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Chapter 78

"...This smell, are you cooking something?" Xiao Long said with a frown on his face, he looked disgusted as the smell was bad. It reminded him of cheap rubber tyres being burned.

"... Agh!!!"

The true devil screamed from pain as his body was getting cooked by the chains and energy arcs which pinned him down into the wall.

"Ohh, right, it's the barrier wall stuff… my apologies." The Young Master instantly released him, the smell was just too bad for him to keep it going.

The moment he released the True Devil, the moment he rushed to attack Young Master again. 


Seeing that the guy didn't learn his lesson Xiao Long proceeded to remind him.

He simply grabbed the five-metre-tall giant by his face and pushed him forward, the inertia made the devil's body continue moving forward, which is opposite to where the Young Master pushed his head. 

Such a move rattled his body and made him get off the ground before being slammed into the ground.

The earth cracked under their feet. From sheer force.

Xiao Long didn't stop as he lifted him by the head and then slammed him right back, making an even bigger crater. The process repeated several times.

Until the Devil stopped struggling.

"Well? Lesson learned? Or should we return to basics?" He asked nicely as he removed his hand.


"Did a cat get your tongue? Hmm, let me help you with that." 

At that moment several runes appeared around him.

"...You— what are you?" 

"Just an average Young Master trying to reach the peak." Xiao Long plainly said that which honestly made the True Devil confused is he serious or the human is messing with him?


"I have a proposition for you, Devil." 


"Join me."

"...Human you make no sense, why would I, Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign join you?" The devil asked with confusion and anger, is this human mad? Like bonkers? How can a Supreme Being from the Primordial Era be subservient to a human!?

"Because you have no choice." 

As Xiao Long said that his eyes started to glow, and for a second the Devil Sovereign saw something akin to draconic slits appear in the human's eyes. At that moment he sensed a crushing force descending on his soul!

'This…why do I sense the Primordial Azure Dragon God force behind him!?' 

He tried to resist but it was utterly impossible, he never had such an invasive experience before. Before he could do anything, several runes dropped into his consciousness.


The True Devil tried to resist but he felt how his very being was being burned! It's like he is being cooked on fire!

This made him start trashing on the ground, not that he can do much as Xiao Long placed his leg on him to keep him pinned down.

"The runes I placed in you are both Yin and Yang. The moment you show that disobedience the rune will flip to Yang, and it will start cooking your very soul and consciousness." 


Moon Slaughter quickly figured it out, and the pain stopped. 

"...There. Better now? Isn't it?"

"...Pesky human! I will find a way to get out of this!"

"Oh? Let me guess, you will spend several million years brooding then you will start practising runes, thinking about how to get over this. Once you are done you will try to remove it. Right?"

For a second he was terrified as hell. How does he know!?

"You long-living species are so slow. It took me a few short years to reach this point." Around Xiao Long, all his elements manifested even his Martial Soul, the Slaughter God.

"By the time you grasp the basics, I will have already reached a realm beyond your comprehension."


"Such arrogance from a mere human. With us gone, you all act like you are Gods of the Primal Chaos!"

"...Arrogance? You are a naive brat. You have been here for millions of years!" 


The wall got destroyed by the Slaughter God Martial Spirit, and a huge amount of Yin energy rolled into the cave. At that moment countless barrier walls manifested around the source, sealing it inside of it.

"You had this with you for millions of years! You could have studied it! With such a source of energy, you could have been the Devil God of minds, consciousness, and souls! You could have surpassed Devil Emperors! And you dare to call yourself Devil Sovereign in my presence!?" 

Once again he lifted him by his head and slammed into the ground one more time.

"I can say the same thing, you bubbling toad! Your arrogance makes you blind! Your intelligence is that of a monkey I can find on these islands! They are even more intelligent than you because they know how to open fruits!

So don't tell me about arrogance when you spend longer in this cave trying to do something than the empires that exist outside this cave!" 

With one more smash, he threw the Devil Sovereign into a wall.

The five-metre-tall devil spasmed from pain several times before he slid down the wall.

Xiao Long was disgusted by the sheer stupidity of this situation. 

You had the second most powerful artefact in the whole universe, even if you could not become its master you could have studied it! Moon Slaughter is millions of years old! Surely he knows a thing or two about arrays? Formations? He could have even developed a technique which would allow him to refine that energy at a rapid pace or amass a library of techniques.

Do something with this much time! But what did he do? He played gardener for one flower! 

This is simply disgusting!

The Young Master lifted his hand and his ring proceeded to glow. He started to make a temporary ring for this fool.

Originally he planned to just kill him, but he has an idea. He simply can't rely on the rings and the fake legacy he is building. 

He is planning to unleash Moon Slaughter and his son on the Primal Chaos.

