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Hello there everyone! I hope all of my patrons have been enjoying the content released so far this month. Unfortunately, I’ve got a bit of an announcement to make in terms of my Patreon content. I don’t really know how else to say it so I’m just going to come right out with it. In late December, I announced a slight revamp to my Patreon to make things easier for myself, but it’s not working out like I hoped. I thought the slight downgrade from 6 monthly stories to 5 would be small yet significant enough to make things easier for me, but alas that’s not the case. Ever since I’ve made that announcement and tried writing content, I’ve found myself dealing with constant panic attacks due to my tight Patreon deadlines and just how much longer my stories are becoming (it's truly a terrible one-two punch).

When I first made my Patreon, the concept of writing content longer than 4k words seemed impossible. But now that over a year has passed, I’m constantly struggling to do anything shorter than 4k words. The process of writing has become much more tedious to the point where I’m no longer comfortably working ahead but rather falling far behind. Add in the fact that I’m currently having troubles in my real life with my job and actively looking for something new as a result, it’s quite clear that I’m feeling quite overwhelmed. So despite loathing how quickly I’m doing this after the December announcement, I’m unfortunately going to need to revamp my Patreon one final time this year to make things easier for myself. Like the title of this post implies, I'm not revamping all of the tiers but simply the $5 Dunne tier!

Here is the following change for the Dunne Tier along with the breakdown of how the other tiers will be affected as a result.

$5 Dunne Tier - 4 Captions & Vault Story Every Month

Like I first stated in my previous Patreon revamp post, the aim for this tier is to mainly become a general support tier to show your support. Luckily though, this support will not be unrewarded though as you’ll continue to have access to my Discord where you can view 4 monthly photo captions. On top of this, my appreciation will also be shown by unlocking one older story from the Patreon vault to “re-release” to the $5 tier. In order to keep things fair to everyone involved though so no one feels scammed, the only stories that will be downgraded to the $5 tier will be $10 Clarke tier stories that are at least one year old. I want there to be a sense of exclusivity to these stories the more an individual pays, so the $15 tier stories will continue to remain exclusive to the Torres tier / Patreon. 

$10 Clarke Tier - 2 New Stories Every Month

In this new plan, the Clarke tier will receive two new and exclusive stories along with the ability to post photos that they’d like to see turned into any of those four monthly photo captions in an exclusive Discord channel.

$15 Torres Tier - 4 New Stories Every Month

Finally, this new plan for this tier will make it so Torres tier patrons will receive two more additional exclusive stories. The stories released in this tier will be longer and also dip into more erotic and smutty content than my usual works. Similarly to the Clarke tier, the Torres tier will grant patrons the ability to post photos that they’d like to see turned into the four monthly photo captions. Additionally, patrons of this will have access to a special channel in my Discord in which they can actively request ideas that they’d like to see me turn into full-length stories in the future for the $15 tier.

Tumblr Changes

Finally, I wanted to make it clear some changes that will be occurring to my Tumblr. Similarly to the way $10 Clarke tier stories will be revamped / re-released to the $5 Dunne tier after a year has passed, I’ve decided to try and do the same thing with the $5 stories that I’ve written and created on Patreon. After being exclusive to my Patreon for the year, I’ll take one $5 Dunne story per month and release them onto my Tumblr. While this is a great way to easily promote my Patreon on Tumblr to give readers a peek at the content I create there, the main reason behind this is that it will help me keep my Tumblr active without adding more stress for myself in terms of more content I need to write.

If anyone has any comments or questions about the Dunne tier changes, please feel free to contact me either on here or through Discord!


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