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Chapter 17

When Professor Oak received notification about Ray's newest capture, so did the people following him closely.

"Hahaha! He got one of them already!" Lance laughed out loud when he saw that the Junior Professor already caught a Dratini!

Such an achievement was impressive! He quickly contacted the Dragon reserves to find out if Ray got Dratini from them or if he found one in the wilds!

If it's one in the wilds, then this is beyond impressive! You don't just capture a wild Dratini!

Apart from that, Ray already has a Kanto Pseudo-Legendary! Now Lance is itching to see the young trainer at the Indigo Conference!

And just like that, Ray made the Indigo Conference a gathering of extremely high-profile people.

Not that they needed big encouragement before, as the Pallet Native already had a Milotic, which is rare on its own.

A few days after getting notification that Ray caught Dratini, Kanto and Johto Champion Lance received something interesting.

Another essay from the Junior Professor, the Champion, was first called the Professor.

"Are you sure he is doing all this at the same time!? He is collecting badges, researching and writing essays to revolutionise Pokemon raising and training!!!" Lance was more than slightly unnerved by the amount of things this kid was doing!

The world has yet to recover from introducing three new types of Pokemons!

Ray revealed a new Steel evolution, which people before thought were nothing more than sub-species of already existing Pokemon!

"I know, I know. But these are the files Ray sent me just a few hours ago." Professor Oak said to Lance over the phone.

"You do realise if what he wrote here is true, then we have proper schematics about Pokemon natures, which, if we follow, we can raise our Pokemon to reach even greater power!"

"Indeed. Don't forget that this could also bring us closer to understanding Pokemon."

Lance sighed when he heard that. This essay was already turning into another big thing. Only a few years have passed since the Pokemon League revealed those three types.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I already sent copies of these to other Professors and Pokemon League. I am expecting to meet in a few days."

"...I see. I suppose I will see you in that meeting then."

After talking more, Lance put the phone down and sighed again. His eyes went to the files printed for him just a few minutes ago.

He could see schematics for Pokemon natures and its effects on Pokemons parameters.

The Champion thought about this for a bit.

As someone with 3 Dragonites, he knows how different they are; one is stronger in physical aspects, and the other one is stronger in Ranged attacks.

And if he is to compare his Dragonites with this schematic.

He could see patterns.

"...I need more examples…"

It's pretty baffling to him that Ray, at age 10, already prepared something like this!!!

It should take years of observations!

