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Chapter 11

For the next couple of days, nothing has happened of interest. Raynold realised that it was one of those moments between 'movies' or 'comic chapters' where nothing happens for a couple of days.

This is why he used this moment to train Felicia and Illyana, he wanted to make sure they were strong enough to deal with enemies on their own.

Especially his Black Cat. He wants to see what she will do once she has supernatural powers, will she try something on Fisk?

Beat his boys up and make a huge mess? That's why he was curious and wanted to see it for himself.

"This is…tiring!"

"First you send your Ki to hands and then legs, circulate, in other words, you use your Ki to spread the 'energy' to your limbs.

It's like spreading the territory of Ki." He proceeded to explain some more.

"Once you are done with that you will have an easier way to circulate and rotate the energy through your body. As you get stronger it becomes easier and easier to do that."

"...Right…at this moment I can barely send some energy to my right shoulder," Felicia said with a deadpan tired voice.

She has been doing this for several days now and she can barely spread her energy to one of her shoulders! It will take weeks if not months for her power to spread through all of her limbs!

"Relax, and don't force it." He gently patted her head as his energy flew into her body, relieving her tired body.

"...This is not bad, I am getting addicted to this! Are you sure you want to continue doing this? I might start doing this on purpose~" The Black Cat proceeded to show her naughty side to him.

"Oh, I don't mind. This is a drop in a bucket for me. I can fix you up anytime you want. However don't get addicted to it, as this is my power, and not yours. You could lose yourself to it."

"...I suppose, but doesn't it allow me an easier time controlling Ki?" She said that while showing him how she could push all of his given Ki to her hand, it was glowing white.

"I guess you are right. Considering Illyana learned the basics much faster than I had time to learn it." Raynold nodded to her words after pondering for a couple of moments.

"Yes~ so~ what should I do now?" Felicia asked him with a smirk, as she leaned on his chest and got very close.

When he said not to get addicted to his power it might have been too late for her. There is a certain amount of attraction towards someone extremely powerful.

The Black Cat is wondering if it's a natural thing. Almost all the girls in school stare at him with interest. She wonders if his Ki works like a magnet and just draws all of them to him. Like a moth to a big fire.

She noticed that the majority of girls just kept staring at him. Even girls from different classes.

"You look like you want me to spank you."

"...Eh? How did you come to such a conclusion?" Felicia swiftly took a step back.

"You had this look which is telling me 'I wonder if I will get punished if I do this?' that's what I saw."


She took another step back. But, Raynold already had his hands around her.

"You need to be much, much stronger if you think you can escape from me." He teased her with a grin which only made her reconsider any sort of seduction for future reference.

Didn't he leave her with a burning bum just a couple of days ago!?


Liz and Jean were going home after a late training session. The school's football season is on the way and they need to be in top shape as cheerleaders of their school.

Especially since Jean is someone who wants to 'perfect' everything. Which in turn makes Liz, who was the captain, work even harder.

This makes the pair rivals even not knowing that they are. Instead, they just become better friends as they are constantly the last ones to leave, and this makes them go home together.

This time it was no different. They were going home, but this time around their theme of conversation was Raynold. Who once again dominated the P.E and Jean was finally able to see him in action.

As someone who is doing acrobatics, she can tell that there is more to him than meets the eye. Liz may be ignorant or just doesn't pay attention, but the redhead does!

The guy wasn't even trying, yet he did all that crazy stuff! The guy… literally… pulled AirWalk! The gymnasium went wild.

"So you're saying he has some sort of superpowers?"

"I am not saying that. I am saying that he is holding back a lot. You do realise when you do certain things you need to focus? To concentrate? Not to fall wrongly? But that guy… he is different.

He is on a level few people should be, in a way that's maybe how it is?"

"...I guess you are right, I never saw him tired, I never saw him sweat…damn…now that you said it…" Even the blonde girl started to notice. Now that she has put her thoughts to it.

The pair were standing at a traffic light waiting for the green light they were thinking of.

The moment it turned green they started to cross the road.

But at that moment a car was rushing through the streets and it was being chased by a police car as well.

The pair didn't pay that much attention as the place was always full of noise.

Still, they did notice the sirens. Yet, it was too late.

As the car was about to smack into them, panic and fear started to surge in the Red-Head. Survival instinct flared, and something inside of her surged.

The car which was about to smash into her, ended up flipping over her and landing on its roof on the other side.

"Holy…" Liz who was about to run to the other side stopped in her tracks so did other people who saw this girl just do something.

Or was it her? It was strange as there were a bunch of spider webs on the car as well.

Spider-Man was about to save them either way.

