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Sirin breathed heavily as she just used all of her Honkai energy to nuke herself.

'This is impossible! The amount of energy I used should have tilted the planet!'

She thought with a frown as she looked at the guy standing in front of her. He didn't receive a single scratch mark on his body!

Hell! He even made her come out without any single mark from the blast capable of ending life on the planet!

This was nuts! She is using more energy than Will of Honkai provides to her!

What kind of creature is this thing which looks like a human!?

"...You…You…What are you!?" The Void Queen asked with a worried look she was even considering retreating, but is that even possible!?

She is spent… like honestly…spent… she doubts she could resist him anymore.

"Do you want a short version or a long version?"

The Herrscher of Void frowned for a second, he is STILL not taking this seriously. She tried to end life on Earth at least two times and he still takes her as a joke.

'This is fine with me… Let's talk longer, my reserves are refilling faster if I don't use any of my void powers.'

"Longer version. After all, you want my attention. I will be generous and grant what you want." Sirin said that in her queenly tone.

"As expected from my darling Queen. It appears those ice-cold walls around you are crumbling." He said that with a pleased tone. Which made the Void Queen's eyebrow twitch.

As IF! All she is doing is wasting time! She only needs to recharge her Honkai energy! Once she is back at maximum she will find a way and crush him under her feet!

"Just say it. There is no need to mock me."

"Mock you? You don't understand do you?"


"If I wanted to defeat you and bring Kiana Kaslana back I could have done that a very long time ago. Even now I am allowing you to regain your strength." He said that with a very serious tone which made Sirin feel chills run down her very being.

Fear returned with revenge. It was more primal than ever before!

At that moment portals surrounded the man from all directions. She even followed his advice and they appeared under his feet.

Massive void spears slammed into his body. Yet…

Nothing has happened!

To make it even worse he grabbed one and squeezed so hard that it cracked and shattered into nothingness…

This was absurd!

'How powerful is he to crack and shatter the void itself!?'

[It appears you need help…]

Sirin's eyes widened! That voice!

'Be silent! Don't you see that I am fighting this creature! I have no time for a pathetic girl like you!'

Internally she lamented that she grew this weak… to the point that Kiana awakened!?

[He is not just your enemy but mine as well. We should fight him together.] Kiana said as she doesn't like how this guy is talking.


[We should join hands… Do you have any other choice?]

The Void Queen thought about this… By this point, she accepts any help… Even if she has to accept that pathetic girl…

They are the same after all…Even if her other half is a pathetic weakling.

'Fine… but I am in charge!'

[As long as you don't cross a few very important things…]

Sirin snorted. She has no idea if she will survive past this guy in the first place.



Marcus for a second frowned as he sensed something in the space-time continuum. As well as the Herrscher in front of him. Sirin just got a massive boost in strength.

'What's with this shonen-ish like buff?'

The moment the Herrscher opened her eyes she had blue pupils but the eyes were still golden…

'Merged with Kiana? Did I make her take a route I never even considered possible!?'

That moment the Void Queen was gone and appeared in front of Marcus and went for hand-to-hand combat.

This time she was utterly good.

Like she spends many months or even years training!

Marcus needed to start using slow motion to dodge many fists which were coming at his face. He was doing that instinctually.

Eventually, she took a step back and had a  look of realisation.

"Your power… It's time."

The teen's eyes for a second widened…that voice… it's no longer Sirin…it was Kiana? But…

"You fully merged with Kiana Kaslana… You became a human with Herrscher Powers…"

She snorted hearing how he described it.

"A Herrscher is still a Herrscher, a God is still a God no matter the sacrifices I needed to make."

"You sacrificed limitless resources for better control of your body?"

'No…she needed to do this because Kiana most likely started to gain control back as I had tired Sirin out.'

Marcus realised that this was an unforeseen development he never considered.

"I have more than enough experience and Power to make you surrender under my foot." The Herrscher said with a hateful frown.

'Hehehe… It's working… She said 'surrender' not 'die'. Her icy walls are crumbling.'

Once again she lunged at him. With Sirin's expertise in Void and Kiana's proficiency in martial arts, it was quite bad for Marcus to stay close.

