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"I will have to respectfully decline Archer. I am a knight and my allegiance lies with my Master who is your Master's enemy." Saber said that firmly. But, she was quite a bit out of her element…

She never, ever expected to be courted… on the battlefield… more specifically in a battle royale setting!

"Ha! I have expected that! And that just make you so much more endearing!" Gilgamesh was not dissapointed or anything like that! Finally, someone had enough guts to say no to him!

Only Saber was even more… shocked than him… She expected for King of Heroes to snap at her, for declining him like that.

Even to attack her, since this was a battle royale, but she was quite shocked seeing how he reacted to her answer.

"In the end, this can't proceed because we are Servants, very well then. We shall discuss this after the war is over." After saying that Gilgamesh got up from his chair and recalled everything back into his Gate of Babylon.

He then leisurely walked over to Saber.

The King of Knights was slightly on edge but not so much after hearing all that from Archer.

One could say she slightly understand him better now, and maybe even subconsciously knows he won't going to attack her out of blue.

The King of Heroes lifted his hand and a portal opened above his palm.

Moments later a covered plate appeared and landed on his hand.

"I noticed that you liked the food in the banquet, think of this as after banquet gift." He then handed over to the dumbstruck blonde.

When Saber realised what this means she started to get extremely embarrassed, she can't believe she was spotted enjoying her food this much!

After all, Servants don't need to eat.

"Umm… my thanks King of Heroes." Saber took the plate while looking away.

Not daring to show her face.

'I have to think about something else! This is extremely embarrassing!'

Then she remembered!

"Archer, you didn't tell me what is your wish?" She asked this while quickly getting over her embarrassment and pushing the idea of eating the delicious food away...for now.

All she got was raised eyebrow from him.

"Where you got this idea what I have a wish?" He asked her curiously.

This was not something she expected to hear.

"Isn't a wish… the reason why you accepted the summoning? To get your wish granted?" She asked with raised eyebrow.

The blonde king of Mesopotamia shook his head.

"No, not at all. At my time every single treasure in the world was in my vault, grail is one of them, all I am doing is returning it to its rightful place." He explained in a casual and very obvious manner.

"...I see… it will have to wait King of Heroes because I will be the one to get it first." She said with a challenging smirk.

"Hahaha! Good, that's the spirit! Finish your fight with Lancer and don't worry, I will assist you in this, no one will interfere in your duel." After saying that he turned around.

"I will see you tomorrow Saber."

And then disappeared in a gust of golden particles.

Saber stood there dumbly for a few moments. Yes, it was all bravado, she has no idea what he has stored in his vault.

And she does believe he has all the treasures there.

It will be a fight she has no idea how to win…

'Didn't he say that he will talk about this after the war? How does that even work!? Servants disappear after war is over? Just how powerful is he if he can keep Servants around after war!?' Saber with quite a panicky look thought about this, is he going to continue to court her after the war is done and she has no excuse?

Before she can say anything to Irisviel the white-haired woman collapsed next to her.

Saber wanted to rush to capture her properly but the dish she was holding in her hand!

She doesn't want to drop it!

So, the King of Knights awkwardly caught the woman.


She tried to call the white-haired woman but she was unconscious…


Well, this is just annoying. Tokiomi still used Assasin in such a wasteful manner.

With a burst of golden particles, I appeared in his office, sitting on the same couch I always do.

"That was very wasteful of you Tokiomi, but then again you needed to get rid of Assassin in some way," I said while crossing my hands and leaning into the couch.

"My apologies your Excellency, but the opportunity was far too good to pass."


"Indeed it was, and I confirmed what I needed with the reveal of his army," I said with a bored shrug.

"His Noble Phantasm is something beyond I have ever expected it to be." Tokiomi truthfully said, he was slightly worried.

"Don't be ridiculous, remember what you said the very first day you summoned me? Nothing has changed, maybe if the enemy was fellow demi-god like Karna or my friend Enkidu there would have been some... competition.

But King of Conquerors in end is just a human with an army, a nonetheless it is a powerful Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, he would be a powerful foe for my Saber who has anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm herself.

But against me? There is no need to worry, unless he has a hidden Divine Construct up his sleeve there is no competition.

It was nothing more than me being respectful to another King who achieved one of the greatest conquest of his time." I explained to him, it was true, and there is no need to sugarcoat it, Iskandar is a powerful Servant but the difference was as they say…

Like Heaven and Earth.

"Rest easy Tokiomi. I will do the same, maybe take a nap haven't done that in days…" After saying that I disappeared, leaving the thoughtful Head of the Tohsaka family behind.


In one of the spare rooms, I rematerialised and took a seat on a couch, crossed my legs and leaned fully into it.

Then I closed my eyes and 'dived' into the vault.

It was time to sort some things and check some piles I haven't done yet.

