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Rey looked at Vulpix in front of him, it was a beautiful and quite fluffy Pokemon.

He pulled out his Pokedex and scanned the Pokemon.


[Fox Pokemon]

[Type: Fire]

[Ability: Flash Fire]

[Gender: Female]

[Moves: Ember, Tail Whip, Disable, Quick Attack]

'Very basic move set, this means recently caught or recently hatched, not that I care.'

Ray having one of these is to have a beautiful pet like Pokemon. Yes, he wants a travelling companion, Growlithe at this moment is out of reach so he will take the Fox Pokemon as a replacement, plus they have a great nose, such things will help him in finding Pokemon or berries.

After checking the Pokemon moves, the Junior Professor pocketed his Pokedex and got down to the Fire-type level.

The Fox Pokemon was looking very curious at him.

"Hello little one, my name is Ray. I am your new trainer."

Vulpix slightly moved her head to the side. She was a little bit confused. However, from the looks of it, this little thing doesn't have attitude problems which is fantastic news for him.

At this moment he doesn't want to split his attention especially when he has Deino on his hands.

"Why don't we get a snack first?"

As Ray said he pulled out some of the Pokemon food he prepared beforehand. He had some of the food specifically for the Fire-types.

This is after all to make a good first impression for the newest Pokemon.

And it worked quite a bit as the Fox Pokemon started to eat it from his hand.

'I wish it could be this easy with Deino.'.

As he was feeding his Vulpix his mind wandered off to Deino, the Irrate Pokemon. He knows he will have to get to the base instinctual level with that Dark/Dragon type.

The Junior Professor needs to establish the fact that he is the food provider and work front there out. He will need to make sure to empower that by making the Pokemon realise that he is not just its food provider but a delicious food provider. The more the better.

But before that can happen he will need to beat that Deino up, the pecking order has to be established.

After feeding his newest Fire Pokemon, it was time to prepare for Lavender Town and his Ghost-Type Pokemon hunt. For that, he returned to the Pokemon Centre. Ray motioned for the Fox Pokemon to follow him.

The pair took a seat in the comfortable seats provided for the trainers.

The Junior Professor pulled out his laptop and went through some web surfing. It was time to refresh his memory on Ghost-types. Especially the Ghastly evolutionary line.

Thankfully this Pokemon is quite researched by the Kanto Professors.

'Regardless, from their fighting style, I need a ranged move for my Pawniard.'

Thinking on the shortcomings of his Steel/Dark type. Ray opened the Lavender City General store and checked out the prices on Dark Pulse T.M.

'I expected it to cost more but this is good. I guess Ghost-types are not that interesting for the majority of the trainers.'

He mentally confirmed that when he remembered that Professor Oak's Ranch barely has any sort of Ghost-types.

'Strange… is it fear of not grasping how to train them?'

He recalled that it's either one extreme, either you are good and you have several Ghost-types or you don't have it at all.

'Well, it doesn't matter. I will have one at least and am going to raise it into a Gengar.'

The reason why he wants one is that their fighting style is extremely unique, he wants to have a roster with a multitude of different styles of Pokemon. Like Pawniard's Swordsmanship, Nidoking's all-rounder brute strength, and Milotic's defensive aggressiveness.

Followed by Gyarados' sheer size and the water force it can generate.

Ray's idea is to make his Pokemon's most natural fighting style flourish because it's the most natural thing to do.

After thinking about his fighting style the Junior Professor ordered his Dark Pulse to be brought to Lavender Pokemon Centre.

Once he did that he looked at his notes on Ghastly-line Pokemon.

The most annoying part is they are guerilla-style fighters, they can't take physical damage, however, ranged elemental attacks are fair game.

But, it becomes a slaughter feast when their ability to disappear and reappear disappears with a move such as Foresight.

A quite rare move. By the way,

Thinking about this for a bit more Ray looked through the window. He saw that he still has around 40 to 50 minutes of sunlight.

He then checked his Poke balls.

The Pokemons he has with him are; Charmeleon, Chansey, Vulpix, Nidoking, Pawniard, and Skorupi.

Deino is with the Professor who is doing some research on him from distance. The old man has never researched such wild and ferocious Pokemon.

The Irrate Pokemon is simply on a different level even Gyarados is more reasonable that this Dark/Dragon Pokemon.