Two sources of disruption will allow him to expand in peace. True Devil appearing would cause utter frenzy for the Homophobic cultivators.

As the certain man says: Chaos is a ladder, and he will use that to make his Sect grow in power away from prying eyes.

"Ughh—what do you know! I spent millions of years fighting the seal placed by that filthy Ni Xuan!"

"So you even had a seal to study!? Yet, you didn't pick up how it works? How to reverse it? How to feed off its power? Just how pathetic are you?"


After finishing the ring he simply threw it at the Devil.

"Pick it up and put it on. It has a built-in barrier which filters and re-works the profound energy in the surroundings. It gives the energy Yin attribute. This will allow you to re-cultivate your power.

As you can see I made it in less than five minutes. It took me that little to solve YOUR million-year-old issue. You should be ashamed of your inability."

After saying that he went over to collect and seal off the Wheel. That thing was absurd, to say the least. Like a super reactor of power.

It's like wielding nukes as if it was a sword. One swing—*Boom*, the amount of energy it emits has such a feeling. The mirror which he has pales in comparison to the sheer force this thing emits. 

To finish this off he placed more Yin-based barrier walls before placing it inside of his storage ring. 

Once he was done he inspected the pitch-black cave more and eventually picked up a palm size jade stone, it was black and cold.

"Fascinating material. I wonder how it's made?"

After inspecting it from all angles the Young Master stored it away and returned to the main cave. 

The Devil Sovereign was still sitting there, leaning against the wall. He looked like he was questioning reality.

"Are you done? Or should I put even stronger runes in your consciousness?" 

"What is it you want, human?" He finally asked him as the five-metre-tall Devil stood up.

"Your services."

"...And that is? You want to show to everyone that you have a True Devil— pet?" The ancient being sneered at him.

"You sound as if it's a bad thing." 

Xiao Long rolled his right-hand sleeve and showed the tattoos.

"Primordial Azure Dragon and Phoenix are my pets. They shall be reborn in this world and they shall be part of my sect.

While you, you will be my wild card. I will give you resources, restore your power, and all you will need to do is cause chaos in the Realm of Gods. I will even give you artefacts that will allow you to ignore regular profound energy."


"Because I need chaos. You can even return to the Northern Region and amass an army. Yes, do that, amass an army and cause a huge war.

I want you to gather all the attention." 

This is where Devil Sovereign realised what this means.

"...I see… you want a distraction."

"That is correct. The better the distraction the better the awards will be for you."


"But of course. You perform well and I will give you power." 

Once again elements manifested around him, and the Slaughter God shimmered into existence behind him.

"Unlike your kind. I seek to figure out the mysteries of this Universe. Serve me well and you shall have another legacy? What do you think? Flames that burn souls? Maybe mist that turns people crazy? Maybe something that allows you to enslave souls? Or drain souls, maybe something that corrupts beings?

I can make it all happen."

Moon Slaughter was wondering… who is the devil here? 

"Oh, and I have this."

With a casual hand motion, he summoned a sword. A very familiar sword.

"This is!"

"So you know. What do you think?"

The Devil Sovereign trembled, this was his son! He could sense his presence! He was still alive!

"...You…fine. This Sovereign shall follow your lead. However—" Before he could finish Xiao Long started first.

"If you disappoint me, then you shall suffer worse than death. The runes I placed inside of you can be easily accessed and modified. I shall perfect it and make it so that death will be something you will wish for.

Oh, and when you die from disappointing me, I shall bring you back. So trust me, trying to threaten me with a speech is the wrong way to start our 'business'."

As Xiao Long said, she showed the Mirror of Samsara. 

This was the last thing which has pushed the proud Devil Sovereign over the edge. 

Now he was terrified, even death will not save him! After all, when you know that death is close you can have that one-time  'Hurrah' moment, taking out someone or something with you. That perfect opportunity to show your middle finger before death.

But this was not it. This was terrifying, he never thought in a million years that there is someone who can wield the mirror of Samsara, to wield reincarnation. 

'Truly…such a demonic human. I should have exterminated them when I had a chance all those years ago!'

Just from the sheer amount of fear, he would have done it!

"This Devil understands, Master." The True Devil cupped his hand, giving respect to the Young Master.

"Much better, now put the ring on."


Moon Slaughter has placed the ring on his finger. At that moment he could feel a few layers surrounding him. It was something strange as he could feel that it had some function.

The devil then followed the Young Master. It was quite a sight. Xiao Long was around 1.8 metres, still growing, while the Devil was around 5 so he was like a towering bodyguard.

When they left the barrier the guards looked petrified.

"...Y-Y-Young Master!? T-The Devil is right behind you!!!"

"Yeah-Yeah he is my new subordinate. I am going back to the sect. Tell grandmother that I wish to see her when she has time."