Regardless, he has things to do and prepare for a meeting.

~~~~~~Back With Ray~~~~~~

It has been several days after Ray's Dratini hatched. He was back on his way towards Lavender City some distance away.

For now, he was at his next destination.

The abandoned Power Plant. It was a place which had several warning signs.

All of them were Pokemon-based. From one warning that it was nesting grounds of Electric-type to another saying that this place was dangerous in general because of sighting of Legendary Pokemon.

Regardless, the Junior Professor pulled out his Pokeballs and threw them up casually. Moments later, his Nidoking and Rhyhorn appeared in a burst of light.

"Boys, we are here to capture some of the electric types. Both of you are perfect for this job."

The pair nodded at him. They were excited about some fighting!

Sure enough, as they got closer to the power plant, Ray saw a few Voltorbs. These ball-shaped Pokemon are notorious for doing one thing: Self-Destruct.

Mostly the wild ones. Ray needs to learn about trainers who have them. He has not seen any of them caught by the Trainers sponsored by Professor Oak.

Regardless, he kept himself away from these living balls. The way they were, he saw several evolved forms of these Ball Pokemon.

In a group of Voltorbs, there is one Electrode, who is most likely their leader.

As the Junior Professor walked forward, his eyes gleamed briefly! He finally saw the Pokemon he wanted to capture!

A Magnemite!

"Nidoking! Double Kick attack that Magnemite!" Ray quickly ordered his Drill Pokemon, who used his tail to kick off and deliver a powerful pair of kicks.

The Pokemon didn't suspect anything as it was floating around aimlessly.

The pair of kicks smashed into the Electric/Steel type, which sent it into the ground.

And it didn't get up anymore!

Well, it shouldn't. If it did, then Ray’s Nidoking needed more training.

Ray was expecting a single hit, K.O., after all! He quickly threw an empty regular Pokeball, which sucked in the knocked-out Magnet Pokemon.

Sure enough, it was a clean capture. The issue after this was that the other Magnet Pokemon were not happy about this, and they unleashed their electrical attacks.

However, Rhyhorn and Nidoking quickly intercepted these attacks. They felt nothing because of their advantageous typing.

"Both of you use Earthquake!"

Ray quickly ordered his two Pokemons, unleashing the Ground-type move very soon.

The area of effect move sent waves of Ground energy through the ground and erupted where the Magnemites and Magneton were floating.

This single move from his two Pokemon knocked out the entirety of the Magnet Pokemon pack.

'Hmm… Should I? Yes, I should. I should send one to Elesa as well. I'm pretty sure Unova doesn't have Magnemites. Maybe she could also send one of Unova Pokemon back to me?' As Ray thought about this, he threw several more Pokeballs and captured two more Magnemites and the leader Magneton.

Once he dealt with this, he got attention from other Pokemons in the area. In other words, he has caused a commotion, and now other Pokemon are coming to investigate.

Groups of Voltorbs and their leaders' Electrodes, followed by packs of Magnemites and Magnetons.

They all come to see, and it eventually leads to a fight.

Thankfully, Ray was ready for this.

He pulled out another two pokeballs.

"Trapinch! Onix! Let's go!" The Junior Professor threw his two Pokeballs, and another two Ground-types manifested next to his side.

"Everyone! Use Earthquake!"

Sure enough, all-fourth Pokemon stomped hard on the ground. In Onix's case, it slammed its body into the ground.

The sheer force of all four Pokemon doing this at the same time made Ray grab hold of Onix for a second as he didn't want to drop on his ass.

The same can't be said about the ones at the receiving end.

All of the Magnemites and Voltorbs got knocked out through some of them.


The Ball Pokemon got knocked out before they self-destructed

Ray simply deadpanned as his ears were ringing from all the explosions. There were smoke and dust clouds all over the front lawn of the Power Plant.

'These guys are annoying, I can't hear shit!'

Then, a blast of thunder slammed into Onix. Which made Ray quickly backpedal away from his Rock Snake Pokemon!

"Who is this time?" The Junior Professor said that as he looked towards the Power Plant.

Sure enough, as smoke and dust cloud cleared out. The Pallet Native saw the culprit. That moment, he smiled from ear to ear! What a find! He just struck a gold mine!

"BUZZ! ELECTABUZZ!!!" A pissed-off Electabuzz was spinning his arms as he was generating electricity. Ready to beat up the ones who disturbed his sleep!

"Since he is rearing to go, let's do this! Trapinch use Dig!" Ray screamed as he was half deaf by this point.

His Ant Pit Pokemon went into action when he heard his trainer's order.

The Ground-type quickly dug into the ground. At the same time, the Electric-type was still stomping his feet and already preparing another dose of electricity.

It appears the Pokemon was so pissed that he didn't even care that his attacks were dealing no damage at all.

Then the earth erupted, and Trapinch delivered a devastating Ground-type attack.

"Now! Use Bite and pull that Electabuzz down!" As Ray said, his Ant Pit Pokemon did just that.


The Electric Pokemon released a lot of electricity when he felt the bite! The small Hoenn native Pokemon grabbed the Electric-type by its hand and started pulling down while Electabuzz was discharging considerable electricity!

The thing about this was that Electric-type don't affect Ground-type! But there is a catch for that, as he lived in an anime world where Electric-type somehow delivers that damage anyway. Ray found that the Ground-type usually doesn't touch the ground.

So, in this case, the Junior Professor ordered Trapinch to pull Electabuzz down.

Once that happened.

"Now use Earthquake while holding him!"

That moment, Trapinch glowed brownish as the little Pokemon tapped into its ground-type energy reserves and released a burst of energy when its tiny legs touched the ground!

The yellow Electric-type was still in pain from that bite and was quite clueless about what would happen.

Sure enough, another more powerful blast erupted from the ground, sending him flying into the Power Plant wall. Trapinch released his hold on the Electric Pokemon's hand and landed soundlessly on the ground, waiting for the following orders.

Not that any orders were needed, as Electabuzz didn't stand up anymore.

Three attacks from Trapinch were enough!

"Nicely done, Trapinch! You have beaten quite a powerful wild Pokemon!" While it was a surprise attack, Electabuzz was confused by the commotion and didn't expect a tiny Pokemon to erupt from the ground like that.

Still, victory is a victory, and Trapinch answered that with a glow that consumed all of its body.

