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Chapter 9

"Yo! Asshole!"

"Hmm?" Raynold turned around, he saw at least 10 guys dressed in American football uniforms proceed to surround him. The pair of girls went several steps back.

Some of these burly men had baseball bats.

Illyana and Felicia looked at this development with curiosity. What will he do?

"What is it? As you can see, I am a busy man."

"Are you asking for a beat down? You know that!?" One of the guys with a baseball bat asked all high and mighty.

"Beat down? From who?"

The martial artist pretended not to know what was going on, he even looked around as if looking for someone who could beat him!

"That's it! Boys, let's teach him a lesson!" Jealous-looking Flash roared angrily he might have gotten wasted in basketball by this guy but there was no way this annoying guy could beat all 10 of them!

One of the guys with a baseball bat was about to swing but Raynold's leg already went for his balls.


For a second everyone stopped whatever they were doing. All the guys flinched and paled when they heard that sound.

It sounded like a 'bone' was broken. The pair of girls grimaced. That one should have hurt!

The guy who received the kick dropped to his knees and tried to scream but no sound left his mouth, then he assumed a fetal position.

The rest of the guys looked at this with horror.

But there was no mercy from Raynold who continued to swing with his legs. A reversal kick landed in another guy's chin, sending him flying into his teammate.

The speed of the martial artist only got faster as after the kick he proceeded to elbow another guy. This one flew away and lost a tooth in the process.

Before these guys realised four of them were out! Well, three as one was recovering! Nonetheless, Raynold's speed was absurd!

The remaining six guys tried to grab him but that was a mistake, as he was brushed aside by the incoming guy and sent to another one!

The other two tried to grab him from behind but once again he grabbed them and swirled into each other.

Then another one tried to swing with his baseball bat but all he ended up doing was swinging wildly at nothing.

A fist ended up in his gut.

The football player gasped trying to breathe but he collapsed on his knees holding his stomach.

"Shall we start Eugene? I somewhat warmed up."

"F-Fuck off!"

The blondie tried to run for it after seeing the 'slaughter'.

But, all he got was a foot in his back forcing him to drop face-first into concrete ground.

"Now that's not nice." Raynold proceeded to put some weight on his feet as he was crushing Eugene.

"What did I ever do to you for you to swear at me like this?" He asked with a confused look.

But that moment one of the guys who was pushed aside recovered and tried to punch Raynold from his side.

But all that did was an elbow to his face right in the nose.

"I spared you by pushing a guy into you, and all you do is try to punch me? That's just rude."

The Martial Artist exclaimed with a sigh. He was disappointed. How could these people spit at his generosity like this?

"Agghh…you broke my nose!!!" The guy dropped on his knees as he was holding his bleeding nose.

"Of course I did. You walked into my elbow, elbows are one of the hardest bones." With an eye roll, he explained as he looked at Eugene lying on his stomach.

"Now excuse me, where were we?" Raynold leaned forward and grabbed the blonde by his hair.

"Ah yes. Me telling you that I am ready for a spar. You did want to spar me, yes? Like a Martial Artist against another Martial Artist. Exchanging pointers."

"Aghhh!!! What are you talking about!?!" The blonde footballer almost screamed from pain as his hair was being pulled.

"What else! Then why would you approach me?"

"I-Isn't it obvious!? I tried to beat you up!" Eugene explained with a pained look on his face as he was trying to endure the pain.

"...Beat me up? Do you think you have the qualification to do the impossible?" Raynold asked with a cold voice.

That moment for some reason Eugene 'Flash' Thompson felt a cold chill pass through his very being.

Why the fuck he thought that trying to gang up on a legit Martial Artist is a good idea!? For a girl? For a pussy he will never get!?

As he was wondering, Raynold released his hold on the blonde's hair.

"Get lost. Next time I see you, you will bow before me in respect or I will teach you how properly 'beaten up' looks like."

After saying that the Martial Artist simply turned around and proceeded to walk away. The remaining three footballers who simply stared at this exchange could only look with utter horror at how one guy just beat all of them!

