April BOX - New features - suggestions? (Patreon)
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we get close to March Box release with our dear Singer ENF, I want to let you know about the future expansion of ENF comics.
The poll about full nudity and accessories is coming to an end, and the result is so close together that I decided to finally apply an idea I have in mind for while, that is create alternative versions, so for April Box we will have 3 different versions of the 10 artworks (9 comics + 1 cover illustration).
Those versions will be:
Full nude, Accessories and Lingerie.
As for the lingerie version I this is good way to attract a new audience for our Patreon so we might grow faster.
As Always, if you have any suggestions please leave a comment, this Patreon wouldn't exist without all of you!
Anyway I hope I can keep counting on your support, you guys have no idea how important this is to me! Thank you all so much!!