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Goku was not the only one who easily dominated the preliminary fights as Krillin and Yamcha sent everyone flying from the ring.

Before everyone even realised the preliminaries were over.

“So, is it magic? No one can see you, right?” Krillin asked Aeos as he saw that the Goddess was always with Goku.

Yet, no security guards or other contestants could see her.

“You can say that.” The Supreme Kai didn’t explain or deny.

“It appears the tournament table is up.” 

Goku said with crossed arms as he saw the table getting placed with contestant names on it.

“...I am fighting some sort of wolf guy.” The Ascended Super Saiyan said with an indifferent tone as he looked at his other opponents after beating the wolf guy.

‘Pity that I won’t have a chance to fight Tien Shinhan.’ Goku commented as he saw Tien face Yamcha.

‘It does seem that Yamcha will be in finals against me.’

“Oh, c’mon! I will be facing you in the second round!?” Krillin complained as he sighed.

“It appears so.” The blonde Saiyan shrugged.

“...Damn it…” 

[Son Goku And Wolf-Man come to the ring!] The announcer announced the beginning of the main tournament.

Goku was the first one to fight…

“Well, I am up.” 

The Saiyan sighed as he proceeded to walk to the ring.

“I don’t know what kind of tricks you are using, but it won’t be easy against me!” The wolf-man said with an arrogant voice.

“Tricks? If you can’t sense basic energy, then what are you even doing here?” Goku sighed as he felt that he was fighting against a moron.

“...” From the wolf-man’s nose, hot steam started to erupt as he was pissed!

[It appears that Champion Goku is already getting under the skin of Wolf-Man! I won’t hold this any longer! You two may fight!]

“HAAHHH!!!” The wolf beast man lunged at Goku, but Saiyan used his foot to block the lunge before he used it to slap him away.

“Whoa-whoa!!!” The guy nearly flew from the ring, but he ended up using his nails to hold himself in the ring’s tiles.

“So these looks are not for show. You can utilise something else, not just the brute strength.” Goku walked over as the wolf-man was already sweating buckets as he pulled himself up from the edge.

“Poop.” But then the Saiyan ‘poked’ him with a finger and sent him out from the ring.

[AND GOKU wins with a simple ‘poop’! Though I don’t want to get poked by that, the medical bills would be horrendous!]

After Goku’s fight, it was Krillin versus Chiaotzu. The fight was similar to Goku’s, as Krillin overwhelmed his psychic powers with sheer force.

The demonstration of this fight finally terrified the old Crane, who looked with disbelief at such a fight! He had never seen someone overwhelm Chiaotzu’s physical abilities like this!

The same was true with Tien Shinhan, as he wanted to know how these guys became this strong!

Later, it was time for Yamcha to fight a smelly guy. It was a one-tap fight, as Yamcha sent him flying, the same as with Tien Shinhan.

With those done, it was once again time for Goku to face Krillin.

“...Man, I wanted to face you in finals! But oh well.” Krillin complained as he walked to his side of the arena.

“Well, it appears this time around your biggest enemy was the tournament’s organisers.” Goku joked as he got into his ring.

[What an exciting match-up this is! We have the last tournament finalists fighting this early in the tournament!]

The announcer screamed into the microphone as he declared the match-up.

[We have reigning Champion Son Goku and the Finalist Krillin! Let this match begin!]

With that said, Krillin activated his white aura and proceeded to power up.


The entire ring proceeded to shake as small rocks proceeded to fly up. 

Without wasting time, Krillin rushed forward as he tried to punch Goku.

The Saiyan caught the fist as he proceeded to counter with his punch, but at that moment, Goku realised that he was teleported right above the edge of the arena and almost threw out of it.

Though such a trick got him by surprise for a second, he knew it as well, so he teleported right above the fighting ring instead.

With a fling, he sends Krillin away.

“I am impressed. You used magic just now. I didn’t expect you to utilise such art after only practising for a few years.” 

‘Considering it took me years. Maybe humans have a better affinity for it.’ 

Goku pondered as to what took him the longest, which was getting the basics down. It would seem Krillin got them down much faster.

“Hehehe, I know I can’t beat you with normal means, so might as well get a couple of tricks instead,” Krillin said as he proceeded to use more of his magic mixed with Ki and throw Ki blasts at Goku.

The Saiyan looked around and saw floating balls around him.

“Now Seal!!!”

The balls proceeded to expand and created a net encasing curious-looking Goku. At the next moment, he felt that it was some sort of sealing technique.

‘Well, this could get serious if it has a basis similar to Mafuba!’

Goku’s hair proceeded to glow as he ignited his Ki.

‘What the hell! How strong is this guy? H-His Ki is enormous!!!’ 

Tien Shinhan and the rest looked with disbelief when they finally sensed more of Goku’s power! Now that he is not holding under a tight leash, they are able to sense it!

Just by calling his aura, the wind started to pick up, and dark clouds proceeded to gather! It was that strong!

Krillin thought that the special properties of his technique would hold it, but he forgot that all it takes is to overwhelm his technique with ten times the power.

“...Ah crap…” 

The yellow ki balls simply blew up and shattered before Krillin was sent flying from the ring from a simple shockwave generated by Goku’s aura.

[...ANNND last tournament finals repeat themselves with Goku sending Krillin flying from a shockwave!]

