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“Wonderful work, Goku.” Kami nodded as he saw a fully prepared tea table with all the cutlery and cups.

“Now, let's switch to liquids.” The Namekian showed how to make water.

After water, they went to smaller things, like tea leaves, sugar and other things.

Soon, things started to get harder as Kami showed him how to make clothes from thin air and then add special effects to them.

Goku already knew how to make enchantments to his clothes, but making them from nothing was difficult. He had to go through the whole process in his mind before making them pop into existence.

“Alright! Let’s see if I got this! Clothes Beam!” Goku pointed his finger and released a beam.



“Is there a need to call it like that?” Kami asked with a sweaty forehead.

“Because it's cool!” 

Goku then used the same magical technique to create a sword.


Then, he created other weapons, such as spears, hammers, and maces.

He will need to practise with weapons to get a hang of them.

After training and practice, Kami finally approached Goku about the unrest happening on Earth.

“Goku, I have an assignment for you.” 

The Super Saiyan looked like he already knew what was going on.

“Is it the unrest on Earth?” 

“Yes. The Red Ribbon Army has to be stopped. As Guardian of Earth, I can’t interfere, but it's different for you.”

“I will come with you.” Aeos floated down as she was listening in. The Goddess landed on the ground and walked over to Goku.

“Alright. Then let's go! It has been a while since I did something like this!” Goku pumped himself up as he looked at his Fiancee and the Namekian.

“Good, then go. Just remember they are dangerous people who wouldn’t mind making people suffer.” Kami explained the seriousness of this.

“I know.”

“Leave the leaders to me.” Aeos smiled as she had an idea. Dr Gero has to survive to make the androids. 17 and 18 have to happen. 

Considering 17 won the whole tournament, even if it happened differently, Cell is a good enemy.

Goku could see that his Fiancee was already plotting something.

He wonders how Gero would think that he is just a pawn in a Goddess' larger scheme for power-ups and fighting force generation.

“Alright, I will get a couple of things before going.”

Goku rushed to his room to get a couple of Senzu beans, just in case. Having safety belts is crucial!

“I do want you to adjust the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for more than just two uses per lifetime,” Aeos told Kami.

“...Lady Aeos… that is dangerous…” 

“Saiyans thrive in danger. Do you want them to put themselves in dangerous situations at crucial times, or would you prefer them to train in dangerous situations instead?”

“...both are bad.”

“That is precisely why sometimes you have to choose between two evils, and in situations like these, you need to pick a lesser evil.”

“...Lady Aeos… are you planning something…” Kami realised that this Goddess knew much more! And that is concerning.

“All you need to know is that I am doing my part as Goku's Fiancée. I will support him to the best of my abilities and set things in motion.

Though I do feel that he is doing similar things already.” She smiled while saying the last part, which made her curious about her future husband.

After saying that, she saw Goku rushing out of the building and proceeding to fly. The blue-haired girl followed after him as they proceeded to descend towards the world below.

“...I don’t like these manipulations, but I do feel that she is genuinely trying to help him. But at what price?”

Kami doesn’t know yet, but this Aeos is significantly mellowed down compared to how unfeeling she was before. Because the balance in timelines took precedence over everything, she would erase timelines and kill billions just because there were too many of them.

So, what she is doing now is considered insignificant. All she wants is to help the timeline to survive a possible destruction in the future.


Goku and Aeos arrive at a town on fire. The Red Ribbon Army’s method has switched; they are now much more meticulous and check house by house to find dragon balls, as they have disappeared from the face of Earth.

“They are getting desperate if they are doing this.” Goku was baffled by how unhinged they had become.

“A cornered animal is the most dangerous, Goku.”


Goku closed his eyes as he raised his hand. He is going to borrow a move from Super Buu. His golden aura surged as he released small beams from his palm, which rushed towards the weapon and machinery the red ribbon army used.

“Wonderful way to use your increased observation abilities. Let me help you with this.” Aeos followed his example and made a similar move, but her blue beams only knocked out all of the soldiers.

“Let’s wrap this up.” 

This time around, Goku spread out his hands and created an array of ropes, which rushed like snakes towards the downed red ribbon soldiers.

Once that was taken care of, he landed on the ground and motioned with his hand for all of them to gather in one place.

“All done. Now to call the police~.” Goku walked to the phone box next to a street.

“Umm… do you know the police number?” Goku asked the Goddess, who was looking around. She used her Ki to blow flames away.

“Why are you asking me that?” She sighed before looking at a destroyed police car.

“Look.” She pointed at the car, which had the number on its frame.

“Oh! Thanks!”

He swiftly entered the three digits.

“Hello? This is Goku. I am calling from—” He looked at Aeos. The Goddess used her telepathy to tell him the name of the city they were in.

“Gingertown. I have captured all of the terrorists by the name of Red Ribbon Army… I caught…3…6….9…16….35…. Anyway, there are a lot of them, so bring a big truck or a plane.” 

After putting the phone down, Goku walked over to his blue-haired goddess. 

