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Alrightttt News and Updates Time! So I've been super sick with a man's cold (don't know if this french expression translate into english but I'll roll with it hahaha) and Random too, he's on his second week of this sickness...we're pretty sure it's that thing called ''covid'', not sure if anyone's familiar with this virus but anyway haha. Appart from that, he's still really taken by his day job in animation, they're at the start of a production and less people than in full on prod so it's more demanding. He'll be working on next month's content this weekend while I try to work on it as well while taking care of Dr.Galaxy junior. As for me, I've taken quite the commission list with a Flash Sale I did yesterday, my first one of this kind, and I was flooded with demand so I hope I'm in shape next week to dive into that list! I won't complaint for having work, I'm very happy to have had a lot of interest. Now, for the poll result, we'll be doing Ghislaine and Queen La for January's content! Kind of gives some jungle vibe, that'll be fun! I feel like doing some ''vegetation tickling'' hahaha. So on that note, I hope you all have a great weekend and see ya Monday with the NSFW illustration! :D



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