'YES! Finally! Its body couldn't hold all that Ground-type energy accumulated from the constant use of Ground-type moves! I knew it! Goddamn, it's so nice when one's hunch is right!!!'

The glow consumed the whole of Trapinch's body as its shell started to crack, and like a butterfly, a Pokemon from inside of it came out!

It had wings and was a part Ground, part Dragon type!

While all that happened, Ray captured Electabuzz, who was still out cold.

Once the light settled down, the Junior Professor could finally see his newly evolved Pokemon! Seeing Vibrava in person like this was an incredible feeling. Training Trapinch is a mission on its own. Simply because one needs to work around the hurdle of slow speed.

However, Ray found a way to work around that by teaching Earthquake.

"That's wonderful, Vibrava! You finally evolved! I guess knocking out a bunch of Electric-types helped quite a bit." As the Pokemon's trainer said, the Ground/Dragon type buzzed briefly as it finally used its wings to fly!

Sure enough, the other three Pokemon rushed in to check out their newly evolved teammate.

Not that it lasted for long, as the whole Power Plant shook.


"Hmm? What in…" As Ray collected the remaining pokeballs, he looked at the Power Plant.


A loud bird screech erupted from the Power Plant interior.

Shocked to hear a bird screech the first thing after regaining his hearing, Ray could only stare at his hand as he felt static electricity!

"Shit…" a forced grin appeared on his face. He knew well what kind of Pokemon could release a screech like that.

Moments later, the Power Plant shook once more as from the main entrance, a blur rushed out.


Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance as this newcomer released another screech.

That moment, instead of thinking to run away, Ray pulled out his camera and started to take pictures of one of the Legendary Bird Pokemon of Kanto!

The Titan of Thunder Zapdos!

The bird once again screeched as he saw Ray and his Pokemon.

This time, it was much angrier as it immediately released a blast of thunder at Onix as it was the biggest target.


The blast of Thunder slammed into the Rock Snake Pokemon.

The Junior Professor had to take several steps back as the force of the electrical attack turned Onix into a smoking boulder.

"Quick! Nidoking uses Toxic, then followed by Venoshock!" Ray said that he pulled out his Pokedex and pointed at his Vibrava.


[Vibration Pokemon]

[Type: Ground/Dragon]

[Ability: Levitate]

[Gender: Male]

[Moves: Sand-Attack, Bite, Dig, Earthquake, Dragonbreath]

As the Pallet Native checked out his new Pokemon moves, the legendary Pokemon incinerated the toxic attacks flying towards it.

"Dang…" Ray said that as he saw how his offence had ended.

"Vibrava quickly used Dragonbreath while Nidoking used the same attacks against! And Rhyhorn use Ice Beam! Onix, stand by, wait for Zapdos to get close, and then use Iron Head!"

The Junior Professor quickly ordered his Pokemon, who moved into position to attack.

The first one to attack was Vibrava, who released a stream of green and blue flames. While the attack had landed, the Electric Pokemon ignored it entirely and didn't even register the attack.

The next one who landed the hit was Rhyhorn. This time, the Legendary felt it. It screeched once again, and with a burst of speed, it accelerated towards Rhyhorn.

Though it was so fast that Ray didn't even register the attack.

Moments later, Rhyhorn flew several metres away like a ragdoll.

There were swirls in its eyes.

Zapdos just one shot his Spikes Pokemon.

"Damn… that was Steel Wing!" Ray realised that the Electric Pokemon was circling for another attack as, from the looks of it, the bird realised that Electric-type attacks don't work, so it switched to different ones!

"Vibrava once again use Dragonbreath while Nidoking uses Ice Beam! And Onix, be ready, that Iron Head!" As the Junior Professor said that, he recalled his Rhyhorn.

Just before Vibrava is about to unleash its Dragon-type move, the Legendary Pokemon changes its direction and rushes toward the Vibrations Pokemon!

With wings glowing metallic, it swiftly smacked into a recently evolved Pokemon!

It slammed with force the Pokemon into the ground! While all that happened, Nidoking unleashed its super-effective move on the Electric/Flying Legendary!

The beam attack was a direct hit, making the Electric Pokemon screech from pain for a second. But this only fueled its anger as it turned towards Nidoking and burst at top speed towards him!

Its beak started to glow as it descended. This attack was Drill Peck! It's a powerful Flying-type move. It's dangerous, especially when a Legendary Pokemon do it.

"Quickly Nidoking, use Protect!"

At the very last second, the Drill Pokemon could erect its barrier. However, the force behind this contact has made Nidoking skid through the ground back several metres!

"Onix! Iron Head now!"

The Rock Snake Pokemon, waiting for this time, finally burst with speed as his head glowed in metallic tint and slammed it into the Electric/Flying Legendary.

The attack has been felt quite a bit by Zapdos, which screeched and released Thunder in all directions. While neither Nidoking nor Onix suffered damage, they still looked slightly cooked up.

"Ice Beam, Nidoking! And Iron Tail Onix!

The pair released their attacks, and they were direct hits, but.

The Electric Pokemon simply blasted out and went into the sky.

"Arceus, damn… this thing doesn't even look winded!" Ray said with a sweaty forehead.

Once again, Zapdos screeched and dived into Onix with glowing wings. Slammed with force, the Rock Snake Pokemon slammed a portion of the body backwards into the ground; there were swirls in its eyes!

With a single Steel Wing, The Electric Pokemon knocked out Onix.

When the Legendary Pokemon delt with Onix, it looked towards Nidoking.

"Ice Beam Nidoking!" The Junior Professor ordered his Pokemon quickly as he pulled out Onix's Pokeball and recalled the downed Pokemon.

The Drill Pokemon quickly shot the super-effective move at the Electric/Flying Legendary.

Zapdos powered through with Drill Peck as it cut the ice beam until it slammed into the Poison/Ground type.

The force of the impact pushed Nidoking back. But the Electric Pokemon wasn't done as it smacked with its wings, which sent Nidoking smashing down on the ground.

And so, with just two attacks, Zapdos took out Ray’s most powerful Pokemon.

Now, the Legendary Pokemon looked at the trainer. The trainer in question simply stared at this with disbelief.

He hasn't been beaten like this before. Losing a Pokemon in a fight? Happened before. But losing like this? Such development was an eye-opener, that's for sure. This battle wasn't a battle but a beatdown.

Zapdos screeched briefly before beating its wings and took to the skies. It screeched some more, but it sounded almost like laughter this time.