As the girl ended up grabbing him as he stopped slowing down time. He wanted to see what she would do.

Eventually, she delivered a powerful spin kick which should have broken several bones in any Valkyrie.

Followed by void cubes which swallowed him whole and then started to rearrange. Such an attack would have made a regular person lose limbs and turn into cubes of flesh.

Though a few seconds later the cube cracked and Marcus simply walked out of it without any sort of scratch.

Sirin who saw this frowned even more. This was bad… She has no freaking idea what to do anymore!!!

"Do you surrender? I do love when my darling shows off her powers. But by this point you are just trying to get those extra points which you already earned long ago from yours truly."

"This doesn't make sense! Your power is time but you are not Herrscher! You don't have Honkai! Yet, I can't hurt you!!!" The white-haired beauty by this point screamed out from frustration!

"Oh…I see… So you can't sense me. If you could then you think that you can find a way to beat me?

Darling. You should have told me that from the very beginning of our battle. I would have humoured you and revealed a fraction of what I can do."

The moment he said that he closed his eyes.

That moment Sirin caught a breath in her lungs. It was… as if the entire reality stopped in its tracks!

'What is he doing now!?'


With a burst of fire, Kiana melted more of Schicksal mech as they finally were out in the clear.

Both Himeko and Tesla were shocked and impressed by what Herrscher can do when one is on their side.

It was like a tidal wave that washes anything away from their path!

"We are almost there! I can sense void usage not far from here. And from the looks of it, the coast is clear as well! Mei and Bronya did their part!" Herrscher of Flamescion said with a small grin. She was happy to be working as a whole team again!

Only this time all of them were Herrschers!

"The Void Queen is still around? Is this Marcus you talking truly powerful?" Tesla asked with a frown. She doesn't know him so she is suspicious.

"He has the means to travel between worlds! I saw him turn Mei into a cute little girl with a snap of his fingers! I have no doubt he is powerful!"

Himeko noticed how Kiana was defensive when it came to him.

'A crush? How curious…'  The red-haired Valkyrie was very interesting in this development. She would like to see more of this!

"Then why is she still not knocked out!?" The red-haired scientist said with a snappy tone. A loose Herrscher is a threat to the planet! Regardless of the situation. An eruption has happened and it will kill millions of people.

"I don't know! We're almost there!"

Kiana eventually saw a few people waiting, looking at something.

It was Raiden Mei, Herrscher Mei, Bronya, and Theresa.


At that moment Herrscher Mei and Raiden Mei looked back!

Valkyrie Mei was utterly shocked to see THIS Kiana!

"Oh…right… Two Mei's… Wow…imagine…double the amount of food…" Herrscher of Flamescion said with a dreamy tone. This made everyone facepalm.

Herrscher of Thunder just sighed as she smacked her hand on top of Kiana's head. There was a little bit of red lightning in her hand.

This was that Kiana would feel something from that smack.

"We have no time for this. Marcus has tired the Herrscher of Void down to the point that she has to employ hand-to-hand combat." The Thunder Queen said with a serious tone. However, this is strange. What is he waiting for? Why didn't he knock her out?

Himeko and Teala looked at the guy, he was facing the Void Queen.

The Herrscher of Void was breathing heavily, she no longer was floating instead she was just standing there with a very weary look on her face.

"Where is her dragon?" Himeko asked curiously.

"I took care of it. No more surprises from it."

Herrscher Mei said with crossed arms.

The red-haired Valkyrie nodded that she had issues with that thing before but she is happy to hear that there are no surprises anymore.

Then it happened…

At that moment everything just stopped. The world, the air, no one could breathe anymore. Even the three Herrscher had looked in utter disbelief.

A pillar of purple light erupted from Marcus' body!

He was doing something so intense that everything just stopped!


In a dark world, Marcus was just standing there with closed eyes.

Slowly the darkness started to move. A stream of some sort started to manifest.

[Comprehending composition]

[Adjusting to the governing rules]

[Imposing my will]

[Compressing Core]

[Selecting power]

As he opened his eyes they were no longer brown. Instead, they were purple, and the pupil itself was golden.

