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Attack On Titan - S2e2 Uncut Early Access Reaction



we are gonna start needing double uploads for this show lmao this two episodes a week thing is killing me!!

Grant Cope

Jon where have you gone


Mike Donohue

I’m gonna let this slide because Jon is still new at this and we’re only a bit over a month in, but I agree I do hope things get more consistent overtime

Miguel Munuera

I don't think we should be that harsh, one never knows what's going on in someone's life. Nevertheless, I do agree it's quite frustrating..I really anticipate his episodes so it sucks when it's not as consistent. Just let us know when you won't/can't post Jon, would be much better! So we're not just waiting

Alicia Strong

its 8 dollars my dude. try spending 70 monthly on Zheanis for her to do NOTHING at all hahahahahhaa.


I can wait for the next one