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~~~~~~London, UK, Year 20XX~~~~~~

"Wake up! You can pick three items from your room." A smooth voice said directly into my ear. Which made me freak the hell out as I opened my eyes!

My gaze snapped to the side as I tried to look for this freak who sneaked into my room!

"What the actual fuck!?"

I said to myself as I realised that there was no one there!

Though I quickly forgot about this incident as I noticed my room got…extra bright! As in several times brighter!

"Holy…" I slowly got up from my bed and looked around. I could see lights getting through the blinds, indicating that it was morning, but my gaze didn't stay there for long as I looked at my black PC table. It's a wooden table… but at this moment it was pitch black so black that it feels like it will consume everything! 

While the computer monitor looked like it was from some sort of sci-fi flick, the screen itself was dark and the plastic looked almost metallic! My gaze didn't stay there for long either as I looked to the side next to the table… the bin… even the bin was beefed up in colouring and depth… 

"What is this shit?" I was confused! Like extra confused! I don't remember eating anything questionable to have this going on!

As I wondered what was going on, my eyes went to the sink and the small kitchen unit, eventually, to the side where my TV and the gaming consoles were. All of it was beefed up in a more amazed sense!

Then… for a second I spaced out…

"Three items, three items…" I mumbled to myself before snapping out.

"Right… I should pick three items…"

My gaze instantly went to the PC. My hand went to the PC itself. The moment I touched it, a weird feeling washed over me.

That moment I knew that I got what I wanted. Once I had the item, my gaze went to the stuff on the table, there were some rubbish items on it, from McDonald's straws, my travel card for the London transport, and letters from the bank for the issue of a new credit card since the last one expired, to the PC mouse and the Rubik's Cube… 

"Hmm… mental stuff exercise…" Without thinking much I picked the cube, another feeling washed over my whole body.

"Only one left… hmm…" my gaze scanned the room, ending up on the kitchen's sink area and the area next to it… where my vitamins are. 

"Oh… I see…" My hand went on the one which gives a boost to energy in the morning. The moment I touched the moment my world turned black. 

Then I snapped out and opened my eyes once again. I was back in my bed!

"Hmm… What I was doing? Weird as fuck…" My hand went to my hair as I scratched it. This was so freaking weird!

I could not remember anything!

Thinking for a bit I got up from my bed and stretched out. My gaze went to the clock. It was half past six in the morning. 

A frown appeared on my face.

"So early, why did I wake up so early?" I said to myself before looking around for my phone. 

Slowly, I got frustrated since I could not find it, then that moment… My vision pulled back and the world slowed down. Images of my phone started to pop up one after another reminders of important times when I saw my phone last time and what I did with it!


For a second, I backpaddled into my bed. My hand went to the side where the wall touches the bed, then my hand went down and touched the carpet… eventually I touched the phone. 

I slowly picked it up and…what I saw was not my S21 Samsung but… a much, much older version of Samsung!

My gaze stayed on this Primitive non-Smartphone!

"...This is official… weird!" 

When I checked the date it was 200X… not 20XX… by that time I should be in middle school not living abroad in the UK… 

Thinking about how bizarre this situation is, I could only start thinking rationally which is quite absurd if you think about it. I should be panicking, but instead, I am thinking of figuring this situation out.

"Hmm…for now let's just do things how I usually do until I notice anything weird," I said to myself after taking a deep breath.

Once a course of action was decided, I started to do things as I usually do, though it was early morning, very early morning. Regardless I made some tea and a few sandwiches. 

With my phone being this primitive I had to turn on my PC… only now I noticed that It was on the primitive side as well.

'Damn… it's hard to believe but I am in the past!'

I wasn't expecting to be transported to the past while I am staying the way I am…

Though… I could profit from this after checking the situation of the world that is…

First things first… I noticed that it was Windows Vista… old…bad… OS! Regardless, I opened the internet browser and went to check BBC news.


I realised that it was quite a mumbled mess, I have no idea about the political landscape, the politicians are something I never saw before. 

While they were unknown, I went to the sports, then around the world, and eventually to the Business side of things.

This was where I saw something which made me take a sharp breath in! Stark Industries… Stark Fucking Industries.

There is one company with this kind of name which I know of!

Quickly checking Google about Stark Industries only made me pale!

I could see the name of the company founder, the date of founding, what it does, who is the current CEO….

The more I read the more I believed that this was indeed THE Stark Industries led by Tony Stark himself!

