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First Page:


An evil Spirit which can work autonomously or be directly controlled by Alex

Combat potential: Medium Low

While not visible by the regular human eye they can't directly hurt humans as their physical strength is not that great. However, they can be used as spies and if given enough time they can consume human souls and grow in power.


Second Page:

Concept of Construction

Ability to build with Psionic power, the construct depends on what Alex wants.

Combat potential: None, its Support

It can be a building, an item, or even a ritual site, as long as it follows the concept of constructing something it can be created via Psionic power.


Third Page:

Conceptualized Fire

Ability to burn buildings while ignoring living people

Combat Potential: None, it's meant for collateral damage.

Based on the Great London Fire where 96% of the city was burned and less than 10 people died. 

While it was a horrible fire it's remembered as a one which destroyed the city not for killing its people.



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