The announcer screamed into the microphone. He brought the shocked audience back from their disbelief.

“That was impressive thinking, Krillin. Since you could not overpower me, you simply decided to seal me away.” Goku spoke in an impressed tone as, for just a short moment, he worried.

“Yeah. But you blew me away. Ah, man, you need to find me another place to train. I won’t give up that easily!” Krillin stood up as his wounds and Gi fixed with magic.

“Sure. You can join my Sect at Mount Paozu. I have prepared an array of training fields that will push you to the limit.” Goku immediately advertised his place.

“Oh! So that it was! I've been sensing you doing something for months! I am in! Sound interesting!”

“Me too!” Yamcha landed in the arena as it was he and Tien who would be fighting next.

“Great, it will be a blast.” Goku nodded as he waved his hand, and the arena got fixed.

“Sorry for blowing up pieces from the arena. I have reinforced it with magic. It should take greater punishment.” The Ascended Super Saiyan said to the announcer.

[Thanks for that, Son Goku!] The announcer, being a smart man, ignored certain words. He is a smart individual who takes things at face value when it’s needed.

With a nod, Goku and Krillin left the ring, and the pair proceeded to talk about the Sect and all the stuff they could do there.

It was the time when Krillin got a hint about who is Aeos… it was quite a discovery.


“Well, come at me with everything you got, Tien!” Yamcha arrogantly motioned to come at him.

The Ex-Bandit puffed his chest.

“I have a bad feeling about this,”

Goku said to his Fiance through telepathy.

“Well, if he messes up, he won’t blow up.”

The Goddess reminded her Fiance of that incident against the Saiyans.


The blonde was having a hard time controlling himself and not laughing.

“Fine!” The bald, three-eyed teen rushed and proceeded to attack, but Yamcha dodged all of them.

The Crane student swiftly realised that he was outmatched. This arrogant guy has every reason to be arrogant about his strength.

So he swiftly switched to one of his special moves.

“Then how about this!” Tien brought his hands to his forehead.


Yamcha's eyes widened as he was blinded. The moment that happened, he panicked… and if one panics…their control over the Ki gets messed up.

So Tien rushed and delivered a powerful punch before kicking Yamcha out of the ring!

[What a surprise! Yamcha got eliminated after a blinding attack from Tien Shinhan!]

The announcer, who saw everything thanks to his glasses, exclaimed with an excited tone.



“... This is embarrassing, Yamcha… we trained with Kami himself, and yet he lost such a cheap shot,” Krillin complained with an embarrassed tone, but he did pay attention to this move. He might ‘borrow’ it later.

“...Yes, I think we will need to beat that arrogance out of him,” Aeos said to Goku. Since her future husband is part of the same school of Martial Artists, she can’t stop herself from being…slightly embarrassed.

“...I do believe we can arrange that.” Goku agreed with that. Yamcha needs to learn not to rely on his eyes that much.

Something the Ascended Super Saiyan learned a while ago: He can fight in darkness and without hearing; it’s not hard for him.

While the pair were thinking about how to ‘train’ Yamcha, Krillin gulped down, seeing how excited they looked. He even heard something about a hundred times gravity…

The last time the ex-monk checked, it was ten times harder than what he had experienced in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

‘Hahaha… those two are made for each other…’ the bald teen thought to himself with a nervous look.

“D-Damn! That was a cheap shot!” Yamcha, with red eyes, complained to Tien Shinhan.

“This is a tournament with ring-out rules. As long as it’s not an outside item, anything goes.” 

[Tien Shinhan is right! Such a blinding move like the one he is using is not against the rules.] The announcer clarified, which made the ex-banding click his tongue from frustration as he floated back on the ring before walking away.

The moment he was at the back, he was greeted by Goku and Krillin. Behind Goku was Aeos as well. They all looked at him with annoyance.

“You do realise that you are 100 times stronger than Tien Shinhan?” Krillin commented casually.

“...Hahaha… I might overestimated him!” The ex-bandit rubbed the back of his head as he was laughing it over.

“I guess one can’t change certain fates,” Goku said to his future wife as he recalled that Yamcha had indeed lost to Tien Shinhan in the original timeline.

“To some degree, yes.” Aeos sighed.

“Don’t worry, Yamcha, I will beat that arrogance out of you.” Blue static lightning danced around Goku for a second as he said that.

“Hahaha… can we discuss that for a second.” Yamcha motioned him to calm down.

“We can discuss your future training routines.” Goku smiled while clenching his fist.

“Hahaha, I remembered that I forgot something! Hahaha, see ya guys later!” Yamcha ignited his Ki and flew away swiftly.

“...Tsk! That coward!” Krillin clicked his tongue as he saw Yamcha fly away.

“Don’t mind him. For now, let’s get some food. We have a couple of hours break before the finals.” Goku heard the announcer declare a break. It appears the fights went too quickly,  and they will be able to put the whole tournament in a single day.

“Sure, now that the tournament is over for me, all of my nerves are gone. I feel hungry! Hahaha! Krillin laughed as his stomach rumbled.

“Yeah, let’s go!”

Goku motioned to follow him as he suddenly became excited and hungry. His Saiyan blood was making him excited for food!


venushka fdo

Thx for the chapter

