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Chapter 19

Alex looked at the blue card in his hand, it was beautiful and looked like it was carved from Sapphire.

This was the second time he got a Rare card, the first one gave him the Electrokinesis, and this time it can extract a gear from an individual…

A dead individual…

How does he know that? Well, this time the card came with introductions…

As with any other ones, they all look like they were ripped off from Yu-Gi-Oh, this one was no different.

To put a cherry on top of it it had an amusing picture.

A cartoonish body laying down on the ground with an 'X' in its eyes and soul living its body through the mouth.

Above this cartoonish body is a glowing item, a Sacred Gear.

Bellow this picture, like in card games there is a description of how to activate the card.

Unlike other cards, this doesn't work with intent, like intensively staring at it, that's why Alex is so casual with this card.

'This card can only be activated by putting on a dead body with Sacred Gear, only work with the body which was dead no longer than 10 minutes.' 

A very strict requirement, but it's powerful stuff…

'And it just turns out that there is Longinus gear in this town… that means that I will have to pay attention to that idiot and when he gets his date…' 

'Still, using Sona's Peerage as an indicator when canon starts is not the best way to do it… at least knowing Issei he will announce to the whole world when he will get his date.'

'I can trust the idiot's stupidity.' Alex thought amusingly.

After thinking out a base plan on how to get Booster Gear, the teen decided to spin again, this time he decided to spin only Uncommon ones as the Common ones barely have any if no use at all in his eyes.

Maybe when he is hungry and he can win a barbeque set with some freshly prepared meat.

The moment he pressed on the Lottery wheel he got a notification.

'Hmm, what's this?'

[For dying three times and experiencing the bare minimum of what THE dungeon has to offer, you have reached your first milestone!]

'Ok, that's not ominous at all…' He sarcastically thought for a second.

Alex pressed [OK], and the notification disappeared and another appeared in its place.

[You have unlocked Exchange Store! And the ability to leave THE Dungeon at will!]

[Congratulations! and continue to work hard!

P.S. New items are added to the Lottery Wheel!]

For some reason, Alex didn't feel that happy about this development, and the easygoing mood of the App Admin or whatever didn't help either.

Knowing The APP and THE dungeon there is a catch, or it's just that he needs this to balance the dungeon out…

Instead of spinning, Alex went to the new option, the Exchange Store.

Just as the name suggests it's a store of some sort.

What he found was a simple exchange system.

He can either exchange hundred common tickets for one uncommon…

This goes all the way to Legendary…

Meaning he will need hundred Epic tickets for one Legendary.

Alex very quickly understood what this meant for him, he will need to grind, grind a lot to get anything substantial.

And the other option is to exchange crafting material for tickets…

Once again the conversion rate was not amazing by any stretch…

He can exchange ten common-rank wolf pelts for 1 common ticket!

Same with uncommon! And probably with higher ones too!

Still, this is good, in a way he has earned another two ways to get higher tickets, and stuff from uncommon and above is quite good.

For now, Alex exchanged forty common wolf pelts and fangs, for 8 common tickets.

Making his total common ticket count 59

Now he has a proper reason to actively seek wolves in the forest, as before he somewhat ignored them because of measly drops, now, however…

'Right… let's see what kind of new items I can get!' Alex left the store menu and went to the lottery wheel and selected an uncommon ticket.

Moments later the wheel turned green and he could see what he can get.

'Alright, what in the world is this?'

Alex was confused for a second because nearly half of the stuff on the wheel is the same thing, and it says:


'Does this thing has the means to fix my scars?' Alex curiously thought.

While he likes scars, there is a limit to how many he is willing to bear…

Without thinking much about this he pressed spin…

[You Get: Sacred Gear Twice Critical]

'Right…stupid RNG, when you want something you will never going to get that!' Alex frowned for a second before pressing [OK].

He then selected another Uncommon ticket, and the Lottery Wheel ignited with green colour, a check later he realised that Scar-minor has nearly half of the slots taken once more.

'This is good, let's get it!' Alex quickly pressed spin and waited.

[You Get: Sacred Gear Flame Shake]

'...This one is not so bad. Actually…' He looked at his peacefully sleeping Waifu.

'I could give it to Julis…' For a second he thought about this, it could help her to master fire even further.

He is going to ask her about it once she wakes up, as for now Alex pressed [OK] and selected another uncommon ticket.

After seeing the prizes he pressed spin…

[You Get: A copy Of Potioneering Compendium]

'Interesting… So, potion-making stuff is a thing in DxD?' For a second Alex frowned, he doesn't remember potions existing in DxD, only the tears of the Phenex Clan…

Then again DxD is a story shown by Issei and the devil side of things, he can recall in myths that some pantheons had or have in this case, beings who can create elixirs or potions.

'Like Circe or even Hecate, and that's just Greek Pantheon…'

After thinking about this for a second he pressed the [OK] button and selected another Uncommon ticket.

Once more he checked the prizes and pressed the Spin button.

[You Get: Scar-minator!]

`What's with the exclamation mark?' Alex for a second frowned before pressing [OK].

He still has one Uncommon ticket left. So, he decided to use it and be done with it.

[You Get: A copy of Basics Of Arcane]

'Heh, after getting that Scar-minator more regular stuff returned, and this book sounds quite interesting.'

After pressing [OK] Alex returned to the main menu on his App and selected the Card Deck.