And he was still making and selling weapons to the US army… while his Company is not THAT famous the famous one is Tony Stark. It's quite similar to how it was with Elon Musk back in my previous time.

Though… more like in the middle with Musk everyone was bitching about green stuff, so his Tesla is well known all over the globe.

This led me to realise quickly that I need to check other things…

Quickly… I found that Oscorp Industries is real, and a bunch of others which slightly reminded me of wider…Marvel…


This is bad!

'Calm down, me, you are just a part-timer who studies economics… nothing special!'

'I just stick in the background… grow my strength and profit!'

Though my positivity only lasted for a few seconds, before I realised that I don't know what the hell is my powers!

So for a few seconds, I thought about what I experienced, was it related to analysing? Like remembering and recalling certain moments. Almost like a computer? That moment I remembered touching the computer in that weird dream!

'Oh… I see…'

That moment I felt like I was pulled back and the power reacted to my intentions I started analysing what I remembered about Stark Industries, Oscorp industries, Marvel Cinematic plotlines, Thanos, dimensions, aliens, alien wars, Gods, Thor, Loki, Loki Invasion, all sorts of Spiderman things, X-Men, X-Men plot… so many things…

"This is all a jumbled mess, this is not MCU and this is not Comics either… from the looks of it. Since Tony Stark looks like the actor, "

With a sign, I brushed my hair back and started to think about my new power as well. There should be more… I touched some other things in that dream as well!

As I pulled my hand away my eyes wandered around the room, trying to think what was it!? What did I pick!?

No matter how many tries I looked around trying to recall, even the power didn't respond! Though eventually, my hand brushed something on the table.

My gaze went there, I was thinking of cleaning the place up but my eyes spotted something which made me stop in my tracks. It was the Rubik's cube! 


That moment…when I focused hard enough I could feel that I could touch it. Like some sort of invisible hand which picks the cube up. 

It started to float, surrounded by thin purple energy, it went up a few inches, struggling to stay in the air. My wonderment was that it made it drop, that moment I felt slightly down. As in mentally drained!

"...So, it's ? I can live with that!" I exclaimed with a small smirk, normally I would be more excited for such power. But not this time. I felt drained.

Around thirty minutes later I tried again, lifting the cube, making it fly from one side of the table to another, rinse and repeat until it was 9 in the morning.

After eating another breakfast and dressing up in working clothes I left my one-room flat for my work.


It was strange because I felt different from usual when I am around people. My eyes would wander on how people move and how they do certain actions.

Almost like analysing them. Coming with simple conclusions until something was proved otherwise. It's like gathering data?

I would even subconsciously slow time and enter what I started to call 'Hyper Analysis'. I would examine people sitting next to me while the Underground train was moving towards the city centre.

It's strange and fascinating at the same time.

Eventually, I arrived at my workplace. It was part-time Janitor work, a work which allowed me to study economics. It's a delicate balance, work is not hard, as when you finish with the set task you are semi-free to do whatever you want! And as an Honours student back in the day I started studying maths, at first I thought I could stick with History but it's not as pleasant as I would have thought, I would need to spend an extra amount of time studying and then working not such a high paid job as one would think.

That's why I decided on economics. My grades were good, but my birth country was shit on the money front, so I ended up leaving it and going to the financial capital of the EU.

At least It was back in the day… now the way it is… in the past! Canary Wharf, which used to be a place with skyscrapers, is still under construction!

This is shit! 

Will I need to leave this place and go to the US? With all those events which will happen in future…

'I don't know…maybe go to Miami?' 

"Alex, the stock on the third floor needs filling up, and the kitchen sink is full of cups. It was a busy night for the office so they need those cups before mid-day!!" My supervisor snapped me out as I started to get to my work.

'Should I test something with the cups?' 

'Nah… too risky…'


Six hours later I was going home and once again I tried out my powers on people in the train. It was quite fascinating and even freaky, what my mind came up with when three dyed blondes with miniskirts got into the train. 

From sluts, to parties go-… everything in between. I was wondering from where such a definition manifested in my analysis. Cross-referencing from all the information I acquired? Does this mean if I study more I could get more detailed information?

'Human physiology and psychology, mannerisms… I could order books on… Amazon… is it even a thing? Uhhh… wait… I think I remember a bookstore close to St.Paul station…shit…' At that moment I realised that I am freaking lucky that my job was still there and I could still work even though I am more than 15 years in the past!

But, what about other places? Things? 

I need to get back home and do some research on the city!
