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The TRIAL is over…the the TALE IS FAR FROM FINISHED! What happens NOW?! Will Tusk and Joey finally duke it out hoof to claw to determine the jungle queen of this ZOO OF A CITY??? What about MOUSE and the Holstein HEIRESS???


It’s awesome and sexy. Sexsome? Awxy? Yes. All of the above.

Please enjoy this teaser from the 11th page of JOEY LYNX  8: The Ticklish Trial of Eleanor Tusk!  which will be available on Sunday, January 15th!




all these animal puns have made me think Mouse will be the key to taking down Tusk with the old myth involving mice and elepants .

The Bandito

Hey there! Thanks so much for chiming in, friend! Love the comment. NOW STOP GIVING AWAY THE ENDING! Ha ha ha. That's a wonderful insight. And who knows....it might go that way. But you also have to account for the fact that elephants never forget. Cheetahs never win. Kitties always land on their feet. And why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free. All joking aside, I truly appreciate the brilliant comment. Thanks for being a fan and supporter. You are appreciated!


C’mon Joey, kick her ass! ….then tickle it!! I’m team Wildcat if you can’t tell.

The Bandito

GO TEAM WILDCAT! I'm secretly rooting for Joey as well. But....we'll see what happens! ;o)