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Albion was humming as he watched how Julis was cooking the fish. The white dragon was salivating at the idea of eating more of these fishes!

For a being who was sealed for a very long time, Finally eating again excited him!

The Heavenly Dragon Emperor was behaving like a child. The pink princess' lips were twitching from amusement as she could hear the humming.

Even if Albion doesn't realise it, he constantly destroys his image of a powerful being with such childish behaviour.


The serpentine dragon stopped humming and looked at the river.

His eyes widened as he saw a massive tidal wave coming for them!

“No-No! This can't be happening!” 

The dragon swiftly grabbed the fish and proceeded to rise into the air. He was terrified of all the loot he had (A.K.A fish!)

Julis looked confused for a second. But then she saw the tidal wave.

“You gotta be kidding me!”

After exclaiming with shock, she jumped into the air, created her flaming wings, and rose into the air following Albion.

Her eyes stayed at the amount of water slamming into the forest.

This tidal wave was a massive tsunami! 

Then, a roar followed. It was a hiss of a snake, but it sounded more like a dragon or a massive lizard. 

Her eyes returned to the river as Alex rode his sword and surfed a wave. Right behind him was a massive blue snake. The mouth of this creature was big enough to swallow cars whole! 

This thing was right behind her boyfriend. Julis paled seeing such a spectacle. One wrong move, and he could end up swallowed by that monstrosity.

Her science-based mind wondered how strong the stomach acids of a snake of that size are!?

Not that she had much time to think as she created large fireballs and waited for her turn.

“Wait! Sounds of chewing Don’t just shoot! More chewing” Albion tried to get her attention. But all he did was piss her off as a Princess of a nation. She learned etiquette long ago. And this was annoying her on several levels. 

“Stop eating if you want to say something!” Julis exclaimed with an annoyed tone.

“Right–” Even if he agreed, he ignored her words as he continued to eat and explain.

“Wait for it to be on the shore before you shoot. Chewing As this is a game-like setting, it could lose its perks on a dry surface.SwallowAlbion explained as he swallowed a bite of the fish before taking another. For the dragon, this was like entertainment or a cinema experience. 


Julis agreed with the reasoning even though she was very annoyed with the lack of basic etiquette. 

The beauty played around with her fire constructs to make it more piercing as she watched with bated breath how Alex arrived at the shore. He slammed the sword into a tree trunk, and it shattered upon impact while he landed on a tree branch.

She considered how tall the trees were and how big was the tidal wave. If a wave like this slams somewhere in the outside world, it will immediately hold a record of some sort! It's simply too huge! 

“Julis! Aim for the mouth! It likes showing its mouth, so feed it with your flames!” Her boyfriend loudly told her as he summoned his bow.

Seconds later, the monstrosity surfed into the land as well.

The sheer length of this thing was absurd! Even if this snake landed on the shore, there is still some of its body in the water! 

‘Doesn’t it feel pain? It slammed into those trees, too!’ The Princess thought with a sweaty forehead.

She shoots her flaming lances into the mouth of the beast as it tries to attack Alex.

Alex jumped even higher and shot several swords with holy lightning into the beast’s mouth.

A loud hiss followed after the snake hissed from pain this time around.

‘It looks like it's immune to fire but lightning words very well.’

The beauty immediately noticed this as she narrowed her eyes.

If this is the case, she needs to harass the enemy instead of trying to deal damage.

‘I do wonder if its eyes are immune to heat?’

With a smirk, she flew over and proceeded to rain explosive fireballs on the large eyes of Titanoboa.

As the beast tried to bite Alex once more, Julis threw several fireballs into the eyes of the snake monster.

Pained Hiss

The beast closed its eyes and hissed loudly. 

“I don't think the dungeon designed this snake to fight on the land!” The pink Princess loudly exclaimed as she noticed the beast falter.

“It would seem like that's the case!” 

Without wasting more time, Alex started to create another sword arrow, this time extremely thin and very explosive.

He then proceeded to aim at the area close to the monster’s head and then shoot the arrow.

With a loud whistling sound, the arrow flew and slammed into an area close to the beast's head. It is buried into the body before exploding in a gory fashion. A loud hiss erupted from the snake as it trembled from pain.



The beast proceeded to move its serpentine body violently. 

Rapidly moving and slamming into the tree trunks.


“No way!”

The pair of them ended up shocked as the force of those slams started to bend and break the trees!

One by one, the massive trees ended up falling to the ground.

“You gotta be kidding me! Just how much force this thing has!?” Alex was the most baffled by this. He has spent months working on those weird trees!

After shattering several trees, the beast made space for itself as it raised its head and looked down on the pair who landed on the ground. 


With another loud hiss, the beast rushed towards the pair, who escaped into two separate ways. 

The snake followed after Alex as the beast remembered that it was the White Dragon Emperor who had done the most damage so far.

However, it was struggling to keep up because of its size. The dungeon created this beast to fight in water, not land. 

Alex was using the massive trees as obstacles; on top of that, Julis used her flames to harass the beast.

