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“Is that a Lucrehulk? The kid dropped from the radar for a month and already has an army of droids.” Jango Fett mumbled to himself as he saw a massive freighter-turned-battleship exit from hyperspace.

“I am sending the coordinates for the drop point.”

The Mandalorian Bounty Hunter rarely works like a middleman like that, but easy money like this is good occasionally.

Soon enough, he saw the transport ships leave the Freighter and fly towards the world below.

The kid soon called him once more.

“Jango, are you interested in more money?”

“You got more ‘Hardware’ to sell?”

“No, but around 50 thousand kilos of Aurodium.”

The bounty hunter’s eyes bulged out when he heard that number! This amount of luxurious metal will crash the market!

“Kid, I don't care where you got this much, but it will become worthless if you sell this much!” Jango said seriously.

“I know. I am not planning to sell this much. I need secrecy, and you are the best for such a thing.”

“I am a Bounty Hunter and not a merchant.”

“And that you are. I can make you very rich with the best gear bounty hunter in the Galaxy if you want OR—”

“Or? You have been working on something since I saw you on Tatooine. Is it coming to fruition?”

“Heh, sharp eyes. Indeed, if you have been following the news, you know that the Republic is imploding. A massive war is going to happen soon.” The kid said with a plain voice.

“Thanks to you.”

“I was the one who ignited the explosives, not placed them.”


“True. But, I plan to get a share of the metaphorical cake, and I need a workforce; I have resources, hardware, droids, and soon technology like no other.”

“...So you need—Mandalorians?” Jango realised where this was going.

“You are quick to catch on.”

“There is no greater military force in the galaxy than Mandalorians.” The Bounty Hunter pointed out.

“You mean the only military force thanks to the Ruusan Reformation.”

Jango ignored the comment. He focused on more important things.

“Mandalorians won't simply follow you.”

“Indeed, that's why I will become Mandalore.”

“...You would need the lightsaber Vizlas have even to consider that role.”

“That is just a toy. I know something far greater than the Darksaber.”

For a second, Jango stopped in his tracks and looked at the boy on the other side of the hologram.

“Are you saying you found the Mask?”

“I know where it is. It's part of my plan.”

“...Hahaha!” The always serious Bounty Hunter laughed for the first time in ages.

“Amusing, fine, if you show me the mask, I shall follow you free of charge.”

“That was easy. I thought I would need to persuade you more.”

“I saw what you can do. Not everyone can solo a Krayt Dragon, even for a space wizard. On top of this, I want to see this change; if you will change Mandalore, then so be it.”

‘Most importantly, I will have a chance to fight the Jedi.’

“Very well. I will contact you when I have the mask.”

After the call ended, the exchange of the tanks and the cartel who bought them was over. Jango got his cut.

For now, he decided to wait for the kid to do his part. The Mandalorian chose not to take any new work for a while. He wants to see where this is going.


Once the mining equipment was bought, Anakin swiftly started mining and building a refinery for the doonium.

Once this was underway, he would start industrialising the solar system.

In the meantime, the Chosen One took his J-type and flew towards the north of the Galaxy to the system of Dromund Kaas.

The ancient capital of the Sith.

The planet is not even on the Navi Computer, but it was not hard to find since he knew the general location of this world.

As the chrome starship left the hyperspace, he was greeted by debris.

“What a mess.”

Anakin complained as his starship weaved through the debris in the orbit.

“Now, where are you?”

The force sensitive used his connection to the force sense where the vault of the Ancient Sith Emperor, Darth Vitiate.

After flying for a while, he saw an image appear in his mind.

Seeing where to go, he turned his starship and rushed towards the location.

Darth Vitiate was an Ancient Sith Emperor who ruled the Sith as Emperor for a thousand years since the Great Hyperspace War.

His power was terrifying, and his deeds were many. Dramund Kaas was his capital world. And his seat of power was a large space station floating above the said world.

When he arrived at the location, Anakin focused and used The Force for a specific encased glass pedestal to float to his ship.

The Emperor of Sith literally had Mandalore's mask as a trophy on a pedestal.

The Chosen One walked over and made the ramp lower, and the case floated in; the moment the mask was inside, he lifted the ramp with the controls.

With the case inside the ramp area once again pressurised, Anakin walked over and inspected the case.

“Here we go.”

He shattered the glass and removed the T-shaped mask piece. It was Beskar painted in gold.

“The authority to rule the greatest warriors in the galaxy.” He mumbled that to himself as he inspected the mask and looked through it.

“Not the best thing to fight with this on. I should use some of the sorcery I have learned to improve this.”

He commented a little bit before walking back to the cockpit. He placed the mask casually next to the controls before proceeding to fly at full speed and leave the orbit.

There is a certain satisfaction in making the Starships engines go full power.


“Here it is. All in gold, Beskar Steel, this piece of armour was floating in space for several thousand years.” Anakin showed this to the Bounty Hunter over the hologram.

“Damn, You Space Wizards are one crazy bunch.”

“You don't know half of it.” he joked.

“And I don't want to know. Regardless, you have proven to me that you are in, indeed, the new Mandalore. However, it's not as easy as you might think.”