~~~~~~Later, in a Pokemon Centre~~~~~~

"I see… thankfully nothing has happened to you, Ray, my boy! You are taking your first defeat better than I expected!" Professor Oak was relieved that this defeat didn't affect his apprentice much!

"Professor, it was a Legendary… While it shocked me that it took down my Nidoking so easily, such a result is to be expected." Ray said with a sigh.

"I am happier that I took some pictures of it and will be writing my report of meeting one. There are a few things to say about the Electric Pokemon."

The Professor nodded several times after hearing it.

"Good! I will be waiting for it! Now, about your new captures, what are you going to do?" Professor asked as he looked at five new captures. Three Magnemites, Magneton and an Electabuzz.

"Will be trading those Magnemites. While Magneton and Electabuzz will be joining my team."

"I see… Magnemites are not as rare as Onix, which you traded before…" Professor said that with a thoughtful look. These Magnet Pokemon are pretty much in all known Regions.

"Indeed. But I wonder if people know how to raise one into Magnezone?" As Ray said, he pulled out his laptop and checked the data on Magnezone.

He frowned for a bit as he saw some stuff about this Pokemon in Sinnoh. Since the Professor of Sinnoh region is more interested in energies emitted by Pokemon Evolutions, there is not much data or information about Magnemite's last 'mysterious' evolution.

It only happens in specific areas AND when Pokemon is ready to evolve. In other words, it's much rarer than it should be.

"Magnezone, huh, never seen one before. Do you know how to evolve Magneton into one?" Professor asked as he was thinking about this specific Pokemon for a bit.

"It's a Magnet Pokemon. It should be quite easy to guess, Professor." Ray smirked as he showed a compass on his Pokedex.

"Areas with powerful magnetic fields work like evolutionary zones. All I need to do now is prove it with my Magneton." The Junior Professor said that as he remembered how Magnetons used to evolve in the games.

"...I SEE. It does make sense. I will wait for your report on that, Ray, my boy! Now, why don't you focus on that report on Zapdos? I will be eagerly waiting for it!"

Ray, for a second, deadpanned seeing how childish this old man acts around new and rare Pokemon!

"I will. In the meantime, Professor, prepare to receive some of my Pokemon as I will send them to the ranch. After the healing is complete, that is…" The Junior Professor sighed as he remembered that beatdown done by Zapdos.

"Of course! Will be waiting!" After saying that the call had ended, Ray decided to call his mother next. He needs to give her his report that everything is fine.


After all calls, the stomach fills up with food, and the Pallet Native can focus on working on his report.

He typed down everything he saw about Zapdos, their moves, nature, attitude, and behaviour towards humans. The uniqueness of this Legendary is knowing a steel move which doesn't fit with regular activities an Electric and Flying should learn.

