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Attached is an updated demo of the game system I'm calling Love:99

While I hope to eventually spin it into a full dating game, the short term idea is to start offering commissions to maque short games of the scale of this demo with people's characters. These would all be made available to you as well.

This demo has a completely redone dialogue section with skill checks you can pass to gain buffs in the later sex game. It also has new audio and some rebalancing.

As always I welcome your feedback and thanks for your support.



Love it, but the sex minigame would probably play better if the thrusting was automatic and you had to time the thrusts to make it go faster as opposed to controlling both with one button.


I'll admit I'm not fond, I don't super like the small window, the game is a bit awkward and makes me sit trying to listen for the clap so I can hit Z instead of looking at the art with any care. not that I've ever been good at timing, sounds are hot, but it's unclear what does what in options wise, and unclear how much of any skill you should have before attempting it. half of this could be cleared up by just adding a fallout style, Try this to challenge this skill to this percentage chance of winning button. Also something... different for the core gameplay, something that requires less attention to be paid to it.


also maybe the ability to restart during the sex scene, once I get to a point that I've sufficiently messed up hitting z that I need to full stop and stare at the back of her head for a few minute's, I'm kinda out of it.


Thanks for the feedback. The next demo that will be up soon has a propper tutorial to teach the mechanics better. I'm intent on having the game not be mindless but that creates a barrier for entry. On the point of not telling you exectly when everything will work, that is by design as the player is ment to get the feeling for things through experience, rather then know what will work in advance. It's fair if that is not for you, but it will the dirrection I continue to dev by.


That's fair enough. Maybe a better visual cue for the thrust then. I'm kinda hard of hearing and its difficult for me to gauge a clap.