“Using your name like this is a good way to make them take this seriously.” She commented on how he introduced himself first.

“I know. That is why I will participate in the next tournament and then one after.”

“Why not one after that one as well?” She asked with a small smirk as she started to suspect that Goku knew Goku’s timeline. Maybe he lived it before, so he wanted to change things. 

But it would not make sense as he would choose his old wife and follow a similar path…

In other words, she is very curious to learn more…

“Maybe. Depends on certain circumstances.” He didn’t decline that as he looked at the pile of red ribbon soldiers wrapped up in ropes.

“Oh?” She approached him as she slightly leaned forward and whispered her question.

“What kind of circumstances?” She asked as she slightly narrowed her icy blue eyes and looked very curiously at him.

“Maybe I will tell you about that one day~” He teased her for a second.

“...Fufufu…That is fine with me. I will find it out either way~.” She is not that easily teased.

A couple of minutes later, the pair ended up sitting on the roof of a building, and residents came out to thank and congratulate them. At first, it was fine, but when hundreds of people do that, it's no longer fun.

 With loud sirens, the police arrived from different cities. Goku descended from the roof and approached the officers.

“I will be going after them. I will end this organisation today. So I want to coordinate with you guys so that no one would escape after I destroy their weapons and whatever robotics they have.”

“...Ummm… Sure… let me contact the command…”

“Sure, just tell them the officers to keep on coming with big vans to take these criminals behind bars.”

“...Okay…” The officer was sweating buckets as he saw Goku fly away towards the base of Red Ribbon Army…


“Here it is…” Goku raised his arm, and once again, golden beams started to rain on the base, which was a castle as well.

The Super Saiyan remembered that Red Ribbon was inspired by Nazis… or something, well… whatever.

As the beams destroyed guns and machinery, some of the beams were intercepted and destroyed, which made Goku land in the middle of the base and look towards the source of this.

“...It appears some of you are slightly capable.” The Super Saiyan commented as he saw a blonde man looking at him.

“You will regret attacking our illustrious Red Ribbon Army!” 

“...Ugh… why do you sound like you are gay?” Goku grimaced as he recalled that this man was indeed gay… it made Goku feel shivers of disgust.

“Why you! How dare you! Not only did you attack the illustrious Red Ribbon, but you questioned my preferences!” The blonde man ripped his top off, showing a ripped chest and took a stance.

“Ugh…” Goku flicked his finger and sent him flying into a wall.

He passed the knocked-out blonde and entered the castle.

There were a bunch of soldiers inside sticks and all sorts of weapons.

“It appears my guided rays are quite proficient. Even destroying weapons inside the keep.” 

Goku might have locked into the weapons with his magic, but he never expected the rays to find ways to enter the keep and destroy all the weapons inside.

“I suppose my techniques are getting quite proficient.”

“Kid! I don’t know what you did, but there are over two hundred of us here!” A soldier with a baseball bat exclaimed at Goku.

“But are you stronger than me?” Goku was about to use the troll sentence, ‘But are you stronger than Goku?’ But it would be weird for him to call himself in the third person.

“We will find out!” The soldiers charged at him, but the Super Saiyan simply pointed his palm and released a thundershock.

All of them collapsed on the ground and started to shake and twitch from all the voltage flowing through them.

“I'm not going to lie. I need to improve the rays. Maybe add a thunder element to them. Not only does it destroy the weapons, but it knocks out the cannon fodder,” he commented to himself as he considered how to improve the technique.

‘I do hope Aeos has more fun than me. Knowing her, she is making sure Androids will happen, but Cell? I don’t think it is possible. As Cell is a time traveller, Trunks has to come from a parallel universe first.’

Honestly, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache.

‘I better leave this nonsense to my future wife. I should stick with fighting and leave all the ‘domestic’ affairs to her.’

‘Domestic’ aka enemies to fight. One of the perks of having the Goddess of Time as a wife is that she can arrange events to happen where he would need to fight ‘threats’.

However, some of him is worried that such manipulation is dangerous.

But that's the thing: Such manipulation is done by a goddess who is supposed to manipulate it.

It leaves him on the fence about such a thing. He can agree or disagree with it, but in the end, his Saiyan blood is the deciding factor. He wants to fight, so she is delivering that fight.

Aka, doing her job as his fiance.

After knocking everyone out, Goku collected all of the knocked-out people.

“Oh, is that…” The Super Saiyan's eyes widened as he saw a tall ginger guy dressed in a Red Ribbon army uniform.

Isn't that the son of Dr. Gero?

He does look like Android 16…

“...Curious developments.”

The blonde Saiyan collected all of them and then used ropes to tie them up.

As he was doing that, Aeos made sure Dr. Gero survived and escaped. The man looked pissed at how Goku destroyed his work for world domination.

The scientist promised revenge and said he would come back!

“...Well, I hope he builds Androids that could challenge my Goku.” The Blue-Haired Goddess softly spoke to herself as she saw him run away.


krane 97

will we have c-21 ?


Thanks for the chapter!!