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After three weeks I have the full comic done! It feels nice dipping my toes into writing something a little more horror based. I'd definitely like to try working on some more and increase my writing skills.

Anyways, here's the full comic! Thank you for your support and I hope you like it!

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"I hope you saved time for me" "I'm all you need" "Don't worry about them, I can take care of you." Yeah, this was an excellent use of an abusive relationship in horror. The possessive lover who does all they can to suggest that the rest of the partner's friends don't matter, detaching them to have the partner to themselves.Jasper started feeling disconnected after that first night of suggestion, manipulative and cruel. And beyond that, the last few pages were excellent at showing something was VERY wrong building up. The house shrouded in shadow, everything contained within a secret to the world. Not a clear window inside. A prison with no escape. Jasper didn't think he needed to leave, but the nudging feeling in the back of his mind telling him he couldn't because Reggie was always there, seeing him as a monster really emphasizing the fact he had realized too late, and who knew what he'd be prone to doing if he actually tried to leave. The dishes and messy kitchen were especially a good visualization of what a sheltered relationship can seem like. No need to leave, no one comes in, it doesn't matter, all that matters is the lover.


Oof. Though, I’m not sure that’s even Reggie at that point.