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Oof! Holidays are finaly over 🙃 I don't know for you, but here, we got back from it wayyyyy more exhausted than before...It was fun but we didn't stop for one minute! Our daughter's daycare was closed this week as well so I got to spend time with her but that got me some more pressure on my commission list 😬

Appart from that, I have a meeting next with a lead animator for possibly getting on a prod in Februray. That means, if it's happening, I won't have time at all for commissions but I'll still be working for the Patreon 🙂

I tried to make it work- living off commissions- but I put so much more time on it than it brings me back and bills are pilling up. I might try to make it my main income again at some point and take a break from stressful productions but I'll first have to put some money aside.

Anyway, that's gonna be decided next week so nothing certain yet!

I hope you're all well and that you year is starting off well !



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