But it just makes Ray want to train him more.

Thinking about his plan he will have quite a bit of time to train up his roster after getting Ghastly.

His next Gym is Vermillion city and Electric-types, he doesn't think it will be difficult, since he has 4 Ground-types.

However, he is still preparing to face Electric-types. Get some techniques to direct electricity and thunder to the ground.

His ultimate goal with this is to face Zapdos, he will be getting back at that insolent Pokemon.

"Vulpix, let's go outside for some training." As he said that he got up from his seat, just remembering Zapdos made him turn serious and burning with the need to train!

His Fox Pokemon followed after him as he got outside.

He pulled out his Poke Balls.

And one by one started to summon his Pokemon.

Once all of his four Pokemon surrounded him, they all looked like they were ready to get some work done. They all sensed that their trainer was itching to work some sweat.

However, there was a newcomer among them as well. It was a Skorupi, the Scorpion Pokemon, the Poison/Bug-type was confused as it looked around.

The four Pokemon noticed the new guy and they looked at him curiously.

"Guys! Meet the new team members, we have Skorupi and Vulpix. I traded those Magnemites and got some rare Pokemon." Ray said that as he pointed out at the two smaller Pokemon.

At this moment these two were the smallest Pokemon of his group, Skorupi could rival his Pawniard but that's because of its Scorpion tail.

Sure enough, everyone started to greet the new guys. The most friendly one was Chansey as she is just a ball of friendship as she quickly got to know the pair.

While Pawniard and Charmeleon were the standoff-ish, only Nidoking was that big muscle bro which would tell 'If anyone bullies you I will deal with it' type.

So you could say it was a mix-and-match of a weird group.

"Right, now that we have this out of the way we will be doing a little training session."

Ray's words made everyone gather up, Chansey helped the new members to get into a line.

"Charmeleon I want you to show Flamethrower to Vulpix, once you do that you will be returning to your Overheat training.

While Nidoking you will return to your Fighting-type training,"

The group nodded and started to do their thing. Chameleon motioned for the Fox Pokemon to follow him, while Nidoking went to find a boulder that he will use as a pummel target. This only left Chansey who was on standby and Pawniard and Skorupi who were waiting for their Trainer.

"While Pawniard and Skorupi you two stay with me."

As Ray said that he pulled out his Pokedex and checked out his Skorupi.

'If my memory is right, they evolve quite late, not as late as Rhyhorn or Deino but they still need to gather quite a bit of energy.

And since they lose their Bug type I will need to focus on Poison-type energy much more.'


[Scorpion Pokemon]

[Type: Poison/Bug]

[Ability: Battle Armor]

[Gender: Male]

[Moves: Poison Sting, Leer, Hone Claws, Poison Fang]

'Not a bad beginner move set, quite flexible poison lineup…'

Thinking for a bit, Ray decided that Nidoking will be instructing this little guy on the poison moves once he teaches the T.M. he has. However for now he will have to train with Chansey under heavy gravity.

'Learning Dig should be natural for these guys as well.'

"Good, anyway Chansey, you will be training him under gravity for today."

"Chan-sey!" The Egg Pokemon gave her trainer a salute before taking the clueless Scorpion Pokemon away, the poor fella has no idea what the friendly Pokemon got in store for him…

"Pawniard we are going to be practising for the upcoming battle against Ghost-type Pokemons in Lavender Town, you will be the one who will be fighting them. Your typing gives an advantage.

For the next few days, I will be focusing on your training."

The Steel/Dark type slowly nodded and got ready to begin the training.

"Good we will return the swordsmanship and footing you need to have."

And so, Ray continued the remainder of the day training Pawniard how to fight while constantly being on the move.


The training was quite brutal for Skorupi, the Scorpion Pokemon still remembers how that friendly Pokemon was smiling at him while making its body crushed by the Gravity move.

It didn't help that this Pokemon would heal him and then rinse and repeat!

Simply brutal but he did notice that he continued to get stronger as time moved on.

Then later the next day he got paired with the big guy who was teaching him how to blast poison out.

This type of training was much better than before. However later the same day they were back with gravity training.

This time the whole group got paired to training in this setting.

To his surprise, the whole group can quite easily handle such gravity so it made him try even harder.