It was insane! He didn't even look winded or bruised!

~~~~~~Few Moments Before~~~~~~

"What the hell was that?" Felicia whispered, Illyana decided to explain.

"It's kinda basic. The lifeforce energy we practise makes us quite 'high'. The stronger you are the more 'high' you are."

"...Like drugs?"

"Not quite. Narcotics are external factors. What I mean is more like being constantly in a very good mood. Like waking up from a good night's sleep and then getting a couple of cups of coffee.

A desire to do something rises and becomes more obvious, the desire to laze around ceases to exist.

Eventually, one can't see the reason why people don't do something. Such feelings continue to grow. Then one realises that only he tries to do something.

This feeling continues to grow with power. Becoming obsessed, maybe even narcissistic, at the end it becomes like God Complex."

"...You mean… drunk on power? That's what you mean by 'high'?"

"Indeed. A warning to you 'kitten'." Illyana said with a smirk as she watched how Raynold wasted half of the football club.

"Never question if he can or can't."

"...Yeah. I can see that." Felicia dumbly nodded as she saw how he did all that in the middle of the day. Just outside the school.

He had no sense of fear or care about the consequences!

"I hope you do. Since he could sink the city into the bay if you are to challenge that."


"That's right. You could say that lifeforce feeds into his muscles or inflates his testosterone. Something like that. I did some studies on his power. However, I am not a scientist or researcher.

All I could think was that his instinctual side was overloading and his desire for conquest was high.

That's why he targeted the football guys. In his subconscious, they are alphas of this place. Not the principal or the teachers but these oafs."

"...Ugh…I see… so I have a macho on my hands."

"...Macho? Hardly…" Illyana snorted. Internally she wondered if Felicia had any idea what he could do if she were to do a dere of some sort.

Like conquering a country? He could make this cat into a Queen if she wanted.

It all depends on how you word your sentences. Raynold would notice that she would try to use him. But he doesn't care. He would fight armies alone because he wanted a fight.

He simply doesn't care about the mundane man. His Lifeforce is so strong it has filtered his vision, normal men are like dust in front of him.

As she was thinking, Raynold walked over.

"You let him go with a few bruises?" Illyana asked with crossed arms as she observed the whole thing.

"Well, Eugene is close to Liz so I didn't want to ruffle his feathers that much."

"Do you have things for blondes?"

"... That's a good question." For a second he stopped and looked at Felicia and then at Illyana, as if he was inspecting them.

"...I guess I do. What a discovery." He pondered on this. For a bit.

Felicia and Illyana rolled their eyes at his behaviour, but internally they were pleased.

"...Well, now we know who to watch." The Black cat said with a pondering look. Now she knows her 'rivals', the cheerleader girl, the geek Stacy…

Though Raynold just shook his head. As if he cares about their rivalries. He proceeded to walk and the pair swiftly caught up.

"So what now?"

"We are going to my home, I will start training you, kitten."

Felicia's green eyes sparkled with happiness. She will finally wield Lifeforce.

She didn't even bother with the 'side effects'.

The Black Cat doesn't even think that she will have this much power to get power drunk as Raynold is.


"Right. So back to basics. Lifeforce or Ki is the weaponization of your life. In simple terms, your mind and body are so in sync that you start sensing and feeling the energy and then you take control over it.

This is only possible if your body is at its apex and your mind is clear and focused.

Think of it like a trance." Raynold proceeded to explain that to Felicia.

She was looking around and inspecting the place. She can't believe he has a dojo! At the back of his house!

"...So what do you want me to do?" The platinum-haired beauty asked him after stopping looking.

"Well, you are already in good physical condition and your lifeforce is slightly above average."

"...It is?" She was happy to hear that! Maybe that's why Raynold was interested in her and answered her question!

'Or that I am platinum-haired? Maybe that's why…' With a somewhat dull voice, she said that to herself.

"Yes. You train yourself to be fit for your night activities. That's a head start."

"...I guess."

As he said that he walked over and then got behind her.

"I will channel my lifeforce into you. I want you to use that to find a similar feeling in your body.

Think of this as using ambers to start a fire."

"O-Oh, okay."

Raynold proceeded to place his hand on her back and then started to use his Ki to flow into her. He used a very small amount of it.

While this was going Illyana was sitting in the corner and looking at this with a dull and bored look.

'Well, I guess we are at this stage. He will be paying more attention to her at this time. But, I guess, I can get it back if I am to get stronger.'

Deciding the best course of action she closed her eyes and proceeded to meditate. Circulating her Lifeforce, training it to be stronger.

She is certain that it will take a while for Felicia to start using this power. It took her years. But then again they were noobies and had no sense of how to train this fastest.

~~~~~~Back at School~~~~~~

"So you're saying that you fell off the stairs?" The principal pointed at Eugene. The blonde teen looked like he had a brawl.

"And you bumped your head into a wall?" He pointed at one with a broken nose.

"And you by accident slipped and ended up with a metal bar hitting your crouch?" Principal massaged his forehead as he looked at the football player who was sitting awkwardly, he was still hurting.

"Tell me…why would I believe any of this?"

None of the football players said anything. They just looked at something.

There is no way in hell they will tell anyone that one guy beat them all! Like there is no way! They will be the laughingstock of the whole school!

"More precisely sir. Why is Parker soaked like that? We didn't bully him this time around or anything." Eugene directed the conversation away from the beat-up they had and instead looked at Peter Parker who was in the principal's office as well.

"...the tap in the men's restroom malfunctioned and sprayed all over me."

"Uh-huh…as if I believe that." Flash sarcastically nodded with crossed arms.

Peter deadpanned at him. Is this guy for real? Why would he believe that he has fallen off the stairs!? THERE ARE NO STAIRS OUTSIDE!

At least make your excuse believable!


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