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I would like to thank everyone who has always given me feedback and support, and everyone who came to my circle on the day of the event!

I was really, really happy that so many people were able to hold the book in their hands this time! I hope the new book, "The Inspector's Secret", will firmly meet your expectations……!

There was a chance that I might not be able to make this book this time.

Due to the happenings around June, I was in a difficult financial situation.

But thanks to your support, I was able to make the new book I wanted to make! I couldn't have made it without all of you……!! I am very grateful……!!! Thank you so much!!!

I am personally confident in the quality of this new book, but I would like to make the next one more hentai and of higher quality!

I have a few details in mind, and I'm thinking of making one book about a hard-nosed, serious bear boss and one about a white bear who is a great detective.

I'm not sure yet if it will be as planned, but if you're interested, I'd be happy to hold it in your hands……!

Thank you for reading this far. I plan to continue creating fetish-filled creations in the future.

Please continue to support omo!

Again, thank you so much!




今回たくさんの方に本を手にとっていただけて、本当に本当に嬉しかったです!! 新刊『警部のひみつ』、しっかりと皆様の期待に応えられる本だったら良いな……!



ですが皆様の支援のお陰で出したかった新刊を出すことができました!!! 皆様がいなければ本当に出すことができませんでした……とても感謝しています!!!! 本当にありがとうございます!!

今回の新刊、個人的には結構良い出来なのでは……! と思っているのですが、次はもっとえっちでクオリティが高いものを出したいなと思っています!







chan chun kit

I’am live oversea, I can not get in to kemoket,but I just buy the new book on alice book, Always love your art