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Aeos smirked as she proceeded to create a barrage of Ki balls and then launched them at Goku, who was answering back with his blasts.

“You do know that I have more Ki, so you should try to engage me in close combat,” she commented as she saw that he was breathing heavily after about half an hour of intense fighting.

“Indeed. Then let’s go!”

Goku’s eyes glowed in intense light as his Ki rose sharply.

‘Hmm? He just got stronger?’

Goku disappeared and reappeared in front of her as he proceeded to attack with swift strokes.

Aeos slightly narrowed her eyes as she started to counter, but then she saw something crazy. He effortlessly dodged her attacks!


After getting a flashback of the silver-haired adult Goku, she increases her intensity, but Goku dodges all of it!

Eventually, she used her superior Ki to blast him away.

“W-What was that? You can’t tell me that you are already grasping Ultra Instinct!?” She huffed and puffed at him, her forehead sweaty.

Goku cleaned some of the sweat off his forehead as he answered the question.

“Not grasping more like… training towards that. My power is enough to start training towards that power.”

“...You are not even 20!” Aeos commented.

“I don’t care about age, darling. Training is training.” He shrugged before dismissing his transformation.

“It appears I am running out of Blutz waves.”

The Goddess sighed as she dismissed her form as well. If Goku is small, she will be small as well. If he is tall, she will be tall as well. Because if he is tall and she is small, he will have an advantage over her.

A.K.A, his voice and body. That is why she is transforming to her adult form as well. Her body attracts him in a similar fashion, so they balance out.

After the spar, they returned to the platform. Goku took several hours to recover, and after getting enough energy, he created an artificial moon, which generated Blutz Waves.

His recovery was magnified several times with a ‘Full Moon’. After all, Blutz Waves have healing effects as well.

Once fully recovered, Goku proceeded to return to his training…


“Holy… Shit!”

Krillin exclaimed loudly as he sensed someone insanely powerful pop in the Lookout.

Yamcha looked at the Lookout’s Main Building alongside Krillin, Mr. Popo and Kami.

‘What absurd power… Did it increase hundreds of times? How can someone like that be even allowed to exist?’ Kami pondered as he looked at the building.

After a while, they saw Aeos and Goku walk out. The only one who looked slightly different was Goku. Height-wise, he still looked the same, but his muscles were more toned, and his hairstyle looked spikier… 

But most importantly, power-wise… He was an absolute monster!

“Goku! What the hell!?” 

“Oh… Krillin…”

It took Goku a second to process and recall what was going on… It had been a whole year, after all.

“Hahaha… yeah, well, I reached the next stage.” Goku joked as he rubbed the back of his head.”

“He became so strong that he is having issues in reeling in his power,” Aeos commented with a small smile.

“I'm still learning to suppress, but it's difficult to push it lower beyond 50 mil.” Goku sighed, knowing he needed to get back in Ki training. He had so much Ki that he needed a new method, Considering Super Saiyan 2 was never intended to become a base form…

“...50 mil… holy shit…”

Krillin looked dumbfounded.

“Yeah. Anyway, there is something I need to teach you guys!” 

Goku proceeded to point his finger at Krillin. A beam rushed at him, and Krillin learned something!

“...What was that?”

“I call it knowledge beam!”

“It's something we came up with in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber,” Goku said while hugging Aeos with one hand.

“Oh… it’s…”

Krillin realised that he had a magic version of a power levels scouter!


He was about to say ‘Cool’, but then he saw Goku's power level! It was double digits with a letter!

‘ Suppressed at 53M!? Holy shit! It's so high that we need a letter instead of numbers!?’

But then there was another bar which said… 16T 423B!?

‘W-Wait… ‘

‘What the hell did he do inside of that room!?’ 

As Krillin was checking Goku’s power, The Ascended Super Saiyan pointed his finger at Yamcha and taught him the spell.

“Holy! Goku! When can we enter the room!?”

Krillin asked him. At the same time, Yamcha finally saw the numbers next to Goku and no numbers on Aeos, which made him even more terrified of Aeos…

“...Hmm? My guess is that you should do that after finishing Kami’s training. Hyperbolic Time Chamber can be difficult, so the more power you have beforehand, the better.” Goku clarified as he looked at Kami, who was sweating buckets when sensing Goku’s power.

“Anyway, we are off. I will be training my Ki for the next year or so and waiting for the next tournament.”

“...Y-You still thinking of participating in the event!?”

“Of course. I need clout and money.”

“...But you can use magic… to make money!” Krillin pouted at him! He wants to win that thing!

“And crash economy?” Goku sighed.

“You do realise that I have an image to maintain.” He meant that, in a way, he is engaged with a goddess. He is below that stuff…

“Fine… I guess I can enjoy the second spot again.” The bald ex-monk said that while looking at Yamcha

“Oh yeah!? This time, second place is mine!”

“Anyway, Guys, I will see you in the next tournament.”

Goku ignited his aura, which was much more intense and sharper with golden and blue lightning.

“W-Whoa… that power!”


Goku and Aeos blasted from the Lookout and towards the world below.

“Damn him… anyway! At least we know that we can get insanely stronger here!” 