This was eyes or a Herrscher!

By the time his world returned to how it was before. Him standing in front of his darling Queen.

The Queen in question was just looking at him as if he was the biggest freak in the whole damn world!

Because she can now sense him! And it made her legs go numb!

"...You…You…You became a Herrscher!" She said with a voice full of heavy fear.

"Not any Herrscher, but Herrscher of Change."

As he said that he spread his hands. Golden particles started to gather around him as his regular clothes shifted and became that of Herrscher. He was wearing armour and a golden Halo appeared behind him. Which looked like a clock.

"This is madness… utter madness…"

Sirin shook her head. She was in utter despair. Because of the amount of Honkai Energy Marcus was emitting. He was a monster. Even by their standards! It's like. he was the centre of the world. The gravity itself. An actual God!

"I revealed a fraction of my power and all I hear is you complaining." He said with a disappointed tone.

This was enough! The White-haired Herrscher lunged at him with a void spear she was targeting to skewer him once and for all!

But this time she felt like she got slower and slower… before she just stopped in her tracks! Her eyes were shaking from disbelief that she couldn't move any more!

"Space-time continuum is like a river. You are a being who is aware of this river. But you do not see the boundaries of it or are aware of how big it is.

Your Herrscher power gave you this awareness. On other hand, I had an understanding of this before deciding to 'descend' as Herrscher. I even did this so that you could understand the sheer gap between you and me, darling." As he said that he grabbed her hand and made her release the spear and drop it.

Once he did that he stroked her cheek with his other hand. He realised that his hand was armoured so he dismissed the protection entirely and proceeded to stroke her cheek.


"You're probably wondering what will happen next, I will take you with me of course."

Though he got quite a reaction as Sirin's eyes rolled back and she passed out!

At that moment Marcus panicked!


He swiftly caught her and pulled her into his hug. At that moment he realised that he had completely misunderstood her! She was fighting for survival so the moment he said that he would take her away, she thought that he would do experiments on her and that kind of stuff.

This is Sirin he was thinking about!

At that moment quite a bit of fury rose in his gut. Because of the amount shit she had to go through, his gaze snapped in a certain direction.

Though…before he could do anything the group of females arrived in front of him.

The trio of Herrschers looked at him with worry.

"Mark! What happened!?" Kiana asked with worry. She approached him with a worried look.

"I am fine. I decided to become a Herrscher just so that this girl could grasp what she is facing… It appears it has taken a toll on her psyche."

Marcus picked her up in a princess carry. He has completely dismissed his Herrscher clothes. This way he could cuddle this beauty he was holding in his hands.

"...Decided to become…" Kiana muttered to herself, the other people had the same utterly shocked and baffled look! Only Herrscher of Thunder Raiden Mei had a similar experience. But it wasn't on such a whim! She had no choice!

But Marcus… became one because he wanted someone to feel his presence as an opponent!?

What does he think Herrschers are? A club!?

"Yes. It's not hard when you understand the laws governing the whole reality." He said while looking at Kiana with a smile.


She should have known… if he can deal with Honkai Beats of the whole world… at once…then he should be VERY powerful.

So for him to become a Herrscher… Should not be hard.


Mei's voice got Marcus' attention. He looked at the much less serious Mei.

"Marcus…yes? What are you going to do with the Kiana you are holding?"

At that moment the atmosphere got quite stiff…

Herrscher Mei frowned …hard…

"...Mark you going to remove the Void core, yes? You can do that with your Time powers." Herrscher Kiana said with a clueless tone. She still believed that Marcus will take only the core.


"Hmm?" His denial confused her, what does he mean?

"Kiana. Our deal was that I get Herrscher of Void. My goal is to make her my girlfriend."


As he said, his fingers stroked the unconscious Sirin's face. There was a lot of tenderness in his actions.

"...Marcus…this…this doesn't make…sense!!!"

Kiana exclaimed with uncharacteristic anger.

"It does. Our deal was very simple. Save this timeline, save Himeko from her certain death. Deal with Honkai Beasts in the world."

As he said that the Golden halo behind him manifested once again it floated down and changed from a vertical to a horizontal position.