While this is not groundbreaking, such a thing needs to be recorded, as such a move should only be learned by a Pokemon trained by a Pokemon trainer. Steel-type move usually doesn't just manifest on its own.

Ray speculates that this Pokemon picked this up after being annoyed by Ground type and Rock types like the ones he used to capture those Electric types.

Apart from that, he mentioned its sheer raw power and speed. While he didn't confirm its ability to cause storms with a casual flap of its wings, he can verify its ability to generate Thunder from a simple flap.

The result is that this Legendary Pokemon is very dangerous and should only be approached with a full team of Pokemon with a Type advantage.

After finishing the report, he sent it to Professor Oak, the Junior Professor, who also added the photos.

Once he finished with the report, he went to his forum section on the Pokemon League webpage.

He quickly wrote a new log about him capturing some Magnemites and speculating about Magnezones and how to evolve them.

He might have 'accidentally' mentioned the high magnetic zones needed for evolution.

After placing the bait, he wrote an e-mail to Elesa, as she loves electric types, and he sent those Zapdos pictures.


After doing all her daily routines in the morning, the black-haired girl checked her laptop for any email. She started doing that daily after the girl was in touch with the Kanto native Junior Professor.

So, the girl smiled when she saw an email for her and notifications on the Pokemon League Forums! Such an amount means that Ray has emailed her and posted something on the forum!

She quickly checked the forums to keep the email for last!

What she saw excited her even more! Ray finally got an Electric-type Pokemon! And it was Magnemite! At least from what he revealed in the post!

'I see… so it's about Magnezone…'  Elesa thought as she pulled out her Pokedex and checked out this mysterious Pokemon.

'First recorded in Sinnoh, it's the last form of Magnemite. According to the information, it's quite a powerful Pokemon.

A Pokemon with Lock-On and Zap Cannon—that's a powerful combo. Ray sure knows what to catch!'

After finishing the part of the forum, she was amused by how many thousands of replies his single post got. Many are already rushing to trade or capture a Magnemite of their own.

They all looked like a bunch of Mareep who listen to their shepherd!

'Though… I want one as well! It's Electric/Steel type!'

While thinking about the Pokemon, she opened the email and read it.

Her smile quickly disappeared when she read what he wrote!


"...Hmm? Some people are still sleeping, you know?" Skyla said from the top bunk bed.

"It doesn't matter! Ray fought against Zapdos!"

"...The what?"

"Zapdos? As in one of Kanto Legendary Pokemons?" The Electric type trainer said with disbelief. How come she doesn't know FLYING-TYPE Legendary!?

"I know what Zapdos is! I am saying, how in Arceus's name did he face one!" The blue-haired Flying-type specialist quickly left her bed and went down to see what Elesa was seeing.

"...Damn… those pictures! I have never seen this kind of up-close shot before!" The red-haired girl exclaimed with stars in her eyes. This Pokemon was Flying-type legendary!

"This is not all. Ray fought against it, and Zapdos destroyed his team. Four Ground-type Pokemons were completely wiped out with single attacks while his Nidoking lasted only two attacks." Elesa said with disbelief and some sadness that Ray’s Pokemon were wiped out this easily.

"...Wow… that's some power…"

Elesa slowly nodded when she heard how shocked Skyla was as well.

"Though… on a better note! He offered me a Magnemite!"

"The what!? How come!? That is not fair! You already have Pikachu's Egg!" Skyla angrily puffed as she realised that Ray was spoiling this girl already, and they were not even a couple or anything close to that!

"Hehe, though he asked if we could get some Pokemon to trade for one of his Magnemites."

"Now that's better! Do you have any idea what we should send to him?"

The black-haired girl slowly nodded. She knows some of his Pokemon. Like she knows that he has Pawniard and a Trapinch. Two non-Kanto native ones.

"We can cross out a Pawniard. He has one." The Electric Pokemon trainer said with a thoughtful look.

"...You know… if… I catch something interesting. Will Ray catch a Pidgey for me!?" Skyla said that with wide eyes as she just realised that she could get a majestic Pidgeot in not the distant future!

Sure enough, she stopped listening to Elesa as she had already imagined flying on top of one!

"...I am sure he wouldn't mind… I could ask him."

At that moment, Skyla snapped out of her daydreams and looked at her friend.

"Do that! It's worth it! I want one!" After saying tha, Skyla rushed to change as she was full of energy and with a mission in mind. She was burning with purpose.

"...That girl…" The black-haired girl sighed as she looked at the email and the pictures of Zapdos.

