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The poll for voting this month's character and theme closed yesterday, and the results were massively in favor of

Lois Lane hyper pear

Thank you everyone who voted, I should have the WIP done in a week's time and the finished piece a few days after that.

But stay right there, I got a quick question;

Since I've had Disney women on the mind a lot lately, what are some of the more underrated or under appreciated women in older Disney movies, animated or not?
This is very important to me and my data on what to consider to draw.

Thanks in advance, have a good day!



At the top of my head would probs be Esmeralda and the feather duster maid in Beauty and the Beast.


I would say Kida Nedakh from Atlantis, and Anita Radcliffe from 101 Dalmatians


I forgot to mention Miranda Wright from Bonkers