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Chapter 21

"D-Do… you truly want us to do this?" Yukino asked with an atomic blush on her cheeks. While Ena and Erica were much more controlled in this.

"Yes. You three forced me to go through hell. Now I will go through heaven." He said that while taking his seat in front of the changing rooms. 

He just took the entirety of the lingerie shop for himself and he will make his girls showcase all these sexy undergarments for him.

"Since my King wants me to do this…" Erica said with a sigh… she might have too much fun dressing him up now she is going to pay for it…

"As Erica-san said, if His Majesty wants it I will do it," Ena said with a serious nod. In truth, she was excited about this! Satisfying her Lord is something she was trained to do for a long time! Now she has a chance to do that in a competition of some sort!

Only Yukino who was well self-conscious about all of this was having a borderline panic attack!

Though, she decided to steel herself through this!

Sure enough, the pair grabbed their first sets and entered the changing rooms, only Yukino was much more subdued and self-conscious about this. Though she took hers and entered the changing room.

A few minutes later Erica came out, then it was Ena. Both of them had dressed up in blue undergarments.

"What do you think? Blue doesn't quite fit me." The blonde said that as she did a spin. 

Raynor slightly nodded at her as she walked over and inspected her from closer proximity.

"Indeed. You would do better in black or red…" He agreed while slowly inspecting her from different angles. Erica was slightly blushing from the amount of heat his gaze had.

Still though she was happy with the amount of attention she was getting from this. This whole thing was mighty for him but she loves his unwavering attention in this kind of situation. Other guys would be blushing up a storm if they would see her in such sexy undergarments.

However, for him, it was a treat. As Raynor slightly pulled her closer and whispered into her ear.

"You look very beautiful regardless." As he said that his hands wandered around her body, touching all the right places.

The blonde knight blushed slightly as she pulled away before smiling at him with a teasing look.

"This was only my first set and you already like this~" The girl quite proudly said that she was happy that she could make him act like that!

"Now let me try out the other ones I prepared~," Erica said while rushing back into the changing room.

Seeing that the blonde was gone Ena walked out of her changing room.

Raynor nodded to himself when he saw her, Ena was a beauty, especially when you have her black hair, red eyes and pale skin.

The teen Godslayer walked over to her and just like with Erica he inspected the beauty before pulling her closer and telling her how beautiful she was.

But unlike the Blonde the black-haired girl blushed like a tomato. It was a nice contrast between her pale skin and the blush.

Not that she did anything to resist his touch… though if this continues the undergarments show off will be cut short as she will have a hard time thinking rationally.

Thankfully he let her go before anything of that sort can happen.

This leaves Yukino who was not coming out.

"Well, Yukino-chan you have been waiting for the longest, why don't you come out."




After one extremely long minute, the black-haired girl slowly walked out. Unlike the other two, she was using her hands to cover herself. She was dressed in quite revealing black lingerie which barely hides anything.

This was pretty much what Erica gave her to dress. Raynor could feel quite a bit of resentment radiating from the conservative girl towards the blonde girl.

"You look very beautiful, darling." As he said that he walked in front of her and gently touched her cheek.

"...Can…Can… I dress something…less revealing?" Yukino asked with a stuttering voice. She was feeling… way, way too exposed!

"No…I like the way you are." He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to himself and then went back to take a seat.

The way Yukino was… she was pretty much sitting on his lap…facing him and dressed in nothing but her undies…