Perfectly honest I don't trust my hedonist side at all, it's like remembering those embarrassing days of being a teenager.

All those silly mistakes, well in my case serious mistakes just embarrassing to remember.

So, I need to prepare several new loadout of weapons for my Gate of Babylon and test some functions which I never tried before.

As one probably guess it's not as easy as it sounds, it's like sorting out one's download folder.

A tedious job.

Eventually, I stumbled upon something which…

Pissed me off beyond belief…

I opened my eyes and lifted my hand and a portal opened and a miniature version of Bab-ilu dropped into my hand.

"Seriously...what the fuck is wrong with you? Locking away Sha Naqba Imuru? And then erasing your memory of having it?" I was quite literally dumbstruck after finding this, the moment the key landed in my hand, some of the memories resurfaced.

One of them being a forceful sealing of his Clairvoyance and then throwing away the key into the vault and then erasing the memory of having it…

Because it's fucking boring! Boring!

Without thinking much about the stupidity of my hedonist side I send some prana into the key and unlocked my Sha Naqba Imuru.

The Omniscient Omnipotent Star, a continuous active Noble Phantasm which allows me to use Clairvoyance of EX level…

A few moments later the key sunk into space and at that moment like a portion of me that I didn't know was missing has returned.

The moment I started to think the moment my question got answered…

Not only do I know how I am going to get reincarnated but I know how to get some more action with Saber and might end up getting her as Servant…

Well, a shot of getting her as a Servant, after all, I am not like my hedonist side, I can take things slowly with her.

And if it fails with this war, which will, since she a knight and serves her Master to the very end. All I need to do is get her catalyst and resummon her as my Servant and Knight.

Once that is done I can slowly remove those walls she has around her.

"Now that I have part of me back we can get back to work…" I changed my sitting position slightly and started testing Gate ot Babylon.

Going through different ways to call forth portals.

Copying some moves from Vlad the Impaler, then checking out how fast is the reload is.

With Sha Naqba Imuru it's possible to make Gate of Babylon open in synchronisation.

Summoning portals with weapons to the exact location where the enemy would dodge.

And that is just one of many uses of Omnipotent Star alongside Gate of Babylon.

Of course, all the tests were done with limitless coins I had in the vault.

Once the tests were done I summoned one of the fully charged Holy grails I had.

Yes… found them in a pile with items branded 'boring'.

There are 7 fully charged grails and 15 empty ones.

I was thinking of reincarnation here and right now, but that is just rash thinking.

By this point, my reincarnation is just a question of when.

If I am to reincarnate at this moment then the Archer position will be branded as defeated, and with the defeat of Lancer, Irisviel will die and turn into a cup.

Knowing Saber she will be quite sad with her death, so I should save those which the King of Knights cares about.

This will help me to look like I am always in control and know what I am doing.

The best part Sha Naqba Imuru gave the best solution for everything.

"With solid plan in mind… it's time to upgrade my vault…" I said with a smirk as I looked at the floating cup in my hand.

Time to think of proper wording for this.


With a burst of gold particles I manifested in Tokiomi's room, he was resting and it was a good time, to start properly moving in this war.

His actions with Assassin reminded me that he doesn't make a good advisor and likes to make moves of his own without telling his King.

And since the Grail War is approaching later stages I can't allow him to move on his own it's something I can't allow him to do.

With a mere thought, a stone book appeared in my hand.

I flipped it, and the letter manifested there.


A golden glow surrounded the body of Tohsaka Master.

It was a simple but powerful sleep spell that will make Tokiomi sleep for several days.

By the time he will wake up the war will be over.

Then I motioned with my hand for a portal to open and a golden cup dropped from it and landed next to the sleeping Tohsaka.

"Just like I said, a Holy grail, with one use, I kept my promise Tokiomi."

As said, this holy grail is of human creation and will only work once after that it will crumble…

Not that he can use it right now without charging it up for 20 to 50 years depending on how the cup is charged.

Most of all this thing can only grant magecraft based wish, not that I will leave a more powerful grail than the one we were fighting for.

After I put Tokiomi to sleep I made sure to make the house look like the Tohsaka magus has left to somewhere else.

Bringing all the stuff like a coat and shoes to his room and then sealed the room with runes which made the room look like it don't exist.

The reason for such preparation is that when Emiya Kiritsugu arrives here the only thing he will find is that Tohsaka Tokiomi has left to somewhere else.

In truth, he was just sleeping in a hidden room.

Otherwise If not properly set up the man will realise something is off and will try to blow up the house, and I don't want to waste my time hunting for a mere human.

That's why the best set-up is to believe that Tohsaka Master simply left the house.

"Right with this, I can enjoy the rest of war as I see fit without worrying about a Master who can order me with those pesky seals."

After the whole set-up is done I decided to rest for the first time since I was summoned.


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