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I've gotten a little burnt out so I'm taking it a little easy for the month. I want to take some time to reset myself and figure out what I want to work on going forward. The lewd stuff is always fun and I will never completely stop making those, but I want to also work on something to push myself more. I'll be doing a lot of writing and figuring things out for a bit. I want to work on the Dreamon idea, and not in the bullshit "I'm thinking about starting this back up, but I'll forget about it in a week" way I usually do. I want to have a series that I continue to work on and not push to the sidelines because I don't think I'm good enough. 

I'll be back with some progress on that stuff soon




Thank you for all of the art that you've made Whygena ^^ That break is more than well deserved. I hope that you have a lovely time and that you get all of the rest you need ^^


All good Whygena! Make sure to give yourself some TLC time and take as long as you need, Would rather you make art because you want to, not because you feel an obligation to.