'Knowing him… he won't going to lie down after losing so badly. I am sure he will rechallenge Zapdos…'  She thought about it with a strained smile. She can tell From previous emails that he is a very passionate trainer and proud of his Pokemon and their hard work. So, such failure is not acceptable.

'For now, let's see what kind of Pokemon I can offer for him…'

Sure enough, after downloading the pictures, the girl started to look at what kind of Unova Pokemon she could get for Ray!

~~~~~~Back in Kanto~~~~~~

'Now let's see what I got…'

Ray pulled out his Pokedex and started to scan his captured Pokemon.


[Magnet Pokemon]

[Type: Electric/Steel]

[Ability: Sturdy]

[Gender: Unknown]

[Moves: Thunder Shock, Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Wave]

'Basic. But, such thing is expected— next one is…' Ray then scanned another locked Pokeball.


[Magnet Pokemon]

[Type: Electric/Steel]

[Ability: Sturdy]

[Gender: Unknown]

[Moves: Thunder Shock, Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Wave]

It was the same moveset, from the ability to moves. In other words, a young Magnemite.

Though the third one was:


[Magnet Pokemon]

[Type: Electric/Steel]

[Ability: Magnet Pull]

[Gender: Unknown]

[Moves: Thunder Shock, Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Metal Sound]

'Magnet Pull… now that's an interesting ability. It is useful when you are hunting for steel types. Trapping them to fight. But otherwise, it's less useful than Sturdy.'

While the Ability was worse, it had a Metal Sound move, which is weird.

Then it was time to check his more Interesting finds!


[Magnet Pokemon]

[Type: Electric/Steel]

[Ability: Sturdy]

[Gender: Unknown]

[Moves: Thunder Shock, Tackle, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, Spark, Tri-Attack Thunderbolt, Lock On, Flash Cannon]


'As expected from a leader of a group. This amount of moves lowers the amount of work I have to do. Thunderbolt will allow me spring shot to learn Zap Cannon and Thunder.'

Ray was already thinking about squeezing as much as possible with his new Magneton's moves!

Then, of course, this small trip's last and greatest catch!


[Electric Pokemon]

[Type: Electric]

[Ability: Static]

[Gender: Male]

[Moves: Leer, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock, Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch]

'The classic moveset for such Pokemon, hard hits, no defence, Electabuzz is just that kind of Pokemon. I can work around that. Some fighting-type moves, with Light screen.'

Ray thought while stroking his chin. He can already imagine all of that. While simultaneously thinking about getting his hands on that item, which will evolve his Electabuzz into Electivire!

Unsurprisingly, Electivire is one of the strongest Electric-type Pokemon! Especially when appropriately trained!

The Junior Professor smirked as he had already imagined using that beast!


Pokemon on Hand:

Charmeleon: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Fire Punch, Protect, Fire Spin, Metal Claw, Flamethrower, Fire Blast

Chansey: Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Defensive Curl, Pound, Heal Pulse, Healing Wish, Gravity

Vibrava: Sand-Attack, Bite, Dig, Earthquake, Dragonbreath

Rhyhorn: Horn Attack, Headbutt, Tail Whip, Stomp, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Earth Power

Onix: Tackle, Bind, Rock Throw, Headbutt, Head Smash, Iron Tail, Iron Head, Earthquake

Nidoking: Tackle, Leer, Peck, Double Kick, Protect, Toxic, Take Down, Poison Jab, Sludge, Venoshock, Ice Beam, Earthquake

Pokemon in Ranch:

Pawniard: Scratch, Leer, Fury Cutter, Metal Claw, Slash

Gyarados: Splash, Tackle, Double-Edge, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Water Gun

Milotic: Splash, Tackle, Water Gun, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Toxic, Hydro Pump

Poliwhirl: Water Gun, Double Slap, Bubblebeam, Pound, Hypnosis, Mud-Slap, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Hydro Pump

Pidgeotto: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Quick Attack, Agility, Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Protect, Toxic, Steel Wing, Double Team, Brave Bird

Dratini: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave.

Locked Pokemon:

3x Magnemites

1x Magneton

1x Electabuzz



T.M's: Toxic, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Earthquake, Venoshock, Gravity

Evolution Stones: Fire Stone x1, Water Stone x1, Electric Stone x1, Leaf Stone x1



Thanks for the chapter. Also, where do we do to vote for the chapters getting pt out for the next week, I haven’t seen it


Thanks for the chapterjust binged read them really nice progression speed and nice storyline