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Hey Patrons!

We've been working some more on the Dialog System. We've updated the design and are close to finalizing some of the features of the system.

One of the main features we've been working on in preparation for getting to work on story content, is an extensible Tag system for Dialog Triggered Events. You can see a demo of this in action in the header video or on this Tweet. Currently, the tag system is being used to change character expressions (smooth transitions between facial expressions will be coming, for now it's quite basic) but can be extended to change animations, execute game code, or anything. 

Tags are written as part of the NPC's dialog - the actual script of the text above is this:

Hi,[smile] <span style="bold">Player-san</>, my name is <span color="#f489ca">Natsumi</>, [grin]nice to meet you. You're new to the town [smile]right? I can show you around if you'd like... N-not[blush] that I want to or anything, I just have some free time after my shift here at <span color="#edb3aa">DesignMi</> is over... Well?[smile] 

Which means we can have NPC actions or game actions trigger at specific points in the text. We'll be trying to make the tag system as flexible as possible so that once Virtual Novel is released, and the planned custom story maker is released, players can utilize tags easily for their own content. 

We've also overhauled the VR-ADV's design from previously -

To include NPC icons and an (in our opinion) a much nicer updated interface. 

We're hoping to to a test build soon of the VR-ADV, for both VR players an non-VR players. Depending on how well development goes, a build may be out at the end of this month - or at the latest - early December.

Thanks everyone for the support ^^



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