“Yes, yes, I know the culture. I have been learning all of it—more than 5 thousand years of history.” Then, out of nowhere, Anakin proceeded to speak in Mando’a, the language of Mandalorian.

“The clans must acknowledge my rule; I must accept any duels from the pretenders who since my title of Mand’a lor.”

“Impressive; however, your accent is ancient. Hmm, that could be a selling point as well.” Jango acknowledges Anakin’s Mando’a. He didn't expect him to speak so fluently.

This whole deal might work!

“I suppose.”

“Good, now what? Do you have a job for me?”

“I think I do.”


Jango punched the coordinates his—new ruler gave him. It was in the middle of nowhere, but he trusted that Space Wizard enough to fly to this place.

“This is close to Molavar.”

A realisation donned on the Bounty Hunter’s face. It's an undiscovered System! In such a location!

It's close to Tatooine, Hutt Space, and other places. Yet, no one knows! This place is a perfect staging area for something–massive!

A few hours later, the Bounty Hunter’s Firespray exits the Hyperspace. A barren world greeted him with a Lucrehulk orbiting it.

One of the Hangars opened and allowed him to fly in.

Once the ship landed, the bounty Hunter walked down the ramp.

“Such a barren planet. I assume this is where you found the metals?” Jango started to speak when he saw Anakin walking over with a small bunch of droids.

The bounty hunter doesn't even want to know how the kid stole the whole freighter full of battle droids.

“This is the second planet in this solar system; the third is the habitable one.”

“I see. I assume this is your base system, then?”

“Indeed. Let me share what I have been doing.”

The kid motioned for him to follow.

As expected, the vessel was enormous, with a vast storage area, and Jango only saw a small portion of this thing. One could store an entire invasion army in such a massive ship!

“Have you ever heard the legend about Darth Revan?” Anakin asked out of nowhere.

“...No, someone important?”

“He was a Jedi and Sith. A man who won against the Mandalorians in Mandalorian Wars nearly 4 thousand years ago.”

“... That's a long time ago. Does it have anything to do with what you will show me?”

“It does. At the end of the War, Darth Revan left for Unknown Regions of Space.

What he uncovered led to what is known as the Jedi Civil War. Darth Revan returned with a fleet so massive that he nearly wiped out the whole Republic and the Jedi.

You are probably wondering where he got such a fleet. Well—”

Anakin opened the doors, and Jango saw a massive blob of liquid mercury-like thing. It was solid, yet it looked fluid.

“What is that?”

“Heart of the Star Forge. Just a warning. If you put your hand on it, you will go insane. This heart is the Masterpiece of the Rakatan people. The same people who ruled the whole galaxy thousands of years ago, the same heart which allowed Revan to dominate the entire galaxy.

And now this will help us to dominate the galaxy as well.”

“..What is this?”

“...in layman’s terms, this is a Matter convertor.”

“...” Jango was dumbfounded. What he was hearing was miracle stuff. Does such stuff even exist?

“Even if it changes matter, it needs power.”

“Exactly, this is why we are here in this system. Star Forge is a forge which feeds on the Star. Once fully operational, it can build things for us for at least 10 thousand years until it needs to be relocated.”

“...I see… so that's how it is. I suppose this was not madness after all.

Very well. Let's see how far this can go.”

‘I suppose I will get what I want. A chance to kill the Jedi.’


“As you might know. We have a forge and the resources but no modern designs or capital ships. One can't wage war without that.” Anakin started on the first assignment.

“True. You want me to acquire schematics?”

“Precisely. Mandalorian ships and schematics. We shall acquire the companies themselves. With this, the people behind them will be with us.

As far as I know, with the new pacifist rule on Mandalore, the weapons manufacturing and starship manufacturing is declining.”

“Yes, the so-called ‘New Mandalorian’.” Jango scoffed at the new name.

“Right, that won't last. Once we sell Aurodium, we can buy Concordia Crescent Technologies and other Mando-related companies.”

“I see, so what do you want me to get?”

“Something special,” Anakin smirked as he proceeded to pull out a hologram device.

“I want you to get me research of a man named Ruggle Schmong and the schematics found in Sullust Shipyards.”

“...Who is he?”

“He is the one who designed an experimental Heat sink technology. We will be improving on it for our Capital Ships.

To fully utilise it, we need designs found in Sullust’s shipyards.

“...You do realise that this is beyond work for a solo bounty hunter.” Jango pointed out.

“Indeed, you will be creating your Mando Commandos and will be making a diversion, a Trade Federation-style diversion.”

“...I see. You want your whole backbone built from this. Very well, it shall be done.” The Bounty Hunter accepted the mission.

“Indeed, you can promise money to fellow Mandalorians; all we need is them to get on board. After they are on board, they will see what we have to offer.”

“...Right. Stuff appearing from space magic.” Jango sarcastically jokes.

“Pretty much. Now we have things to do and a Galaxy to conquer.”


The Mandalorian was having second thoughts about this. His first mission was to raid one of the biggest shipyards in the Galaxy.

It's almost like that time he got his Slave I.


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