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BEATRICE:  I think you want more TICKLES!


Please enjoy another very early sneak peak at The Secret Hysteria of Pepper Parker #3!  

Please Note: This comic will be available for purchase at MTJpub.comlater this year! Stay Tuned folks!  




Yay! Loving this series and can't wait for the third issue

Jessica Koza

DAMN IT BANDITO!!! You play with my feelings. This is so good! <3


This might be my favorite series since Bot Corp....not sure yet. I am loving it so far.

The Bandito

Thanks so much, buddy! I always appreciate your kind words. Much much more Pepper to come!

The Bandito

YAY! Hope you like the final version even more! Thanks so much, JK!

Don the Guy

Agree with skeetbobble all the way. I loved Bot Corp. Love this too. 😊😋

The Bandito

Dude...you're so awesome! Since Bot Corps, eh? Thanks so much for the feedback about Pepper. Out of curiosity, what did you enjoy so much about BOT CORPS? If you happen to have a moment, I'd appreciate the input. You rock!

The Bandito

YAY!!! BOT CORPS fans! I'll ask the same question: What about BOT CORPS stood out to you so much? I always loved that series. Maybe it needs another chapter someday. >.^ Thanks so much for the very kind feedback!

Don the Guy

Personally, I love Novak and also just the art design in general. It definitely needs another chapter. It looked like it stopped on a cliffhanger. That’s just me. 😊

The Bandito

Great to know! Thanks so much for your wonderful and honest feedback. I'm with you. I also love Novak. And we have been seriously considering doing s new BOT CORPS comic arch with a new/different artist (sadly Bordon is no longer an option). Another random question for you - do you follow the THOMPSON CORPORATION series? I ask because Novak plays a significant part in those comics (once she is introduced in the series in comic #3). I love the feedback, and really appreciate your kind support!!!! Let me see what I can come up with!

Don the Guy

What!?! A Bot Corp comic with no Bordon? That is unacceptable.! 😱😫 Sorry, please explain.

The Bandito

Right?? Sadly, yes. It happens. As much as we love to always keep our artists at MTJ, nothing lasts forever. Bordon is no longer an option for Bot Corps. So, the difficult choice is to either let the series die...or to possibly take a chance and be bold and see what another artist can do with the exciting world and sexy characters. I think we're bold. So, I think we say 'to heck with the easy path - let's keep BOT CORPS alive!' I hope we can make it work and hope we can win you over. ;o) Thanks, as always, for such awesome feedback!

Don the Guy

Ok. I say you’re bold as well. I say let there be a Bot Corp 5 and if a new artist can keep the series alive for a while longer. 😊

The Bandito

You rock, my friend! Thanks for joining us on this epic tickling journey. I will do my best not to disappoint, and know your socks off. ;o)