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Hello there everyone, I’ve been thinking a lot about my content for the past week or so and I’ve decided that I want to make some slight variations to my Patreon moving forward. Given the fact that I’m hoping to put these new plans into action starting in January, I wanted to do a quick little announcement post explaining the changes. To quickly get the elephant out of the room, there will not be any price increases at this current time.

Given the fact that I'm not changing the price of my Patreon content, I must announce that I will instead be doing a slight alteration in terms of the amount of stories released per month. Rather than releasing a maximum of 6 stories per month, I will now only be releasing 5. Although this may seem like a disappointment to some, the reason behind this is that my content has been growing increasingly more detailed and thus longer as time passes. When I first started my Patreon, my content barely reached past 3-4k words. However, now I’m easily writing stories that are anywhere from 5-12k words nonstop. As a result, I think the slight downgrade in the amount of content provided by this new plan will easily be countered by the increased word count I’ve been providing.

So from now on, here’s the breakdown of how the brand-new tiers will be set up.

The $5 Dunne Tier

Unlike the next two tiers, this tier is keeping its original name intact. As a result, the major change of this tier will be that this tier will now receive only one (1) story per month along with one (1) monthly photo caption rather than the two stories it used to have. This tier will still have access to my private Discord along with the ability to request photo captions by posting photos that patrons would like to see me use. This tier is now meant to be more of a basic tier to show your support while also getting rewarded for your continued patronage.

The $10 Clarke Tier

Although this tier was originally called the Torres tier, I’ve now changed that simply due to my own personal preferences. Ken Clarke doesn’t really do much for me anymore given the fact that he’s no longer my host body, so I’m just going to place him at a lower tier so I could promote hunkier guys at higher tiers.
As for the major changes of this tier, the Clarke tier will now receive three (3) stories per month, including the one Dunne tier story along with two (2) stories exclusive to the Clarke tier. Like the Dunne tier, this tier will also have access to my Discord along with the ability to see photo captions and post photos that they’d like to see me use. Along with getting the ability to see the one (1) Dunne tier photo caption, the Clarke tier will also get two (2) additional photo captions exclusive to their tier so they will now get three (3) monthly photo captions.

The $15 Torres Tier

As previously mentioned, the tier names between the $10 and $15 tiers were swapped solely due to my own personal attraction to each man. Moving on from that then, this Patreon tier will now receive five (5) stories per month, comprising of the three (3) lower tier stories along with two more additional stories exclusive to this tier. On top of this, the Torres tier will also get two (2) exclusive photo captions, giving them a grand total of five (5) monthly photo captions.
To provide an extra bonus to patrons of this tier, user will be able to post request ideas that they’d like to see me turn into full-length stories. This will come in handy, especially since my goal for this tier is to make it so one story per month is either a request story or an expansion story of an older photo caption story that I created in the past. When it comes to these photo caption expansions, I’m hoping to create more engagement with my community by creating polls that will allow patrons of the Torres tier to vote on what caption they’d like to see expanded.

Note: For those that are part of the Bumstead tier, your tier will remain the same in terms of the personal 2k commission every month. The only difference is the aforementioned changes to both story count and photo captions!

I've thought a lot about this plan and I think this will be something that will be more manageable for myself while also still providing plenty of hot transformation content for everyone to enjoy. Hopefully this will not be upsetting to anyone, my main concern is getting burnt out and eventually loathing something that brings me so much joy, so I'm just trying to find the perfect balance!


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