After tiring training it was time to eat, and to his surprise, the food just keeps on getting better and better, after stuffing himself he could feel like he wants to continue to train! It is just a never-ending cycle of good food and training to be strong!

He never thought that having a trainer can be this good! He doesn't need to look for food or hunt! Just train hard and fight against other Pokemons from his trainer. Not only that but his trainer is instructing him on how to deliver attacks in the best way!

Simply fantastic! From food to getting stronger!

Not that he can beat anyone yet, all the Pokemon are monsters, he guessed that much from having short fights.

He didn't even face the big guy yet, that one can simply smack him with one attack that much he is certain about.

Then the Steel-type with swords for his hands is fast, and the fighting method he is developing is something of an annoyance, he loses against that Pokemon constantly.

Thankfully he learned a few moves, like borrowing underground and spitting toxins. And then started to train how to use his pincers with poison.

Those moves are powerful but they don't work on the Steel-type.

All in all, the Scorpion Pokemon life is getting more and more interesting.


Ray looked at the Town in front of him, it was Lavender Town, he was finally here, and the town vibe already is telling him that he was in a spooky place. Like there is that certain underlying feeling that this place emits.

Most likely because this place is soaked in Ghost-type energy.

Regardless, he walked to the Pokemon centre.

After passing the automatic doors he walked over to the reception where Nurse Joy was standing.

"Morning Nursey Joy, can you check on my Pokemon?" As the Junior Professor asked he pulled out his six poke balls.


Then she motioned for Chansey to collect his Pokeballs.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I want a room for a few days," Ray asked as he pulled out his Pokedex.

"Do you want a regular room or…" She leaned forward and started whispering "...Or a Professor suite?" She asked with a wink, already knowing who he was just from looks.

"The latter one, they have better wifi."

"Sure, thing. Please insert your Pokedex."

The Junior Professor did what he was asked, once the registration was done he had the keys.

He then walked to get some snacks in the cafeteria before proceeding to do some reading while his Pokemon were resting.

As expected, he found some information on the Ghost Pokemon locations. There are rows of abandoned houses, the tower itself is infested with Ghost-Types, and several Gengars live there. Making the temperature at least colder by 10 degrees.

Then the abandoned mansion is haunted by a Ghastly, Haunter, and a Gengar.

These are just a few places followed by a small forest to the east which has Ghost-types as well.

'I wasn't expecting such a high population of Ghost-types.'

Ray was impressed and slightly spooked by the number of Ghost-types living in this place.

It was far more than he had expected. It appears he doesn't need to provoke a huge amount of Ghost-types in the tower.

The tower where dead Pokemon rest stands out quite a bit.

He still has no idea why they went with a tower instead of a regular cemetery.

But it's not his place to question the choices of these people.

Once evening arrived Ray left the Pokemon Centre, thankfully the place is run 24/7. Though he won't be able to heal his Pokemon at night time. But, for that, he has a Chansey so he can heal Pokemon on his own.

Before he did anything he summoned Pawniard and Charmeleon.

With a pair of his Pokemon, he walked toward the abandoned district of the city.

From his understanding, this part of the town is like this because people moved out. The official reason is that people could not get used to Ghost-types.

And that is something he can understand, in this world humans simply can't live everywhere because Pokemon do exist everywhere.

It's not a surprise that greedy people get roasted very often in this world. He just needs to see a Gyarados going on a rampage killing someone or a group of someone.

On a more serious note sometimes massive versions of Water types surface and flood whole coastal cities.

Ray remembered that episode where a massive Tentacruel destroyed a portion of a tourist city.

'No wonder there are not that many greedy people around… they usually get killed by angry Pokemon.

I do wonder if it's something Arceus did on purpose. Like keeping the garden clean from invasive grass?'

The Junior Professor thought with a forced smile, such an idyllic world hiding quite a dark secret. But it's better than his previous place.

Eventually, a few minutes later the trainer with his two Pokemon arrived at the district. He could see signs of wild dangerous Pokemon placed all over it.

Ray, looking at his Pawniard, he just taught his Steel/Dark Pokemon the Dark Pulse move. It should be useful in this fight, worst case Charmeleon will assist him.

Apart from that Unova native Pokemon did learn the Sword Dance, one of Ray's favourite power-up moves which he is planning to expand on.

"Let's proceed with caution and trust your instincts more than your vision. Ghost types are known to just jump out from nowhere."

