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Chapter 7

Kiana was certain that people were afraid of her. That's not a surprise, she is a Herrscher. But only now that she started to live among Schicksal did she realise that.

Herrscher is a terrifying thing for them. Which is strange for her because she always had this power. She always was with someone who had such power as well.

Hell, these people just don't release how weak she is compared to Raynold who is STILL training daily to be stronger and stronger and stronger.

Yet, they are afraid of her…

'Just how little do they understand about strength?'

'They never saw it so how can they understand?' Her Herrscher form appeared next to her. But no one can see it.

'And they are supposed to fight against IT?'

Kiana was perplexed. Well, whatever, it's not her place to question any of this.

She is here for Raynold and no one else.

After eating breakfast, which was average at best, the white-haired girl proceeded to walk and get some training done.

Soon enough she arrived at the main barracks.

The girl walked over and proceeded to observe how older girls were fighting.

Since she was not in Herrscher form to everyone it looked like she was just a cute 12-year-old white-haired girl who wanted to be a Valkyrie!


Valkyrie of all people? This was the very same organisation which created her and tried to claim her power for themselves, without even knowing how to control it. Just how arrogant are these people?

'Their fighting form is not bad, but not great either. It's mixed martial arts which focuses on hitting vital spots.' The girl quickly grasped the katas when she saw these girls wield them.

After a while, the spars between girls were over and the Valkyries-to-be proceeded to change fighting partners. However, one of the girls noticed Kiana.

Kiana wasn't hiding or trying to pretend that she was doing something else. Nope, the Herrscher of Void was simply staring at how these girls were fighting.

So it was very evident and easy to notice.

"Hey! Do you want to join us?" The girl with ash blonde hair and magenta coloured eyes asked the white-haired girl who pointed a finger at herself as if wondering if the girl was asking her!

"Yes, do you want to spar? You have been looking at us for a while."

'She got you there. You should learn how to look less obvious.' The Herrscher persona teased Kiana.

'No point. Either way, let's see how this goes.'

Kiana casually walked over to the girls who looked between 14 to 16 or even older.

She was the only one who was looking the youngest.

"Ana, are you sure? This girl should be in junior high! Or the Academy! She is far too young! What is she even doing here?" Some of the Valkyries noticed the strangeness of this girl being here.

'She does look like the Herrscher, but the Herrscher eyes were glowing and they were orange. But the hair colour was the same…' Ana thought to herself now that she noticed the girl was indeed too young.

"Do you want to spar?"

"Sure, I do want to see how good Valkyries are." The white-haired girl shrugged at the Valkyrie-to-be.


For some reason, the answer made the trainee perplexed.

Still, though Ana took her stance, Kiana followed after her and took her stance.

However, her stance has confused the Valkyries.

"...What stance is that? It's not one from our academies that's for sure." One of the trainees commented, but then they had this strange feeling. What would an underaged girl who knows a different style of fighting and looks very similar to Herrscher be doing here? Unless she is the Herrscher who has dismissed her form…

'She is the Herrscher, isn't she?'

Some of the trainees have put those two together. They realised that this was the girl who could turn into Herrscher.

This made them feel a cold chill pass through their bodies. Did they just ask to spar with a being who can take on most of the planet on its own!?

"Well, you can come to me at any time."


Ana, who wasn't as fearless as before lunged forward and tried to smack the girl with her fist.

But Kiana's left hand pushed the fist aside, her move was very precise, and she went right for the older girl's wrist.

Such action made the girl lose her balance as white white-haired girl's action caused her to get additional speed to the attack, the Herrscher girl's foot went for Ana's foot, kicking it back.

In a single exchange, the ash-blonde trainee was lying on her stomach trying to understand what was going on!

While Kiana had a perplexed look as if she just had a vision.

The vision was that of ice, and in the middle of this ice was this ash-coloured girl with the name 'Ana'.

'You saw it didn't you?'

'That I did. Ray's techniques are one of a kind if we can look at the future like this.' The Herrscher persona nodded at Kiana's words. A Herrscher normally couldn't know what could happen. Unless it's the law the Herrscher is governing.

Yet, Lotus Meditation and being in tune with one's Honkai allows one to perceive possibilities of the future.

"...what martial arts are these!? You beat me before I could even get close!" Ana slowly stood up as she looked more intrigued than angry about the loss.

"Hmm? Oh this, it's Tai Chi. Well, at least the basic form. I am still trying to get the hang of the more advanced forms like the Boundless Fist or the true Tai Chi." Kiana said that while rubbing the back of her head. She was embarrassed to say that she was not the best student!

"...Oh…I see…I never heard of this form…"

"Never mind that! You are coming with me! I need to show you to Ray!" Kiana swiftly dismissed the conversation as she grabbed Ana's hand and an orange portal opened into darkness.

"Ehhh? W-Wait! I didn't—"

Ana was afraid that she had provoked the wrong person or something, she tried to apologise but Kiana didn't care she grabbed the girl and proceeded to pull her into the portal.

The rest of the Trainees looked pale and horrified. Did they piss off the Herrscher!?


