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It's also an early access from Dr.Random (he made one more for last month by mistake)! Doc's folks are in town so we try to stay low profile with our business here (lol) hence the lack of photos from our daily life. I may have to tell them at some point because my screens are NOT protected from anyone going downstairs and I DO have to work on commission! We'll see haha. Apart from that, our encased oven decided to turn into a wanna-be-volcano after 30 (and possibly more) years of loyal service so we had to splurge money we don't really have on a new one. I wanted to take a photo for you guys at the Home Depot (a sad or angry grin next to a demo oven) but the clerk there was too fast and came to help us choose. ANYWAY, working hard on commissions and content for next month, hope you have a great weekend and we'll be back Monday with our first Megaera vs Shadow Sae illustration! :D



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