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Mistress Koki officially joins the burgeoning gang tickle for some serious BELLY LAUGHTER and belly button tickle torture! And Shooter comes to realize that she is going to have the sensual ticklegasmic torment of her entire life! Do you want to see Shooter have the sensual ticklegasmic torment of her entire life???


I freaking HOPE SO!

Thanks to all of you for your kind support!

-The Bandito



Jessica Koza


Andrew Martinez

If a feather to the belly button is too much just wait honey lol


Oh yeah...the NAUGHTY TICKLES are coming! And those skimpy outfits are gonna protect ANYONE! XD


Truth! She is about to learn the true meaning of TICKLE TORTURE!


Hot damn, this is sexy. I love some sexy tummy tickles and this page provides the tickles in droves! Thank you! Plus, I loved the close up of the feather sliding up that sexy tummy and then right into that sensitive bellybutton, yum yum


Another thing I think you do extremely well my friend is build up the tickling in your comics:) Shooter here is being driven crazy by just a feather from Koki which I think really entices the reader to want to see how she reacts when the REAL TICKLING BEGINS!!!!! Lovely work my friend.


There's just not enough good tummy tickling out there. It's not a judgement. It's a fact. And thanks for noticing that nuance, brother! Ponce does SUUUUUUUUUUUUCH an amazing job bringing these sexy scenes to life. It's really really nice to know that such subtleties are not lost on the mighty Marvin and on the equally-attractive and amazeballs folks that are part of the CORPORATION! XD


Thanks so much for saying so, G! I believe, as you do, that the escalation of the tickles is very important. Just like in real life. You can't just start ferociously tickling someone. Well..... you CAAAAAAAN. But if sexy naughty erotic tickling is your goal then there has to be a strong element of seduction at play, right? A building. A teasing. Verbal taunts. Ambiance. That sense of growing helplessness. Growing vulnerability. And with it...growing arousal. Shooter is in very very good hands. Or depending on how you look at it....very very mean evil talented sinister fiendish merciless TICKLY HANDS! XDDDDDDDDD Thanks so much for always noticing the little things. After all...life is composed of tiny amazing things. yay!