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Hey Patreon Gang!

I’ve got good news
and well

As you all probably know at this point, Joey Lynx 5 has officially posted its last page and will soon be leaving Patreon.  And some of you might even be wondering what we will be replacing Joey with as the next amazing serial comic posted on Patreon in 2020 (and we love your inquisitive nature)!  Well, I am here to tease and possibly titillate you all with some cool news:  your favorite, shy, sexy, secretive, perfect Mrs. Pepper Parker will be appearing as the next 12 page serial comic on Patreon starting in January 2020!  Not only is Mrs. Parker going to be on Patreon, but she has somehow fallen into police custody and is in for a terribly ticklish INTERROGATION!  We think you’ll really dig where our poised Pepper ends up.  And precious Patrons will be the only ones that get to see it in 2020!


We got you.  We always got you.

I have been working my little Bandito fingers to the bone.  Okay
. technically not
. but my black gloves are visibly worn. Look at that thin leather.  LOOK!

as for the more good news
Joey will also be returning soon and with a bullet!  When VAMP RECORDS 7 wraps up in a few months it will be followed by JOEY LYNX 6: The Case of the Cackling Catwalk.  There will be DESPERATION!  There will be ruthless impossibly mean tickle torture!  Mouse, Joey, Jenny, and others will be tickled senseless for your enjoyment!  It’ll be a blast!!!

What’s that?  It’s Christmas and you want MORE MORE MORE good news.  Sheesh.  Alright, we love ya.  Here’s one more stocking-stuffer of good news for you all:  I will also be working on some Patreon exclusive images for you all in early 2020.  Yup.  Patreon exclusive.  Forever.  If ya ain’t on Patreon
ya ain’t gonna see this stuff.  Not even on the MTJ site.  And trust me when I tell you that you do NOT want to miss what we have planned.  In fact, we might even ask our greatest fans to help with the planning.

But that’s enough for now.  You’ve worked enough information out of the Deet for this week.  So, I will leave you with a huge holiday hug, an enormous thank you for your continued support, and a heartfelt wish for a warm and joyous holiday season for you and yours.

Love and tickles,

The Holiday Deetz



Thank you for everything! It all sounds amazing and I'm so glad to here and see it all as it comes. Merry Christmas to you and your! 2020 is looking very bright and laughter filled for me

The Bandito

Thank YOU, good buddy. We couldn't do any of this without you. I hope you love the new stuff coming your way. And when the time comes I would love your inout on any Patreon exclusive content. Let's laugh our way into the new decade. I know Joey and Pepper are laughing pretty hard.

Don the Guy

WOW! So much good news. Bandito, you really love to tease and spoil us. Merry Christmas to you and happy new year. 😊😀

The Bandito

I do, dear friend. I do indeed. Mainly because you all make it so much FUN! We're going to have such a good time together in 2020. Pep, Mouse, Joey, Mary, Val, Crystal, and many other are ALREADY CRACKING UP! XDDDDDDDDDD

Jessica Koza

BANDITO STRIKES AGAIN OUT OF NOWHERE!!! YOU ARE INSANE!!! PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT!!! Merry christmas my friend. Have wonderful holidays with your family! :-D <3

The Bandito

You too, my friend. You too. Get ready for 2020. It's gonna be quite the ride. XDDDDDD