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Mercenaries are already crazy, but there are ones that crazier than others, putting their lives at risk for no reason

A 5k run, not permanet, just wanted to see how it would look as the file size is gigantic (4x2k works), and it is hilarious zooming that much on a image, it actually looks like a photo lol, also...


I'm was in the same boat some people are now, afraid i would lose my job, you will, like most industries replacement is inevitable, you look back in time and tell me how many jobs got workers fired because they where replaced by machinery, this is called natural progress, you can fight but you definetely can't win, AI is here to stay, i bitched so much in the past while not realizing AI's true potential, this kind of work would be impossible for me or anyone to create in blender, simple as that, from ridiculous amount of tris to near perfect nodes with insanely high textures, not possible, not now at least, AI will allow the artists to improve their art being more creative, is not a REPLACEMENT tool but a tool to AID in your workflow, i do not YOUN want to commit the same mistakes as i did, look like clowns bitching about AI, if you keep with it you will regret it severely, in two years from now most 3D artists will have adapted to AI and those who don't will be eating dust, not because AI took their jobs but because they refused to learn something new, it boils down to lazyness and IRRATIONAL fear, i upgraded from SFM to Blender because i LOVE my craft, i breath art, i live art, simple as that, either i've learned Blender OR i would be sucking cock now, it was Blender's fault that i was being LEFT BEHIND? No! it WOULD be MY FAULT for failing to ADAPT.

I want my fellow 3D brothers and sisters (the few of then at least lol) to understand that AI will allow YOU to control the way your work look like never before, the artist (specially 3D artist) goal is always to improve, AI is here to speed the process and make your rendering life LESS painful, and most 3D artists i believe are like me, always going for realism, this is it, we start from something weak like SFM, we go to Blender, DAZ or Unreal, then what is next? AI, you CAN NOT ignore it for to long, don't do it for me, do it for yourself, if you truly love your 3D art jump the shark then, have fun, learn new things, or don't, your choice fellow artist :)

also SDXL sucks.





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