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[Stevie] Hello everyone, hope you're doing great!
It's been a tough week for us as Random is super sick. He got a flu and just like the previous one in December, it seems like it's going to become some sort of sinusitis or something.

I've had my first ''real'' animation assignment at my new job and I won't lie that I'm a bit anxious about it. It's super hard...I totally have an impostor syndrome...and for the first time in my career, I REALLY like the studio...people are so nice and fun, I want to stay and be the most useful possible to my team...so yeah, I'm working on that this weekend since I have trouble animating this complex monster T-T

I've also  been working on my comic during nights so it can be done for April. This second half of the prologue is super long since I really want an instalment. The following issues should be a bit shorter...but I won't hold my breath since I have a tendency to always do more ^^"

Other than that, I haven't forget about my art book tour I want to make. I have put some order in my library this week, grouping the books by categories/genre. I'm planning on doing a little video tour category by category, as a little bonus for you all. You'll also hear my super thick Quebec accent hahaha.

So that's that!  Do you have any ''impostor syndrome''  stories? You know...when you start a job and you have thoughts like ''I'm such a fluke, I don't have the skills that it takes, they're gonna realize that''... I'm into that mindset right now -_- . 

It did happen before with my first ever animation job. I was on the verge of panicking and went to the bathroom to calm myself. I wanted to quit right away. I succeed to calm down by telling myself '' give it another whole week and if you still feel stressed as much as now and that there is no improvement, quit and just do something else''. I did another week and it got much better. The slope was just very steep at the beginning.

Ok that's enough blabering, hope to hear from you! (you still can answer even if it's not on the same day :P I really like to exchange with you so don't shy away!)

Have a great weekend <3


Seamus Brosnan

Been there myself; one perspective I can offer is that people tend to underestimate their own specialized knowledge as "stuff most people in this industry know", when, in fact, they don't. I'm sure you for your job for a good reason. :)


Agreed - I have dipped in and out of imposter syndrome many times throughout my life, especially in the early days of a new job (and sometimes even in the not-so-early days). I find that just realizing that you're feeling it can be a big help -- you can't always control your gut emotional reactions, but if you know where they're coming from, it's easier to keep them in check and not beat yourself up about feeling that way. Good luck, hope things go well! And hope Dr. R feels better!