"Ray! I found a Herrscher candidate!" A portal opened in the Overseer Office as Kiana casually pulled Ana by her hand, the ash-blond girl tried to resist in some way but it was pointless as the white-haired girl had absurd physical strength.

"Herrscher Candidate!? I am not! I went through all the check-ups! We all do! Regularly!" The girl had a horrified look when she heard what Kiana just said!

"Huh? Do you think your Schicksal tech knows everything?" The Herrscher of Void rolled her eyes at Ana's panicky words.

"Hmm… let me check."

Raynold, who was meditating on the couch, got up from it and walked over.

When Ana saw him she was terrified more than ever before, she was alone with two beings who nearly destroyed Schicksal!

Herrscher of Balance's hand went on the Ash-Blonde girl's shoulder and touched it.

"You are right. She is indeed considered to become a Herrscher after the next two at least."

Ana's eyes widened in horror! These two can predict that far!?

"The choice is yours. You can ignore this and continue to be a Valkyrie or you can come with me and I will help you master your power." The Martial Artist gave her a choice as he lowered his hand.

"...This… well… I don't know?"

"You don't know what?" Kiana asked with a huff.

"Ray is extending an olive branch! You could wield power like no other! Once you are Herrscher you can do many things! And you will be barely restrained by anything!" For some reason, the white-haired girl was getting emotional about this. She took a deep breath and calmed herself.

Raynold watched Kiana's outburst with a curious look.

"I-I understand. But I won't be a human anymore, will I?"

The pair looked at her with a questioning look.

"Describe what a human is. Is it flesh and blood or morality which binds us?"


"Precisely, 'Herrscher' is a form you achieve when you have a crystal inside of you." As Raynold explained, Kiana transformed right in front of her eyes.

The transformation only lasted for a few moments before it was dismissed.

"Still, though. You can ignore this, for a while, but after you erupt in some assignment, thousands if not millions of people won't be able to say to you 'I told you so'."

Her facial expression turned as pale as paper. She took a couple of steps back. Her natural distaste for Herrschers was overwhelmed by the sheer realisation of what would happen to her if she was not to accept this.

"Though… it could be worse…don't you think, Kiana?" Raynold then out of nowhere asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I mean that she has 'possibility' of becoming a Herrscher of Ice."

"...Oh, I see… since we are here the will of Honkai could craft something more sinister." Kiana nodded with a realisation of her own.

It could be that Ana in front of them won't become Herrscher, but someone else entirely could become it.

However, their words didn't help the trainee girl at all! It only made her more terrified of the possibilities.

So she swiftly dropped to her knees.

Which made Kiana look at this with confusion, what now?

"Please! Train me! Let me become Herrscher! As long as you fight for humanity I will follow you to the ends of the world!" The Ash-Blonde girl begged him to train her.

"...Wow…did I terrify her to this extent?" Kiana whispered to him.

"...I don't know? I mean this is the first time I am speaking with a regular human for an extended amount of time." Raynold whispered back at her.

His answer made sense to her. The pair of them spend all their time together, so their perception of things is different from regular people who live in cities.

"Fine. Stand up, I will teach you how to become a Herrscher."

A sigh escaped from Ana's mouth and she was relieved and anxious. It appears her trip to become a great Valkyrie just turned 180 degrees south.

"Don't worry. This is much more interesting than training to become a Valkyrie. After seeing what your girls do, I can safely say it will be much more fascinating." Kiana smiled at the girl, her smile was genuine but it wasn't so for Ana. She didn't like that this girl was looking down on the Valkyries.


"And now you made her annoyed. You have quite a talent with words, Kiana."

The white-haired girl turned stiff and she took a step back.

"W-What do you mean!? I told the truth! I saw the spars! Their forms, while not bad, are not great either!"

"You do realise that they are training to fight Honkai?"

"...Ugh…I guess?"

"Regardless. Come with me, what is your name?" Raynold motioned to follow her and then he asked her name.

"Umm, it's Ana Schariac."

"...Schariac? Do you know of Cecilia Schariac?" Kiana asked after hearing Ana's surname.

Her question got Ana baffled.

"Who doesn't know her? She was a top-class S-ranked Valkyrie! And she was my distant Aunt. She is one of the inspirations for me to be a Valkyrie."

The white-haired girl slowly nodded but then she asked something strange.

"...Then do I look similar to her?"

"...You do."

"Hmph… and you could not see that I was related to her?" Kiana asked with a scoff.

"Ugh…you are?"

"...precisely, I am a clone created from Cecilia Schariac's daughter. I was made to be a vessel for Herrscher of Void. By the very place you want to protect no less!"

Valkyrie's eyes widened as she was blasted by this blunt answer.

"...This well…"

"It's fine. You should know that the truth can be deceiving." Kiana waved her hand as if it was nothing. It was strange to see that done by a girl so young. Or is she? Being the vessel of Herrscher of Void she should be as old if not older than her. Or is it?

'It's so confusing…'







I kinda want more tbh damn this is good, if Ren have access to imaginary tree then he can travel other worlds like... Honkai star rail...


Then vote for it, it has never won the polls. I been writing chapters when I have extra free time for this fic 😑😑😑