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[Stevie] Hi friends! Hope you're doing great! I've been taking things slower this week and it's already helping. I must keep a slow beat for a while until I find help (I'm on that!). I'm feeling better since I'm aware now, I started to write in a journal before sleep again, just to blow up some steam and/or sorting out things in my head. I think I'm just scared, in general. I'll be cutting watching the news and just do my best with my little family. Anyway, that's all for that matter :P

Spring seemed to be well installed like a week ago but merciless cold and snow came back so fast hahaha. That's a classic here in Quebec. People store their winter coats, undo their tempo and BOOM, snowstorm! But that's probably the last one ^^

So, I'll leave you with pictures of my art book collection! I have separated them in categories so it's easier for you to look at. If you ever want me to talk more about one or more of them, let me know I'll be glad to :)




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