It started to expand and grow rapidly in size.

"Now witness the Power of Herrscher of Change. Even the Will of Honkai can't resist the wish for a change!"

***World Reset!***

That moment the sound of the clock spread through the entire planet and beyond.

Few changes have happened, or more like experience change. The Tunguska event never happened. The Will of Honkai believed that human civilization was reset.

Otto Apocalypse had a change of heart… he now wants to make video games full-time…so, he will retire and become the greatest gamer and game creator in the whole milky way galaxy!

"What happened?" Himeko asked as she felt something.

"I fulfilled my promise to Kiana," Marcus said as he was having a blast hugging Herrscher of Void in his hands. He even started to float in the air as if he was sitting and holding the beauty on his lap.

"I gave you back your lost years and now the Will of Honkai believes that humanity has been reset. This gives humanity around 1000 to 20000 years until the Will realises that there is a huge human civilization on the planet's surface."

His explanation made their mouths open wide. That thing did all that!?

While Kiana's mood just continues to drop.

It was dropping…even she didn't know why! And it was infuriating! Why is she so against all of this!?

Her eyes ended up on her counterpart resting in Marcus' hands. It was…it was it!

She is jealous! She is jealous of her evil self! The evil self which made people suffer, the evil self which tortured her…

And now…and now…and now… her Evil self will have the full attention of the guy which she…she…she likes!?

'Did I replace the loss of Aunt Himeko with the loss of Marcus….L-L-Love!?'

Realisation crashed on her very being! T-This was a fight she won't lose! Never! Not against herself! She beat it before!


Then Aunt Himeko's voice brought her back from her thoughts.

"Aunt Himeko…" The Herrscher of Flamescion showed a fake smile. She was so happy that Himeko was alright, BUT this positive feeling is drowning in a sea of bitterness.

"I guess you can't catch a break. You finished one battle now you are preparing for another." She said that while looking where Kiana was looking. The pair were looking where Marcus was just floating in the air with the Herrscher of Void in his hands.

Himeko didn't need an explanation to know what was happening.

"Though this one is a different sort of fight. Your Herrscher powers won't be needed. I suggest a different sort of approach. Not that I can help you much. My luck outside of Valkyrie business is not that great." Himeko's words made Kiana blush like a tomato. Did…did she just have a conversation about boys with Aunt Himeko!?

"I-I understand."

"Good. Not every day you can date a Herrscher, a good Herrscher who can fix entire world problems."

Now that Himeko put it this way… Kiana realised what this means… The guy is so powerful…it's not even fair.

But fairness is not the point. He just saved this world by using his power. He gave humanity a lot of breathing space. Alot of time to prepare and find means to deal with Honkai.

However, the only issue she is having is that he got infatuated with the wrong person!

Herrscher of Void is evil! It tortured her! It made her life a living hell!

She furiously thought about it. Then she realised something. Even if it's evil… It's still her! It's still Kiana Kaslana.

This means…he likes her as well!!! The only reason he most likely didn't pursue her is that she treated him like a friend!?

At that moment Kiana Kaslana slapped her forehead with a very hard and very loud smack.

She got the attention of everyone. Seeing this Marcus decided that it was time.

"Anyway, we have finished our business here. I can sense Schicksal is regrouping. It won't be long before they will be here." Marcus' words brought everyone's attention.

"Theresa, you will be most likely to inherit Schicksal."

"W-What!? What do you mean by that?"

"For what Otto did to my Sirin and many other people, I have punished him. He will step down from his position as Overseer. You will most likely be appointed as his successor." Marcus' explanation made sense but at the same time everyone felt chill going down their spines. What power is that? What Herrscher of Change can do? He can mess with people's heads!?

An opponent none of them would want to mess with. While the trio decided to make sure they watch over him. To make sure he never abuses such absurd power.

"I-I Understand."

"Great. Now everyone says goodbye to your Principal and Himeko we are going back."

The three Herrschers nodded and proceeded to do just that. Truthfully the red-haired Valkyrie was flustered when all three of them proceeded to hug her.

While this was happening Raiden Mei was feeling growing fear inside of her! Is-is he taking her Kiana with him!?