Though he said that he wasn't sure he could do that himself…

Well… He will see how this goes.



Ray jumped back as he saw a Haunter appear from his side and it started to cackle at him.

"That's it! Pawniard use Dark Pulse and Charmeleon use your Flamethrower!"

The Junior Professor exclaimed loudly with a furious look. This place started to piss him off!

The pair of his Pokemon unleashed their attacks, Pawniard created several rings of Dark Energy at the end of its sword and Flame Pokemon opened his mouth and unleashed a torrent of fire.

Haunted who only was joking opened his eyes wide as he saw a double attack rushing at him!

He quickly dodged it by disappearing and reappearing some distance away. It released a ball of shadow energy at the more taught-looking Fire-type Pokemon.

"Dodge the Shadow Ball and use Fire Spin, Charmeleon!"

Ray's starter dodged the attack and then released another torrent of flames.

This time it engulfed the Ghost/Poison-type which swiftly started to escape.

"Pawniard use Dark Pulse! Cut off the escape route!"

The Unovan Steel/Dark Pokemon did what his trainer wanted and unleashed several rings of dark energy. Haunter stopped in its tracks as it turned around and was about to face Ray's Pokemon but at that moment Charmeleon was already on the Gas Pokemon's 'tail'.

"Fire Punch back to back Charmeleon!"

The Flame Pokemon roared with power and both of its hands ignited with flames and delivered devastating punches into a panicky-looking Haunter!

The first punch pushed it up, while the second one was delivered with a spin which sent the Ghost/Poison slam into the ground.

Once the dust cleared the Gas Pokemon was laying in a small crater with swirly eyes.

Ray threw an empty Pokeball which upon contact sucket in the knocked-out Pokemon.

A few short moments later he heard a loud click sound which indicated a successful capture. The next moment the ball sealed itself as the Junior Professor was at his carrying capacity.

He walked over and picked the sealed Pokeball.

"Nice job you two. We got what we wanted. Now let's get out of here."

The pair nodded at their trainer and started to walk back to the Pokemon Centre.

~~~~~~Pallet Town, Earlier Today~~~~~~

With supersonic speed, a blur landed not far from the professor's building. A person jumped down from its back. This middle aged man was dressed in a black cape and had red hair.

This was. the current Champion of Johto and Kanto regions, the Dragon Master Lance himself.

"My thanks for carrying here at top speed Dragonite." The Champion thanked his Starter and strongest Pokemon of his team.

"You can rest-"

The Dragon/Flying type shook his head, saying no.

"You want to see it as well?"

The Kanto Pseudo Legendary nodded its head.

"Fine, let's see this Unovan Pseudo Legendary together." The Dragonite nodded at its trainer.

A few moments later Lance knocked on the door. It only took a few moments but the aged Professor opened the doors.

"Ah, Lance there you are. You are quite quick." Professor Oak was a little bit surprised at how quickly the Champion appeared in front of his lab.

"Yes, well, I need to see it myself. Ray is getting such rare Pokemon from the other side of the world." The Kanto Dragon Master showed a similar giddy look the Region Professor usually has, both could be said to be from the same cloth but Lance is only like this in front of a new Dragon-type.

And Deino is something he only saw in images and on television on rare occasions when he can.

"Yes, I have been having fun with him since the morning, that little dragon ate the majority of the dragon food I have stored. I needed to order more of it since Ray's Dratini eats it as well."

As the Professor said he motioned for the Champion to follow him.

A few moments later Lance was finally able to see the Irate Pokemon sleeping, it was laying upside down, and the Dark/Dragon-type was snoring quite loudly. It looked quite stuffed.

"It's extremely sensitive to sound since it doesn't have eyes. Other senses are much higher. Another thing I noticed is that it's extremely disobedient." Professor explained about the Deino to the Kanto/Johto Champion.

"...Yes, I have read about it, you said disobedient how much are we speaking?"

The red-haired Dragon Master asked curiously, he is thinking of visiting Unova when he takes holidays… He needed a reason and Ray gave him, he can now excuse himself as he wants a challenge and something like this Irate Pokemon is a good challenge.

"...Hard to say, my voice is like the wind to this Pokemon, he doesn't even register my existence." The old man shook his head while he said that, there was a slightly amused smile on his face when he said that.

"Interesting, do you think it's like this because he is blind? Will it only listen to its trainer which captured it?" Lance asked the Professor, the Champion alongside its Dragonite, to watch this foreign Pokemon with ever-growing curiosity.

"Hard to say, I never raised such Pokemon, I will be sending an Email to Professor Juniper for more information on this rare Pokemon."

The red-haired Dragon Master hummed with a nod.

"I see, makes sense. Will Ray document Deino's training progress?" The Champion with a cheeky smile asked the professor.

The old man laughed upon hearing that.

"I don't know, but most likely he will. It's a rare opportunity."

"By the way… Between you and me, does the girl who traded Deino have another one of these?" Lance whispered his question to the aged professor.

The old man simply smiled back.

"No, the girl is a pure Electric-type trainer and she captured it for Ray."

"Oh…I see, he already has a dedicated fan base." Lance thought that this girl is Ray's friend but the professor has been keeping track of what is happening between those two.

He still hasn't told anything to the boy's mother, but the time will come and he will do it, or the Junior Professor will tell himself. He can't wait to see the reaction of the boy who always has this self-assured aura. It will be amusing to watch.

