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“Princess, you can’t just demand things from a pilot of a foreign nation.” A tall man dressed for outdoors said to Cagali, who had just stormed out from the kebab restaurant.

“Those machines are developed with Orb’s assistance.” Cagali tried to reason, but it sounded like an absurd excuse. The girl was pulling straws here.

“Besides, that pilot IS Orb’s citizen! He was pulled into the war and is now piloting for Earth’s Alliance!”

The blonde then had a flashback! That girl he was with! Wasn’t that girl Lacus Clyne? Chairman’s daughter.

What the hell is going on? What is she doing on the planet’s surface?

The Princess of Orb was more confused than ever.

‘I need to get to the bottom of this.’

“It doesn’t matter what nationality he is from. It was his choice, Cagali.” 

“...Whatever; I am more pissed that he used us as a diversion to strike at Desert Tiger’s base.” 

While bitter. The girl is both pissed and happy that they were able to drive Andrew Waltfeld away. 

“It was a brilliant move. In one fell swoop, they drove away ZAFT Forces.”

The blonde frowned when she heard that. Yes, it was a great move, but she felt they used the resistance like bait.

~~~~~~With Kira~~~~~~

After food, the pair went on to explore the stores and shop.

“...Umm…” Lacus realised that Kira would be getting clothes for her.

“It's unnecessary for you to get clothes for me, Kira.” The Pink Princess wanted to complain as the Pilot of Strike pulled her into a store full of clothes.

“If you are worried about money, you shouldn’t be. It was only a matter of time before I would have become rich. The only issue we have so far is the war. Once it has ended, I have several things I want to sell. I will have enough money to pamper my dearest Lacus~”

He teased the girl, who could only sigh in resignation. 

She can’t say no to him when he is stubborn and headfirst.

For a second, Lacus wondered what they would do once the war had ended—that is if they would survive that long. 


The girl swiftly pondered on the routes available to her.

‘The only thing I can think of is that I will need to mitigate the loss of life. If Kira develops a stronger machine and builds up more experience, he will be unstoppable.

Maybe… he is the key to end the conflict.’

The pinkette’s serious look morphed into a small smile as she spoke.

“...Fine… let’s get some clothes. But I can’t just accept all of this. At least let me select some clothes for you.” 

Kira smiled when he heard her suggestion.

“Of course~”

The pair went to shop, but they quickly realised the cultural style of the place. All of the clothes had an Arabic feel to them.


Lacus looked conflicted as she didn’t know what to do.

“I do wonder if they have belly dancer clothes.” 

When Lacus heard that, she was confused for a second, but her eyes widened as she recalled what he was talking about.

“T-There is no way I will d-d-dress in that!” The Pink Princess exclaimed with crimson cheeks as she realised that it was almost like dancing with fancy undies!

“Really? Even if it helps me win the war, you want so much to end?” Kira smirked while saying that.

The girl stopped in her tracks.

“You do realise that war didn’t change from what it was four thousand years ago. Sure, we don’t use bows and arrows anymore, nope, we use 20-metre-tall war robots, but at the end of the day, it's fought by men so that they will protect their girls and families.”

Kira said with a shrug as he proceeded to walk inside.

‘I do wonder…”

He started to look for big fabrics as he was thinking of making a cloak for his Strike. 

A yellow cloak, preferably.

As he was doing that, Lacus was rooted in her spot. She never reflected on the war the way Kira had just described. 

It was just mindless killing, but how he told her…made sense.

It's men fighting to protect their families, nothing more, nothing less. 

‘Then it's up to girls to make them welcome back after the war is over.’ 

She realised that by dressing as a belly dancer. Now that is too much!

Or not…

As she snapped from her thoughts, she saw Kira buying something big. It looked like he was buying every single yellow fabric there was!

“What are you buying?” She asked him curiously.

“Going to make a cloak for Strike. We will be facing Desert Tiger again in a few days. So I will snipe them from a distance while being cloaked.” He explained to her as he was feeling up the fabric. It wasn’t thick. But it should be enough to hide him for a few minutes.

“...I see…”

‘Even now, he is thinking about defeating his enemy.’ She thought to herself before deciding to assist him in this.


After selecting stuff and ordering it to be brought to Archangel, the people looked shocked as they realised that the teen buying stuff was for the machine, which freed them from ZAFT. They immediately got a discount for whatever they were buying.

However, now the issue was to make a cloak of the fabric they got.

“Well, there are some tools in the hangar that could help us make something out of fabric,” Kira said as he saw Lacus looking at the fabric.

“I want to help. Is it fine with you?” The girl uncharacteristically seriously asked him. The girl realised that the war wouldn’t end on its own, so she needed to help Kira with something!

“...Sure.” Kira slowly nodded while looking at her. He wonders if his actions affect her. In a sense, it's amusing to him as he knows her existence next to him is affecting him the same way his existence next to her is affecting her in some way.

But the most important part is who is affected the most by all of this.

After ‘raiding’ the clothes store, Lacus wanted to return to the ship so that she could start helping him.

“But we haven’t checked other stuff yet.”