So it was confusing! Who was it? The common man thought it was Spiderman, even Spiderman who was looking at his hand at this moment was thinking how strong is he to casually flip a car.

Only Liz saw some sort of wave blast from Jean's hands.

"Jean! Jean! Are you okay!?"

"Stop…Stop…all this noise! It's everywhere!" The girl was holding her ears.


"...C-Can't you heard it?" The redhead was asking her with some tears in her eyes. The voices were getting unbearable to her.

"Hey! Are you two alright?" A police officer walked over.

'They don't look banged up.' Jean could hear how the officer was relieved.

Yet, at the same time, another twenty people were talking in her head! It was maddening!

"Yes, we are fine, officer." Liz grabbed Jean by her shoulders.

'I need to take her away from here, she doesn't look good!' The Redhead could hear Liz's concerned voice, it was talking to her mind directly instead of coming from her lips.

Not that Jean could think about this. Her head was full of voices.

Then, the moment they were at the walkway, someone poked Jean's forehead. At that moment it became quiet.


"Ray?" Liz was shocked to see the Martial Artist just standing there. He was dressed in casual clothes with flip-flops. It was as if he just appeared before them!

"Give me two minutes." Raynold smiled at the blonde while saying that, his smile made her blush for a bit while Jean was wondering why she couldn't hear anything!? What did he do!?

"Officer, these two are my classmates. I will take them to their homes."


The pair nodded at what Raynold just said. They subconsciously played along. They were far too curious to let this opportunity slide.

"Since you two know him you can go. Remember, to pay attention next time."

"Yes. Officer."


"W-What did you do?" I don't hear anything!" Jean asked him the moment they were away from the site of that crash.

They left around the time more officers arrived when the thieves who were running away were still stuck inside the car.

Spiderman was already gone, he wasn't sticking around


Raynold once again placed his finger on her forehead.

"You can hear me now, can you?" He asked her without moving his lips.


"It's not me, it's your power. You have awakened mental powers, like telepathy, mind reading and other things, you can move things with your mind, if you focus strongly enough you can even feel emotional states or read memories."

"...I don't understand."

"You awakened your Gene-X, you could say you are classified as a mutant. My powers, my energy, Ki, has suppressed your power, think of this like it's a rubber glove which hides your hand."

"...Oh…I see…"

"...Hey you two! Why are you poking her head like that!?" Liz asked with crossed arms. Only now did Jean realise that his finger was on her forehead.

Raynold removed his finger and motioned for them to follow him. The moment they were walking again he started to explain.

"That's because I was explaining to her about her powers."

"Powers? Oh…right…" Liz's eyes widened as she got a flashback when she saw Jean making the car flip, it was like she slammed an invisible hammer on the car's front and made it flip!

"W-What did you do!? It was so cool!"

"That's…well…" Jean didn't know what to say. Her mind was still catching up!

"She is a telepath and psychic." The Martial Artist chipped in as he explained instead of Jean, and the redhead slowly nodded at his timely intervention.

"Damn… sounds powerful."

Liz nodded but then she looked around, they entered a dark alley!

"So why are you bringing us to a dark alley?" The blonde questioned him as she saw all the bins and crap laying around.

Raynold smirked when he heard the question.

"Isn't it obvious? I am going to have my way with you two." He said with a grin.

His confident voice made the pair start blushing like they were not angry with him, or anything like that. Nope, they started imagining things, instead!


"Damn, you two, sure have such a wild imagination. No, we are here so that…"

He appeared in front of them and then grabbed the pair before proceeding to rush up and fly away with rapid speed with a pair of girls in both of his hands.

The girls tried to scream from the back that their surroundings had been a rapidly changing environment but no voice left their mouths as Raynold's energy made no sound escape from their mouths.

Not only that but they could feel nothing under their feet.

Not only that but Jean's powers went out of control again, however nothing happened. Instead, the girl could feel that she is being held down by someone extremely powerful.

This was the moment when she felt how much power this guy had! It was so intense that she forgot to scream or react at all instead she just gazed at him!

'This guy… who is he!? So much power…is he some sort of existence outside our world!?' The redhead tried to make sense of what she sensed. The guy was like a fiery ball of energy, something akin to a Sun!

By the time she realised, they were standing in front of a building in the backyard of some sort of place.

When Raynold let them go, Jean was still spacey while Liz dropped on her ass and started breathing heavily while looking around.

"W-What was that!? Where am I!?"

"This is my place. Welcome."


Victor Weismann

Man, i REEEEALY need more this, i can made you update morec chapter !? I give you 50 dolar! Dude just update this more T_T


Then vote for it, it only got couple of votes and took third place, it will be back next week in the polls 🤷🏻


Shank yui