friends is that taking care of yourself also means taking care of the things you enjoy, if you feel forced, dont push it, take care of your fun things in life by letting the parts that feel like chores or forced go, its not fair to yourself to make something you enjoy a pain in the mouse butt.


Even if you think you failed this one, I still think what is there is amazing and I think you did great. Best of luck on the next project!

AWash The Fool

Better to walk away from a project you aren't feeling than to keep bashing your head against the wall.


I'm still glad that you've done it and end it on your own terms instead of just forcing yourself to completing it.


Its fantastic so far bud~ you can always come back to it another time if you ever wanted to ^^ regardless it was a great bit of fun heh ;P

Quinn Carter

Honestly, I'm actually really disappointed that this animation isn't getting finished

Twilight Researcher

Sometimes things just don’t work out. I’m glad you were able to take that step back and reflect and make the decision before you burnt yourself too far down. You made it as far as you could reasonably take it and what you’ve got looks great. Your gentle passionate content like this is always a treat and I’m sure you’ll find a use for both of these characters in future projects. We have faith in you, my friend.

Damien Jacobs

i know that feeling. might want to back up the progress you've made regardless, just in case you really get an urge to make something like it later on.

Johnny faknam

looks pretty finished to me tbh. I was just waiting to see what happens after the eye contact. It's good enough as it stands.


Honestly, It has been a long project and you already have a bunch of other projects currently being worked on. I understand dropping one.


I think you did really well on this project despite burning out on it...maybe next time split the whole thing into two separate, smaller projects that you have a break of at least 6 months between? In any case, I know the feeling of burnout and it's best to just set the project down rather than force yourself to work on it. Good choice. Here's hoping things get better going forward!


At least give him a break before asking qwq i fear whygena isn't in the exact best mental state Not meaning to be rude, I'm in no place to talk since I'm not Gena and I most certainly assume they wouldn't want anyone to fight.


It's okay, I was just trying to give an idea, but you're right I should give him a break