The pair swiftly returned to their training while Goku and Aeos were flying to a ‘special’ place called Mount Paozu.


“You were not serious, were you? I am certain that you just want Tien Shinhan to get into the picture,” Aeos commented as they rushed towards Goku’s home at an extreme speed.

“Just because I grew a little bit stronger didn’t change the fact that I need my Earth to be stronger for the Tournament of Power.

I still need ten people.” 

“...True… and truthfully said, I have no idea if I could bring people from different timelines.”

“Precisely, knowing the Omni-King, he could erase universes or beings for less.” Goku sighed.

“So I am keeping all of my options open. King Piccolo should appear as well. I need to handle him in a similar fashion to get the Piccolo I know.”

“Hmm. Yes, Yes. I suppose the next couple of years will be quiet.”

Goku smiled at her. He might have power now, but he needs to improve his Ki control again. 

He recalled what Whis said: having better control over Ki is far more crucial than simply raw power.

After arriving at the place, Goku landed next to the temple-like building that used to be Goku’s house.

“...It has been close to 3 years… damn…” 

The Ascended Super Saiyan looked very nostalgic as he proceeded to explore.

He could see that vegetation had reclaimed some of the land he used for training, and his three stumps were somewhat recovering, as he could see samplings coming out of them.

With a finger motion, whisps of ki rushed towards the grass and started to cut it.

Once done, he made another motion, and the cut grass was blown away.

The Ascended Super Saiyan looked around and found a location where he would place his capsule home.

He walked over there and threw it there.

With a puff of smoke, the house was standing.

“What now?” Aeos asked him with crossed arms. Her actions depended on what he wanted. They could go the whole way with miracle magic.

“I will start building the Sect grounds.”

“...Hmm, I see.”

“For now, we can play with miracle magic, but once I have students, I will phase it out.

Think of those tournament winnings as starting funds for the sect.” He smirked while saying that.

“They will need to work. I won’t be feeding them for free,” Goku said as he recalled how Roshi used Yamcha and Krillin to work for him. 

It's a good thing that he was too strong for that free labour.

“It's good enough for me.” Aeos shrugged without care. She was here for Goku; whatever else happened meant nothing to her.

“Good. Then I shall begin.”

“I will wait for you in the house.” The Goddess walked to the capsule house. Since her seal was undone, her magic was slowly recovering, but Demigra took it away, so natural recovery was extremely slow. Thankfully, she learned to absorb from the outside.

Goku nodded as he proceeded to float and then crossed his legs in the air; it looked like he was sitting in midair.

Blocks of rocks popped around him, and Ki, like lasers, started to cut them. The Ascended Super Saiyan did all that without hand motions. Once he had what he wanted, he cleaned the surroundings. 

Once the foundations were created, he laid down the tiles.

They flew down and ended up getting placed down nicely one by one.

The blonde Saiyan decided to copy Chinese style, as, honestly, this area looks like China, so he should use their aesthetic as well.

With the tiles set, Goku proceeded to make walls and other parts.

It was quite a training for him as he needed to use a specific amount of energy to make them happen, not just make them break as if he used too much power, they could break.

Walls, roofs and other stuff proceeded to get set as well.


“...He is really into it.” Aeos left the house after several hours as she realised that Goku was still playing a construction man.

One of her eyebrows went up as she saw grey-whitish walls everywhere in the distance.

While nature around the house was still there in the distance, she could see buildings and walls.

She proceeded to fly and look around. There were fighting arenas and other stuff, like statues. There was also a statue of Shenron.

From the looks of it, he was modifying a waterfall in the distance by creating small islands under it.

“He is quite serious.” But then she recalled that if he does something, he throws himself into it.

That means he will create a proper sect from the entire mountain if need be.

“You do know we still need to see how many people join and fundamentals like the entrance of the sect and so on.” She flew next to him and voiced her thoughts.

“Well, you can help me with that, no? We can discuss this at the evening table.”

“...Since you asked.” 

After a couple more of observing him using miracle magic and actual enchantments on buildings, walls and training areas.

‘He even created a gravity area.’

But it wasn’t just plain ground but an entire environment with gravity. Like a waterfall and an actual mountain cliff, which would have stones rolling down from it.

Goku went all out in making the whole thing!

And it was just one day! Aeos knows that he will return and modify this later to fit his needs.

In other words, he is creating an area where even he can train…

After a while, the pair returned to their house, and Goku proceeded to cook while Aeos watched him. After spending more than two years with him, she started to realise that she would need to learn how to cook as well.

If she is to become a mother, she needs to learn how to cook. 

Well, she could cheat with magic, but it feels cheap… and her pride as a Supreme Kai is at stake here.

At the same time, her knowledge of the parallel timelines and with whom Goku ends up in those timelines makes her subconsciously compete with that mortal woman.



That’s very interesting, I’m curious to see how earth will be different with knowledge of ki been more widespread.


Question: in canon, ultra instinct doesn't use divine ki, does it? It is only let your body move without thinking too much about it right?


Yeah, according to Angels and Destroyers, anyone can learn it, but it's a divine technique, so it isn't easy, and a high amount of Ki is needed to reach that threshold. I can only assume that Divine Ki lowers the bar of difficulty