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In another attempt of bringing Superman down Lex instead tried to hurt someone he likes, but since all his schemes always fail he went for a more simplistic ingenuous approach, he hired the best infiltrator money could buy and had him place a special chip on one of Power Girl's outfit at her home, this chip when in contact with the girls body would increase her breasts and ass to unnatural proportions, this worked as intended as she instantly saw the effects when using said outfit with the chip, now she is hiding on the moon out of embarrassment of her new body

Moon Worshippes, Round Shape Enjoyers > saturn worshipers, triangle simps

also be careful what you believe on the internet these days kids, with AI nothing is certain anymore, see india fake moon pics, also also, i deny the moon landing and always will, how came you had more resources and money 60 years ago to go to the moon and now you have LESS money and LESS resources when you are more powerful than 60 years ago? tell me again how do you plan to go to mars fuckface? they don't 'go to the moon' now because it is a thousand times easier to prove it is fake now than before.






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