Then he pickets the Scar-minator card and is summoned to the real world.

The first thing he saw was that the card image was his phone!

'What the…'

'Perfectly honest I don't care anymore…' He sighed and activated the card.

The card just glowed and then shattered like glass before entering his body, and that was it!

'Okay, what's next?' Alex inspected himself, there were no changes.

'Did the App scammed me?' He wouldn't be surprised if that would have happened.

Even so, he remembered the picture being his phone so he went back to the Lottery Wheel app's main menu.

And there was nothing there…

'Okay… then maybe phone menu?' Thinking about that Alex left the R.O.B's app and noticed a new app on his phone.

A sigh escaped from the teen's lips as he saw the app, he then pressed on it.

Just like R.O.B's App, this one started similarly, the screen turned black and the next thing he saw was a notification screen the same type as from the Lottery Wheel App.

[Welcome to Scar-minator! Your personal scar exterminator!]

[To start please selected the Scar examination option!]

After pressing [OK] twice, Alex's eyebrow twitched for a second, there was only one option why then that stupid second notification screen?

Alex then selected the options, and then his eyes widened when he saw his 3D image, with all the scars.

He can quite literally control it with his touch screen!

'Not going to lie this kind of looks futuristic…' Alex thought about it, as he checked himself while rotating the model.

His finger touched the massive scar on his stomach and chest and a pop-up appeared.

[Scar inflicted by Calydonian Boar Lv2 Monster Rex]

[Do you wish to terminate this scar? It will cost you one Scar-minator ticket!]

[YES] [NO]


'Yes, of course! Silly me! How I did not realise that I need tickets for this too!'

Alex shook his head and pressed [NO], the window disappeared but another notification appeared in its place.

[To get Scar-minator tickets check the Exchange Store which has been updated!]

Once again Alex rolled his eyes at this, can't they just have all the notifications pop at the beginning? Instead of making the person build up some hope before squashing it with a paywall?

The teen just quickly closed the new app and turned on the Lottery Wheel and went to Exchange Market and saw the newest options at the bottom.

100 common tickets for one Scar-minor ticket.

'Seems legit…'

With an eye roll, he returned to the main menu and selected the Card Deck and summoned the card which had the Basics of Arcane book inside of it.

Moments later just above the phone screen, a green emerald-ish card manifested.

Alex then grabbed it and then without much thought activated it.

Less than a few seconds later he was holding an old-style book.

It was a very similar book to one that he gave to Julis the very same morning.

Once it was in his hands Alex started reading it while his other hand started stroking Julis' hair.

It would be quite amazing if he could have Julis' head on his lap, but…

He will not be going to risk her throwing an embarrassing fit. So, for now, her head was on a pillow while he was sitting next to her head, the couches in their living room are big enough to do that.



"My head… I feel like it got kicked around by football players…" Julis said that while opening her eyes.

"That would be mind down Julis…" Alex's voice snapped out of the pink head and her eyes opened wide, and any drowsiness disappeared from her face.

She was about to sit up, but he hold her down.

"Relax I brought you back home." He explained to her.

The girl slowly nodded and relaxed, she had no will to argue right now.



For a second Julis wondered why he was stroking her hair.

Not that she is complaining, it was kind of relaxing.

"This, mind down what is it?" Julis asked while laying down.

"It's an ability from Falna itself, a defensive mechanism when one's mana runs low to dangerous levels the Falna will intervene and turn off the consciousness, it is an ability I never knew Falna had before you experienced it yourself." He explained to her.

"I thought you knew everything about the ability you received from one of those cards?" She asked with a borderline deadpan voice.

"Its an ability created by Gods themselves, and then shoved into the head of a teenager, that means that in my head there are hundreds if not thousands of information on abilities, magic, and other stuff you think I realised that you experienced Mind Down instead of a simple passing out?' He explained with a raised eyebrow.

"That's a fair point… Wait! Why do you have this much information shown in your head?" She asked with concern.

"What I got was 'Power Of Falna' meaning the whole package, with details and stuff, making me something similar to Wiki on Falna alongside the power over it…"

Julis grimaced for a second, that's a lot of information.

"That's a lot of information…"

"It is… now on a more interesting note! I believe you manifested an ability while we were training." Alex changed the theme of the conversation.

"... Now that you mentioned I can feel that I have much more magic!" Julis said that while lifting her hand.

"You can sense your magic fully?" He asked with slighly wonder, he can understand devils, who are natural at sensing their energy, as they are supernatural by very nature, but a human who just started learning magic?

And can already fully sense it? That pure talent!

Julis puffed her chest when she heard the awe in his voice!

"Why of course!"


[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: F 317]

[VIT: E 403]

[END: F 372]

[AGI: E 429]

[MAG: F 320]




               MANA CONSTRUCTS]





             MARKSMAN: H]


[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield](Before Training)

[Lv 1]

[STR: I 1]

[VIT: I 2]

[END: I 2]

[AGI: I 1]

[MAG: I 4]




[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x8

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x8

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x6

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x6

Multiple encyclopedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x10

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x10

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x8

Spare Clothes (Outside Item) x7

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x59

Gajau Skin x5

Gajau Whisker

Basics Of Arcane (Book)


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

Sacred Gear Removal

Sacred Gear Twice Critical

Sacred Gear Flame Shake

A copy Of the Potioneering Compendium


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