"O-Of course."

Just like that, the pair flew right into the sky towards the floating sect.

Though the Devil needed to cover his eyes with one hand as he is not used to such a bright sight. In truth, he felt like he would go blind!


Qu Fengy thought that her grandson would kill that thing! But now he has recruited it!? Is he mad!?

She quickly dropped everything she had been doing and swiftly went to see him.

"Long'er! What have you done!?"

"Hmm? What have I done? He is more useful alive, than dead. He is the only living being who can tell us about the Primordial Era, and he is very useful for coming events."

"Explain." She crossed her arms and waited for his explanation.

"Very simple, I don't wish to put all my hopes on one scheme. While the ring legacy will attract the attention it won't cause true chaos on an enormous scale.

But what would happen if a True Devil returns and causes a massive war which will engulf the whole Realm of Gods?"

"...I see…but this won't be easy. He needs power to match those in the Realm of Gods and he needs to truly listen to you. If he is to gain thousands if not millions of followers he would be a threat to you."

"If he was a threat to me I would have already carved him up and used his Devil Orb to figure out how devils work." Xiao Long said that while rolling his eyes.

"I have placed runes and even wasted a few minutes to 'explain' why it's better to serve me than die." He finished his sentence with a small smile. 

"...I see…as long as you know what you are doing."

"Yes. Now that the island is empty we can start making our preparations."

"Already on my way to doing that. Palace Members are to be migrated, what will you do with the Palace itself?"

She asked curiously.

"We will repurpose it as a Core part of the Sect."

"...Core part? The Palace is a massive island. It will take years to fill it up by our standards." She reasoned with him. This island is big. The Palace could hold all the members of the Sacred Ground including the fresh members, elders and their families. It's just that big, and has a whole Palace just for the core members. That's a lot of space.

"Correct, and our Sect will continue to grow. By the Realm of God's standards it's considered very small.

So, I am already planning for the expansions."

"...Fair enough. I didn't think that far ahead. Very well, I shall return to my duties. It will take a few days to move everyone."

"It's alright. We have spare time."

After finishing the meeting with Qu Fengyi, Xiao Long returned to make room for the Moon Slaughter. As one could guess, the Devil doesn't want to do anything except cultivate.

So he made all the preparations for him. Since this guy was a Yin being he made sure there is a monitoring system in place.

He doesn't want this being to flip and just detonate himself into a miniature nuke.

Who knows with these beings?

The room is a simple one built right under the cultivation tower.

The area has a heavy amount of Profound energy, he used the lake water to convert the energy into Yin attribute. 

This made the water look much more cool and crystalline. A beautiful side effect.

The best part is that no one even knows there is an Ancient Devil on their island apart from his harem and the Elders.

But there was quite an effect from his girls, especially the ones from Realm of Gods.

"...A real Devil!? This place had one!?" Qianye Ying'er rushed into Xiao Long's workshop the moment she heard about it.

"Yes. He is now cultivating under the Cultivation tower."

"Did you ask anything!? Like how was the Realm of Gods in his time? About the True God Realm? The Creation Gods? The Devil Emperors!?" The blond was gushing about the idea of talking with someone from that time! Learning a method to reach realms above [Divine Master]!

As she walked over to his side, her mother followed right after, she will use this time to get closer to him, of course. 

"Ying'er control yourself, while it's impressive there is no need to act like a small girl." The more mature blonde said with a sigh.

"But mother! This is one in a million times, maybe even more, to learn the secrets of the [True God] realm!" The Goddess pouted at her mother. 

"Even so, at least do it with elegance. You, not a little girl." As she said that she walked over and inspected what he was doing.

"My apologies for disturbing you, Young Master." Yan Qing'er curtsy bowed towards him. She was after all refined beauty who knows how to act in front of her Master.

"It's fine. I can understand the enthusiasm, but Moon Slaughter is as useless as one gets. He was locked up for millions of years and he achieved…nothing."

He said that with an ugly frown, Xiao Long simply can't stand such a lack of efficiency. It's revolting.

"I see… then we won't be going to question you." The blonde could see his distance, she will act accordingly.

"On the better side, I acquired a new source of power." With hand motion, several walls disappeared in front of them, the blondes could see a wheel encased in a unique-looking seal, the seal had a ghostly look to it. Around it, there were circular arrays draining something from it.

"This is—"

"Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations, the number two Heavenly Treasure." Xiao Long said with crossed arms as he double-checked the formations and arrays around it. He is making sure the Profound Energy conversion is working properly.

"...This—This Star is one crazy Star…doesn't this make three treasures in one star!?"

"You could say."

Yan Qing'er words had double meanings, from treasures to people this place is simply on another level.


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