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(Stevie) It's a Saturday News&Updates, we were busier than usual yesterday :P (we had a party over to some friend, our first party with ''other people with kids'' and it was....something hahaha. Anyway, we've working on the exclusive and comics as usual (here's a work in progress of Corporate Feed's second part prologue). Random did a second stream on Thursday, it went well and it was really fun! I really hope we can find a way for me to interact as well while I work on my job (can't share the screen but I could talk along).  We really like streaming because it feel like we have even more of a connection with people!

That's pretty much it! I will end with this question: What is your favorite artbook? Technical or referential are welcomed!

I've been back to drawing on paper (weird right?) taking 10 mins per morning before working to copy from books I own. At this time I'm going through a book from Burne Hogarth focusing on the hands (and arm). He really has a great collection of books on anatomy and he's exagering the muscles so much that it really does help to see. Next I'll be copying some drawing from the two first issues of a manga I just ordered - Battleangel Alita! I really hope to get better at drawing anime style, it's still new to me since I only started when I started doing fetish illustrations so around 4 or 5 years now.

I'll stop there, I could talk about drawing for hours hahaha.  So yeah! Let me know your single favorite art book to learn!  it's my favorite thing to collect, let me know if you'd like a tour sometime :P

Love you!!!



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