~~~~~~Back in Lavender Town~~~~~~

Ray looked at the Haunter's Pokeball and pulled out the Pokedex and scanned his newest capture.


[Gas Pokemon]

[Type: Ghost/Poison]

[Ability: Levitate]

[Gender: Male]

[Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Curse, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball]

'What a fantastic set of moves, the Shadow Ball is just icing on the cake, and Mean Look is a keeper which will make this Haunter perfect for Pokemon hunt. Hypnosis is just an extra.'

Ray was slightly smirking as he realised how flexible is this Pokemon, he needs to get his hands on Dream Eater, with this move he will easily sweep several enemies.

That Gym Leader in Sinnoh does love this combo and Ray is going to add it to his arsenal.

'Apart from Ghost and Psychic moves, Gastly line can learn an array of Poison moves thanks to the second type being Poison type.'

The Junior Professor was reminded how annoying these Ghost types can be, especially the Gastly evolutionary line.

So he was simply excited to capture this future powerhouse.

Eventually, he returned to his room and went to sleep since it was past midnight.

When morning arrived he did all of his rituals and went downstairs to call the Professor.

After a few rings, the old man picked up the phone.

"Ray my boy! How have you been? I can see that you caught a Haunter, quite a catch."

"I am in Lavender town, so it's not surprising that I will catch one of them." The Junior Professor didn't mention anything about the fact that this thing scared the hell out of him.

"Yes, well, not everyone captures one even if they go there. I am surprised that you went there as your first destination after leaving Cerulean City. "

"Gastly evolutionary line is far too lucrative, I had to catch one, after having one I will have an easier time capturing other Pokemons."

Ray's explanation made the old man think for a bit.

"Ah yes, Mean Look, and Hypnosis. Good for capturing wild Pokemon. Especially the ones which are good at running away." The aged Professor nodded in agreement.

"Yes, and its secondary typing being Poison allows this Haunter to learn an array of Poison moves I have as T.M. Very good catch even if it was a little bit spooking going around in the evening." The Pallet Native did agree that it was spooky to walk around in an abandoned neighbourhood.

"Indeed, now back to some other things, Lance was here, he saw your Deino, and he sent you the best of luck raising this headache."

The Junior Professor shook his head in amusement. He finds it strange how not many trainers leave their home regions to visit other places. Kanto and Johto are an exception since they are connected properly, but the other regions?

'Is it like back in the old world? Do some people never leave their home country?'

"You however did inspire him to capture one of his own. So he might be away for a week or two trying to find a Deino of his own."

This news made Ray raise his eyebrow, shouldn't he try getting a Salamence first or a Garchomp? Those regions are closer to Kanto than Unova… Unova is on a completely different side of the globe…

"Shouldn't he, you know… visit Hoenn or Sinnoh first? They have Pseudo Legendary Dragon-types as well?"

"I don't know, he might want another challenge himself, after becoming Champion one doesn't have much free time, so whatever time there is one should spend the best way they can."

Ray slowly nodded his head, he won't be a Champion any time soon it sounds far more of a drag of a position to be in.