The moment the snake changed its target the moment Alex stopped running and created another arrow to shoot at the snake; he targeted the side of the beast where the massive wound was.

With a loud whistling sound, the arrow shattered into thousands of smaller pieces and rammed into the beast’s side.

The explosion upon impact causes the beast to roar with colossal pain. It was like stomping on a bleeding wound. 

The beast wobbled to the side as it was panting heavily.

“Alex! Now! Use your hand blades!” Julis swiftly told him as she was preparing more fireballs.


The Lightning user dismissed his bow and used his Dragon Thunder Force. Jumping on the beast’s body and rapidly running towards the head of the beast.

As if knowing its impending doom, the beast started to struggle and shake its body.

Quite violently. 


Seeing no other option, Alex stabbed the location where he was.

He stabbed his blade hands into the snake’s body. 

Pained Hiss 

With violent movement, the snake used its body like a whiplash, trying to remove the bug that was stabbing it.

It tried several times, but seeing that he was not coming off, the beast tried to hammer him into one of the trees.

‘This one is going to hurt!’ 

Alex panicked internally, seeing the incoming tree.

He swiftly disabled his hand blades and kicked off in the opposite direction.

With a roll, he landed on the ground and swiftly got up.

Summoning his bow once more, he started to create another sword arrow.

The snake realised the bug was gone from its body and looked for it.

The sound of lightning crackling got its attention. 

With a loud hiss, it looked at the one constantly harming it. The snake only became increasingly furious as it looked at this minor bug. 

“That's right. Look at me.”

With ever-growing fury, the Titanoboa rose its head, opened its mouth and lunged at Alex.

As the beast lunged at the White Dragon Emperor, the teen released his sword arrow into the snake’s mouth at the very last second.

Since its mouth was enormous, and from what he knew, Titanoboa was a conscriptor, a beast which chokes its prey to death and doesn't poison it. 

It wasn’t that dangerous.

So he releases the arrow at the very last second. The explosion blasted the back of the mouth into a massive hole.

Causing the beast to lose the light of life in its eyes as it died right on the spot.


Julis immediately started to panic as the weight of that thing could have crushed him if he was not careful!

“Ewww!!! It smells! Agh, phew!! The blood is everywhere!”

The White Dragon Emperor complained out loud as he cut himself out from the beast’s mouth.

He was all wet and red from the beast’s blood.

Seeing him all right, the girl sighed with relief.

“That was reckless. One wrong move and that thing’s size could have crushed you.” The girl angrily said that. But it only lasted for a few seconds as she immediately showed a relieved smile.

“Apart from that, it was a great kill.”

“Yeah, with how potent its life force is, I needed to target a vital area,” Alex said as he was shaking his hands and trying to remove the blood from himself.

“True. It could continue to fight you even when it had a hole in its body.” Julis was slightly unnerved with how long it could survive, even when bleeding so much. 

“Great work, team! I knew you could do it!” Albion descended from the sky, but it still had a chunk of the fish in its claws.

“You didn't do anything!” The pink princess started to complain about how lazy the dragon was!

“Hmm? But I am moral support for both of you.” Albion, with an assured tone, replied to her.

“Of course, you are our ‘moral support’.” Julis air quotes ‘Moral support’ with an overly sarcastic tone.

“I have you know that I am White Dragon Emperor. My presence alone inspires people!” Albion noticed her sarcasm and didn't like that dig at him!

“Ah, yes, the almighty White Dragon Emperor who can't grill a fish with his flames.” 

The Dragon of Supremacy grimaced as he felt that! 

“My flames are poisonous! I don't want to poison my food!” The dragon got all defensive all of a sudden.

“Since you are all that powerful, you should learn to wield those separately.” Julis rolled her eyes at the excuses. They all sound too weak to her.

“Gah! Partner! Control your witch companion!” The Supreme dragon flew over to Alex. He felt that his prestige was constantly under attack by this pink-haired menace!

The pink princess scoffed, seeing how quickly the dragon got his pride shattered.

Instead, she looked at the snake’s corpse. Seeing such a monstrosity gives her goosebumps, considering it was a water dweller. Fighting such a thing in water would have been suicidal.

‘Thankfully, we brought it to the shore. But still…’ 

Her eyes went to the destroyed trees. The muscles on that snake were something else!

As Julis was recalling the fight, Alex went to take a bath. He couldn't stand the smell, so he proceeded to undress and take a swim.

“Partner, get another fish for me!” 

The white dragon had already forgotten about all those attacks on his pride and him and was thinking with his stomach.

“Another one? Are you serious? Won't you get fat?” Alex frowned at his dragon partner.

“Don’t worry! I Am a dragon, not a human!” 

Albion proudly exclaimed as if it made a difference to Alex. One still needs to burn all those calories and fat.

Not that the white dragon does any sort of exercise. 



I love this series. You’re doing a great job. I can’t wait for the next chapter. I’ve never seen Guilty Crown and due to your book I’m going to check it out.