"Hold it! You can't take Kiana with you! She is an important member of my Valkyrie team!" Valkyrie Mei said that with steel in her voice. She is ready to fight him. Even if it's utterly futile.

"Don't worry. You will get your Kiana back. At this moment I can't just make her appear as it would cause a time paradox. But you will get her back once we are gone."


"Don't worry, I am making sure there are no lingering things left behind. Besides, what I am holding is Sirin who merged with Kiana. The Kiana you know no longer exists.

What I am doing is a favour for you. You will get your Kiana back. Something only a Herrscher who has power over time could do."

Raiden Mei's eyes widened and she felt fear towards what she heard, then relief, followed by gratefulness. All this was seen by the Herrscher of Thunder. The Queen of Thunder looked at the interactions between her naive self and Marcus. It appears he is kind even to this version of her.

Good to know…

Less than five minutes later Marcus motioned for the three Herrschers to follow him.

"Let's go. I stopped holding back Schicksal forces. The maid and Fu Hua should be arriving soon." As he said that white portal opened behind them.

Kiana one more time looked at her Aunt Himeko before turning around and walking through the portal.

She did it. This knot in her heart has been undone. Now to focus on different things.


As the portal closed behind them, Raiden Mei nervously looked around. She was wondering where is Kiana!?

Did he lie to her!?

But that moment she heard something!


"Yeah. It's like something is falling…" Tesla said as was trying to look for the source.

Just a second later they heard it properly!

It was Kiana!

Raiden Mei looked up. She saw Kiana was freefalling!

Though it was too late as the white-haired slammed into Mei.

"Sorry… one moment I was doing my thing…next moment I was falling…" Kiana said while stroking her head.

Though the Valkyrie Mei didn't care! She just hugged clueless Kiana who didn't mind when Mei just wanted to hug her!

"I see…so this is what is meant by paradox. He could not have two Kiana Kaslana of the same timeline at the same time so when he took that Herrscher away he made this one appear." Tesla said while fixing her glasses.

She then curiously inspected Kiana's Honkai energy levels.


"She has no core and her Honkai levels are the basic level for a Valkyrie…she is as mundane as one could get in a Valkyrie." The redhead scientist said with a bored tone.

"...Mundane is fine by me!" Raiden Mei said while continuing to hug the white-haired girl.


"I don't care anymore…. Let's just get this over with." Theresa said as she massaged her head. This was one wild ride after another. She doubts she would want to visit an amusement park anytime soon.

"Indeed Theresa-sama. Overseer wants to see you. We can safely say that your rebellious streak is over?" Rita Rossweise's voice said from behind them. The whole group turned around and saw a maid and Fu Hua dressed in black armour. Behind them, there was a small army of mechs waiting.

'That lover boy wasn't lying…the moment they left they just appeared.' Himeko thought with a frown. That Marcus' power is absurd if they can mess with the perception of time like that.


As the group of four and one unconscious reappeared in the hangar area. The Herrscher powers like illusion disappeared on them. It was like they didn't exist in the first place.

Sirin, who he was holding in his hands, had her clothes changed as well. She was dressed in iconic Kiana's Valkyrie uniform. The only difference was her hair was loose. Otherwise one could not tell them apart.

Kiana in question looked at Sirin in Marcus' hands. She had an unreadable look. There was a certain steel resolve in her blue eyes.

"Well, are you three now happy? Can we place that place behind us now?" Marcus said with a tired tone. He didn't wait for an answer, instead he proceeded to walk toward the living quarters.

The trio swiftly started to walk after him.

"Yes… It was much more than I expected." Mei was the first one to answer. She learned a lot. Like a lot. Not only she got closure. Knowing that there is a living Murata Himeko in another timeline.

But she learned the scale of Marcus' absurd power. His power was at the level of miracles. He could do so much. The only issue is that they need to motivate him.

"Bronya agrees with Mei. Predictions of your power…"


"Yes. Your strength is godly. Bronya wishes to apologise for the doubt. You have such strength, underhanded methods for you are not necessary. No, you limit yourself with rules." The silver-haired girl wanted to smack her previous self for doubting that he was plotting something!

