BearExxa V2 - Easy Assembly (Patreon)
The BearExxa V2 is easier to assemble and operate than ever. As you can see in the first animation the motor part is very quick to remove. This is also giving access to all gears for easy cleaning and lubing. The motor and hotend assemblies are independent, you can remove the motor while keeping the hotend safe and secure. And when you remove the hotend cover, the Revo Micro will not fall down, it stays in place with our groove mount. We have also kept the unibody idea from the BearExxa V1 to avoid any potential pinching or torsion of the PTFE and improving extruder stiffness.
When you introduce gears in an extruder you have to be very careful that everything gets aligned correctly and this is why the extruder has several tricks to make this difficult process transparent for the users. All gears, motors and part assemblies are self aligned where it needs to be. We have used special shapes and thoroughly selected tolerances to achieve this. And thanks to all those self alignments, your print gears will always be at the right place just like with BearExxa V1.
Oh and the weird perimeters you see on the extruder body and motor plate is to make sure the last layer will be made only with perimeters, it creates a smoother finish and perfect matching of those two important parts.
Obviously, we also have other usability features:
- You can always view the print gears, even when the printer is layering your favorite benchy
- The idler gear tensionner can be wide open for easy access
- The mechanism of the idler gear tensionner is using the extruder body as a reference for the tension
- We have an optional knob for the shroud for people changing nozzle frequently. It is based on the excellent idea from Amelia here:
- We have ensured that all nuts can be removed from the printed parts to be reused in the future upgrades
We also have several usability improvements on the X carriage, we will talk about it in the next post :)