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You moved in a new town with your dad, a old school 90s american town, so as in tradition every family in the neighborhood brougth you cakes, but this one mom came alone and tried to change the 'tratidion', she asked where your parents are, but since they aren't home she asked why not come along with her on her house, she started preparing the cake and describing how  it would look, a lot of vanilla at the border, strawberry cream in the middle to give a pink-ish tone and if you like chocolate there is plenty inside, she also says it is a bit 'moist' from a special recipe, it may make it taste a bit salty, only a minute left for it to finish she says, she also told that if you eat everything like a good boy she would prepare the same cake everyday for you

This took a loooong ass time dude, like 5 hours long, so many fuckups, mostly my own stupidity, i used her massive head on blender and i had to re-render it multiple times to fix it, each blender render taking a long ass 10 mins, i also could not make her earings orange for some stupid reason, BUT...

I accidentaly learned more about the ult upscaler, is not JUST an upscaler, is something greater, divine if you will, it also works as an postprocess tool, a very very powerful one, this finding was a happy accident for sure, this happy mistake allowed me to crank up the cfg and denoise to both  8 and 0.08 giving more micro details (necessary for hyper realism), very nice.



