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Hey there,

Thanks for being patient while we've prepared this build, it took us longer than anticipated. This test build doesn't contain any enviros or anything much fun D: But it's an important test for us, since we're finalizing our Dialog System (which we will refer to as the VR-ADV). 

The VR-ADV is probably one of the most important systems in Virtual Novel, as it's how you will interact with every character. So we really want your feedback on how comfortable you find it, any gripes you have with it, any additional options you may want included. We hope to have the final ADV completed in January or so, which means we can begin on writing our story content into the game! 

Please test the build and email us at virtualnovelgame@gmail.com, comment us here, or join our private Discord where you can give us feedback. We will be seriously taking all feedback into consideration and we'll reply to everyone. We'll probably be iterating updated ADV builds over January which will contain community suggestions and bug fixes. 

Test Girl-chan will explain how to navigate the VR-ADV, please give her your full attention. The banner image for this post is a handy VR-ADV diagram, showing what each button does.


Non-VR Players:

Non-VR mode is still somewhat experimental, but we've overhauled the way non-VR players can interact with interfaces for this build. Players can now Right Click at any time to toggle between aiming with the mouse, and using the mouse as a cursor. This is currently only supported with the VR-ADV and not the Settings Menu, but we'll eventually enable this on all user-interfaces in the game if it's popular. 

Controls for new Patrons


  • Thumbstick (Rift) Trackpad (Vive) to move traditionally, on the motion controller with Feet icon - or
  • Point and Trigger press to teleport, on the motion controller with Feet Icon
  • Grip button and pan / rotate controller to rotate, on the controller with Feet icon
  • WASD and Mouse for movement and aiming for non-VR players


  • Trigger on the motion controller with Hand icon to pick things up and drop things 
  • Grip button to readjust props while held
  • Hold Left Click while the object is in the middle of the screen for non-VR players


  • Shoulder button (Vive) or A button (Rift) to swap between Feet mode and Hand mode. Long press to open the Settings Menu
  • Point and Trigger press menu elements to select them
  • Point and Trigger press when within range of UI elements to interact with buttons and sliders
  • M key to open Settings Menu for non-VR players
  • Right Click to enter Mouse Mode for non-VR players

We're doing finishing touches and tests, the private build link will be up within the next couple of hours, so please look out for it!



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