This guy just became a Herrscher to prove something! How ridiculous is that!?

"True. It's hard to explain. My power is simply time. I exist outside time. This makes me as powerful as I want." He explained more to Bronya who started to grasp the scale.

Does this mean he can help her with Seele?

Though she is not like Kiana…starts begging. She has not reached such a level, yet.

As they arrived in the living quarters Marcus took the unconscious Sirin to one of the empty rooms.

Once he placed her on the bed he proceeded to wait for her to wake up.

While this was happening Kiana observed it from the side. She was quite annoyed at how…caring he is with this evil Herrscher.

She is 100% certain he knows what this Herrscher did in her timeline. In the 3rd eruption, she hurt Mei. Because of what Sirin did Himeko died. The list of things she did is enormous. The body count is not small either.

Yet… He is focusing on Sirin instead of her!

This just made her annoyed so she went to her room and hid under bed sheets. She needs to think of a plan.


Marcus looked at the sleeping Sirin. She looked utterly adorable in this vulnerable state. He looked at her for a few minutes before returning to his thinking.

He remembered how their powers disappeared like it was an illusion.

This made him remember the tree and sea of Quanta. The source of life and power of everything in Honkai verse.

Now that he was a Herrscher before he can inspect himself.

To no surprise, he has no core, or Herrscher power to speak off.

This means that this stuff doesn't exist outside the influence of the tree.

Honestly, this is just sad. Will he be able to enjoy looking at the Herrscher forms of the girls? That's just a downer.

'No. I can't allow this to pass.'

As Marcus thought about this he proceeded to pull out his book and made a simple alternation.

Just like that the core of Herrscher of Change was back with him.

This means all the cores reappeared in the girls.

This was good because he didn't want drama from all FOUR of them this time around. None of these girls want to lose progress like that.

After dealing with this he returned to his wait. His wait was not pointless as he summoned a computer console and proceeded to do some work.

Eventually, several hours later Sirin's eyes fluttered open.


'This was one crazy dream…' Sirin thought to herself as she dreamed how she faced some sort of God of Time who decided to become a Herrscher just to prove something to her.

It was a one-sided slaughter, a traumatic one as well. Nothing she did even worked against him. It was so one-sided that she passed out!

'Thankfully it's just—'

That moment she realised something… something was off… the ceiling, it was unfamiliar, it was not the dorms. Not only that but…she was Kiana and Kiana was her. Something has happened.

Then she saw him…

Her whole face at that moment paled.

She then instinctually pointed her hand and tried to summon a portal to summon a void spear.

"Are you asking for a hug first thing in the morning? So cute." His comment made her pale complex disappear instead she had an indignant blush.


"What did you do? Where are we?" She asked him, while she brushed aside that embarrassment.

"I did what I said I would do. You are in my private dimension. Far away from your universe. In this place, Honkai and its corrupting Will don't exist."

As he said that she noticed that her clothes were Kiana Kaslana Valkyrie's clothes. This was…did he say the truth!?

"...You…don't want my Herrscher powers, it doesn't even exist in this place. Why did you even take me then!?" She said with a frown, her face full of confusion. This guy is an enigma!

"You are not that stupid. I asked you before. Where do you want our first date to be? In an expensive restaurant or a picnic outside? We could visit a different world and go on a date there."



"W-Who wants to go on a date with you!? Are you mad!?" Blush returned to her face she exclaimed angrily with a stutter.

"I am mad for my Void Queen." He said with a not-caring shrug.

"GAHHHH! You are insane!!!"

At that moment she buried herself under the bed sheets.

'So this is how Herrscher of Void looks like when she can't nuke herself, so cute.'


Scott H (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-03 09:40:24 Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)
2024-01-03 09:40:24 Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)
2024-01-03 09:40:24 Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)
2024-01-03 09:40:24 Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)
2024-01-03 09:40:24 Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)
2023-12-25 20:17:53 Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)

Really hope to get more of this one. I want to see more of romancing the Honkai trio (and void queen)


Damn, don't know much about honkai, never played the game. However, I am interested in seeing how the story develops.