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'Soooooooo…..a fabulous patreon with a perception of at least +12  (thanks, John D Jones) noticed that an evil…erm sorcerer had cast a  confusion spell on you all making you believe that Runa’s dialog on the  bottom panel actually belonged to Sully!  WHAT DARK MAGIC IS  THIS????!!!!!!!!  That’s chaotic evil right there.

So, with a little paladin tomfoolery and a trip to the magical tower of  um…photoshop.  The spell has been lifted and the correct page is now  here for you all to enjoy.



Have a wonderful weekend!





Absolutely love your sense of humor with stuff like this Jim and B. Stuff like this just happens sometimes haha. Was some much needed levity to lighten the mood while I monitor some urgent server migrations tonight XD Shoutout to John D for those hawk eyes brother ;)

The Bandito

Heh...thanks, brother. Why take it all too seriously, right? It's actually kind of fun when the fourth wall occasionally breaks down. Let's us give you all a peek behind the curtain (if I may mix my metaphors). It's crazy all the checks and balances this went through and STILL made it through. Fortunately, we have amazing supporters! LIKE YOU!

John D Jones

And... Bandito (or at least MTJ Publishing) now has $14 more of mine. BTW, anyone else wanting to throw their money at Bandito for some background on our lovely necromancer needs to go here: https://mtjpub.com/publications/info/feather-quest.


Thanks for your purchase today and recommendation! It inspired me to put Feather Quest on SALE! As a result I gave you a $2.80 refund so your purchase would be included in the SALE. So folks you can pick up a copy of FEATHER QUEST until the end of the year for $11.20