Kira didn’t want to finish their date yet! But Lacus decided to start using her trump card.

So she hugged his hand and had a pouty look on her cheeks.

“But we can have as many dates as you want once we are out of danger~”

Kira’s eyes briefly widened as he realised that the Pink Princess had levelled up her game.

“...Fine. But don’t forget what you just said. Because you won’t be able to run away from me.” He smiled back at her. The girl internally smiled as she realised that her scheme had worked.

“I am not planning to run away.” She pouted at him some more.


After finishing their conversation, they proceeded to walk back to the base. The massive warship easily stands out in the city. It floated above the barracks and the manor where the Desert Tiger stayed.


“Kid, what are you planning to do with these many BuCUE parts?” Murdock, the head mechanic, asked him, as they had quite a bit of scrap metal parts from the ZAFT land unit.

The pair looked at a mountain of blue mobile suit parts. 

“The railgun, the missile pods and the land cruiser’s caterpillar threads. I want those added to Strike’s legs.”

Kira showed the designs he had for his Landstrider package.

One of the things he will change is Aile Package’s thrusters,

“...Kid, when did you come up with this?”

Before he can answer, a woman’s voice interrupts them.

“That is Ensign Yamato to you, Private Murdock.” The woman walked over to them.

“Ensign Badgiruel.” Kira noticed the officer.

“I saw your plans, Ensign Yamato. We are going to assist. Assaulting ZAFT before they can get ground advantage is essential.” She agreed to his suggestions to attack the Desert Tiger before he can attack them.

“Great. I need that cloak. While mechanics will improve Strike, I will recalibrate my weapons for Planet’s surface battles.”

“Very well.”

Everyone rushed back to work after the Warship was resupplied with essentials. Kira started by downloading all the data from BuCUEs he captured and ironing out the software for caterpillar threads. The missile pods and linear railgun were shrunken down and added to Strike’s shoulders.

Apart from that, the Aile package was altered to suit the new Desert fighting model. Since Kira had so many missile pods, he even added one to Lieutenant’s Sky Grasper.

Hell, if he could, he would give everyone missile pods and Linear railguns.

“I don’t like that look you have, kid.” The tired head of mechanics complained as he saw how Kira looked at the railguns.

“Nah. I am just thinking of beefing up my High Impact Sniper rifle with a Linear Railgun.” He said with a small smile as he walked over and opened the schematics for BuCUE’s Linear Railgun.

“See here, if I use magnetism to improve the high-impact rifle’s barrel, I could increase the piercing power by around 20%.”

“Kid, the barrel is already using the same tech! The changes would be minimal, and the heat and the recoil would be far too big for such a small barrel. Besides, it is supposed to be mounted on a four-legged mobile suit’s back.” Murdock explained to the crazy kid. These are weapons, not Lego!

“I know this is why I am doing this.” 

He showed what he was drawing.

“...This is…” The mechanic looked surprised at how easy the solution was! Rotation!

“...This could work… but the recoil…” He then realised that this was an easy solution.

“Unless you are planning to use it in a stationary situation.”

“Yes. At least ten kilometres away,” Kira said with a smirk.

“I don’t even want to know how you plan to target from such a distance—this earth’s surface, not space.” The older man scratched the back of his head.

“You should worry about finishing the product while I will worry about the details.”


Internally, the mechanic wanted to cry at how hard the kid worked them! They are supposed to maintain the mobile suits! Not craft experimental questionable weapons on top of that!


Andrew Waltfeld looked at the hovercraft arriving from Gibraltar. He was perplexed by what the base had supplied him with.

“Does Gibraltar want me to win, or are they just giving me junk to get disposed of?” He complained while scratching his chin.

“What am I supposed to do with 3 BuCUEs, captured GAT units and three ZuOOTs? I am not taking a fortress down! Those ZuOOTs are useless against Strike!” Andrew complained to his second in command.

“Well, at least we are getting the same GAT units the Strike designed alongside.” His second in command, DaCosta, tried to look at the bright side.

“Hmm, AEGIS and Buster are not bad, but they have not fought in a Desert.” As the Desert Tiger said that, he looked at the humanoid machines walking out from the Hovercraft alongside his new Command Centre, another Lesseps-class land battleship.

“In other words, against THAT pilot, they are walking targets.” The Commander of the North Africa Occupation Force said with a resigned sigh.

“Well, whatever, I will have to do with what I have.” The Commander looked at the red mobile suits. The ZuOOTs are artillery-type mobile suits meant for fortress-taking, not fighting against a crazy Coordinator who adapts to the battlefield faster than anything Andrew has seen in his life so far.

All he can see is them being easy targets for the Strike.

But then he saw the two GAT units ZAFT took from Heliopolis. The Desert Tiger already read the files on these. They are as useless as the ZuOOTs. They fought three times, and Strike wiped them out without effort three times.


Patryk Sikorski

It would be fun for Kira to develop controlled newtype powers so he can troll everyone with the philosophical shit that zeon and prominent newtypes always loved to chat about to the absolute shock of others. Like imagine kira accidentally starts zeon in both space and earth.


Praise be to the dragon lord