This was a warning… for her as he might be going to 'eat' her like this… 

There was no way in the world that she thought that she might go to lose her first time in Italy, in an undergarment shop!

~~~~~~~Back in Copper Black Cross Headquarters~~~~~~

The trio of girls were in quite bad shape after being made to deal with Raynor's needs… this time three of them did it… instead of just one girl…

Thankfully they were at least in walking condition this time!

"...W-We did it without protection… is it…fine? Like this?" Yukino asked with a conflicted look.


"You don't realise how hard it is for Campione to impregnate a regular human woman, he has the essence of a God. And even if somehow magically he does impregnate his women then magical societies around the world would want to raise those kids they are treated like royalty… mine Copper Black Cross was founded by a bastard child of a Campione… as you can see even a Bastard child of Godslayer is treated like a King." Erica explained as she was resting on a couch, she was feeling both sore and pleasurably satisfied with herself.

She didn't expect to get fucked in a Lingerie shop… however, It was a good experience. Doubt she will tell anyone that her boyfriend…could just decide to do her in a random location without care! It's dangerous… and quite lewd.

Especially for Yukino who was just sitting on the couch as well and blushing hard as she remembered her previous experience.

After he started with her and then proceeded to 'eat' the other two girls…

While the trio were thinking about the shopping experience going in the wrong kind of direction, Raynor finally entered the room and took his seat, he pulled Erica into his lap and proceeded to snuggle.

"I was thinking we could take a tour down from Milan to Rome in a bus."

"Oh? Why so specifically?"

"I want to visit Modena."


"Cars?" Erica realised what was in the city.


"...You can fly faster than Fighter jets and you want to see cars?" Yukino said with a baffled tone. Doesn't his mindset already transcend regular people? He still is thinking like a sixteen-year-old!

Truthfully nothing has changed, he became powerful and somewhat unhinged, the unhinged part comes from the fact that his body is brimming with energy and power.

"Exactly." Raynor agreed without wasting any moment. He is in Italy only a fool wouldn't go to see the Ferrari factory…

"They have guided tours so I want to do that, and maybe buy one or two cars…" he said with a smirk. They do have a race track there as well…

"...Gods…" the black-haired girl could only groan when she heard that. What kind of chaos is he planning!?

"I kill those…" he said with a knowing smirk.

"...I will arrange it through my uncle. He knows his people who will make sure you see all you want to see." Erica said without bothering, she doesn't question what he wants, she simply fulfils his requests.

One should not question someone who is saving humanity from its extinction.

When Yukino heard that she could only facepalm.

Fine, whatever, she is just going to accept it! It doesn't matter anymore!

Not like anyone is going to do anything to him!


And Yukino was right, not like anyone will do anything to Raynor, a day after tomorrow they were in a mini-van going down towards Rome from Milan.

The whole journey has been planned out for the Godslayer to see the Italian countryside.

Ferrari factory included, the whole thing was bought out for a single specific day, the black-haired girl had no freaking idea how they did it but it didn't matter. Now that she doesn't care about the details she is starting to enjoy this as much as Ena and Raynor.

Sometime later they finally arrived at a Town with the name Maranello, the town famous for being the home of Ferrari.

The first thing Raynor did was to check out the museum of the world-famous red cars, including F1 models.

It was a blast for him… the girls well… they were sorta… kind off…okay? Erica liked them because they were red… but the other two… were alright to some degree… Yukino was more interested in the history of this place while Ena didn't care about any of that.

Eventually, Raynor and the group of girls arrived at the factory of the world-famous cars.

The managers, and people who run the building, were all weirded out when out of nowhere the people from the top were told to give a guide to a group of severely important people.

Like so— important that people could lose their jobs from a moment of notice… this was so freaking insane! Never in their wildest dreams did something like this happen!

There is a certain amount of respect for all the workers here so saying that they will lose their jobs… that's just freaking weird!

Regardless, when these guests arrived they were teenagers… more like a teenage kid with three girls…

For one there were two Asian girls… and one Italian… So a translator?

Though they quickly threw that out of the window because all of them could speak fluent Italian!

This was good for them because they could all explain everything in detail.

So, the journey started from the very beginning where the frame gets forged, painted, and prepared for assembly.

Then we're all the parts getting prepared and added.

The one who got most into the whole thing was the teenager who actively engaged with the manager of the Factory.

They all realised that the whole expedition was the teen's idea as he was quite geeking over the whole thing. Which only made the workers extra enthusiastic about their explanation.

Eventually, They all were quite impressed that the car engines are all made by hand, with no robotics included. Even the girls were impressed to some extent.

Though, eventually, after several hours it was time for Raynor to ask that one question…

"Are there any spare cars which I could buy today?"

"...Are you even of age to drive?" The manager asked with a confused look. They could sell them… but… there is a huge list of buyers these cars already 'belong' to people, but…

The question was with the sales manager… and the sales manager knows that they could not disappoint this kid.

"Don't worry, Raynor has diplomatic immunity, besides he wants them shipped back to Japan, right?" The blonde girl said with a smile as she looked at the teen who slowly nodded at her.

Yes, the way Erica explained this was…good, he wants to take them to Japan, so he can't drive them here… 

"Yes… you can say that this is my souvenir from this town." Raynor said with a knowing and thoughtful look.

He might not be able to drive at this moment but… there is that special lap course not far from this place.

This fixes things for him, that's for sure.

"I see… in that case let me show you the stock we have at this moment. Most of the cars are ordered by people, but we have some for the 'markets' as well." As the manager said that he motioned for the group to follow him.

"Can you even drive? I don't think you learned how to drive before!" Yukino asked him in Japanese.

"I will wing it. My instincts are supernatural, to say the least."

"...' Wing it?'..." The black-haired squeaked while saying that! 

Is he for real? Well… whatever…

"Just don't embarrass us… please…"