"Well as long as he is having fun. Anyway, I want to send Pawniard to you. I taught him some new moves so he knows what he needs to do once he is in the ranch." As the Junior Professor said he showed his Pawniard Pokeball.

"Sure thing, about Deino when you will be starting to train him? And if you can record its growth, it's a very rare opportunity to have such a Pokemon around here."

"I am intending to do that. maybe to release another guidebook? I am pretty sure people will buy it just out of curiosity." Ray said with a thoughtful look. One can't say no to more royalties, if he earns more he can spend more on his things.

"I can see that working, and selling in Kanto would be interesting for the people, but I can see it being more profitable in Unova itself."

After that, the pair talked a little bit more about money-making and Ray's future projects. He didn't forget about the essay he wants to write on Ancient and Prehistoric Pokemon.

However, for that, he needs to capture some of the Ancient and Prehistoric Pokemon.

'Hmm… isn't there that Canyon a few days after leaving Fuschia city? What was the name? Grandpa Canyon? If my memory serves it right it should have some sleeping Prehistoric Pokemon…'

After talking a little bit more Ray sent over his Pawniard, this action unlocked his Haunter's Pokeball which he then proceeded to hand over to Nurse Joy.

While the Pokemon is receiving its check the Junior Professor proceeds with his breakfast after that he feeds his Pokemon and waits for the moment when his Ghost/Poison type will be healed.

"Trainer Ray, your Pokemon is ready for pickup."

Just calling by his name is nothing major, but if Nurse Joy wanted to tease him she would only need to add from which town he originates. That would unleash a huge mess on him.

He walked over and picked up the Pokeball.

"That was quick, you've only been here for a day but you already captured a Haunter."

The nurse praised him, it was a quick job on his part.

"I did prepare for it beforehand. My thanks Nurse Joy. I will be in your care for a couple more days."

She smiled hearing that, she will be telling her extended family about his visit. She already heard this from all of her other extended family members.

Once he left the Pokemon Centre and walked to where the battling arenas are he summoned his Pokemon one after another. Only leaving Haunter out.

"Alright guys, I will be summoning Haunter next so be ready to greet or beat up depending on how he will behave."

Everyone nodded at him giving Ray the signal to summon the Ghost/Poison-type.


Pokemon on Hand:

Charmeleon: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Fire Punch, Protect, Fire Spin, Metal Claw, Flamethrower, Fire Blast

Chansey: Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Defensive Curl, Pound, Heal Pulse, Healing Wish, Gravity

Vulpix: Ember, Tail Whip, Disable, Quick Attack

Nidoking: Tackle, Leer, Peck, Double Kick, Protect, Toxic, Take Down, Poison Jab, Sludge, Venoshock, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Mega Punch

Haunter: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Curse, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball

Skorupi: Poison Sting, Leer, Hone Claws, Poison Fang, Dig, Toxic, Venoshock,

Pokemon in Ranch:

Gyarados: Splash, Tackle, Double-Edge, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Water Gun

Milotic: Splash, Tackle, Water Gun, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Toxic, Hydro Pump

Poliwhirl: Water Gun, Double Slap, Bubblebeam, Pound, Hypnosis, Mud-Slap, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Hydro Pump

Pidgeotto: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Quick Attack, Agility, Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Protect, Toxic, Steel Wing, Double Team, Brave Bird

Dratini: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave.

Rhyhorn: Horn Attack, Headbutt, Tail Whip, Stomp, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Earth Power

Onix: Tackle, Bind, Rock Throw, Headbutt, Head Smash, Iron Tail, Iron Head, Earthquake

Vibrava: Sand-Attack, Bite, Dig, Earthquake, Dragonbreath

Magneton: Thunder Shock, Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Spark, Tri-Attack Thunderbolt, Lock On, Flash Cannon

Electabuzz: Leer, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock, Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch

Pawniard: Scratch, Leer, Fury Cutter, Metal Claw, Slash, Sword Dance, Dark Pulse




T.M's: Toxic, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Earthquake, Venoshock, Gravity, Dark Pulse

Evolution Stones: Fire Stone x1, Water Stone x1, Thunder Stone x1, Leaf Stone x1



Thanks for the chapter. Didn t he take aura and psy power in his survey ? Didn’t he awakened them ?


Yeah, what he got is talent for both, to use stuff like that he needs Pokemon who can teach him, like Lucario or Alakazam


will this continue??