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Hey Everyone, 

We have a build release to explore the world of Virtual Novel, all the buildings have their full architecture in place. Some of the enviros are more populated than others, so please forgive empty rooms and bare school grounds - the whole place will be full of detail soon enough. 

Here's a timelapse Twitter clip of us running through most of the environments.

The main purpose of this build is to test our level loading system, this allows us to have a lot of different environments and a big world and no loading screens. 

We have a loading distance scale which can be controlled with the U and V keys on your keyboard (the system isn't integrated into the Settings Menu yet, so there are no VR controls to change the loading distance for now). A number will appear on screen when these keys are pressed, and that number denotes the distance in meters that building interiors will load out. For example, if you set the distance to 30, and you are 30meters away from the outside wall of gymnasium, the gymnasium's interior will have unloaded for performance gains, and the windows will be opaque. 

The larger this distance, obviously the further away building interiors will load in, and the more buildings you'll be loading at once. Please experiment with this and tell us what kind of distances you could achieve with your hardware, and if you notice any particular drops in performance when approaching or moving away from buildings.

Enjoy the build! Thanks for your continued patronage.  We have a bug list on Discord, please check it out (if you're on Discord) before reporting anything, the main feedback we're interested in for this build is if users experience any performance drops when loading and unloading buildings, or when in particular parts of the map.  The download and Discord link will be up after this post.

As usual, check out this post for info on controls: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vr-adv-test-up-15919362  

Thanks again!  

VN Team 



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