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Hey all! I hope the leap year is treating you well so far!

First off: work has been slower than I'd like lately due to various health issues related to pain and fluctuating sleep. As part of rebalancing how I approach things, I've told myself that if I'm in an appreciable amount of pain, I won't work. 

(Usually, I'll work through pain unless it's distracting. This is because my pain doesn't come from anything "real" -- it's not warning of an injury or anything. It's just my nervous system playing the bongos with pain signals for fun. Some things do set it off or make it worse, but my day-to-day is just background noise of pain. Unfortunately, working while in pain is fatiguing regardless and leaves me drained.)

The downside, such as it is, of actually resting instead of pushing through is things are getting done slower. Much slower. But I'm feeling much better than I have in a long time, so it's the right choice. All that to say: thanks for your patience and your support!

The Revamp

I intended to get a post out about the revamp before March hit, but see above. Pain's been in a flare this week and I've been only half-conscious most of the days. So it goes, unfortunately! I'm glad I have a bit of a reprieve today so I can at least update you!

I'm going to post our plans in a separate post, to make sure everyone sees it. (I'm sure a number of folks would understandably skip a newsletter, even if they wanted to know about the revamp!)

The time we've taken to really think through and examine our plans has been invaluable, and let us pick up ideas, run with them for a bit, find their flaws, and discard them, rather than just say "this is good enough, let's go!!"

I like living slower. As long as I have the option to, I'm going to do it.

Anyway, look forward to the revamp post soon. I want to say later today but I can't promise anything because my body has its own schedule!

The Kickstarter

Guys we're so close, guys, omg. We got a book block proof of each of the five books and they look SO GOOD. But there were some printing errors so we're addressing them with the printer. If it's just a small batch that had it that can be reprinted, then we're just about done shuffling books back and forth with them. oh my god. please end my book-related suffering. I can't wait.

You can read the little update post with pictures and video on the Kickstarter. 


I don't have much to say here that wasn't said above, except that most of my team is on break/hiatus and I've been handling page production myself. This is actually a huge relief, as I kind of hate having to be a manager, and it's nice to get back to just putting my head down and working on something I love. But it does mean pages aren't getting done in my absence, so apologies for that. I'm trying to get enough of a buffer (like 3-4 pages) where I can start slowing down and seeing if there are team folks who can pick things up again, but alas! Health be doing health things.

Anyway, I'm trying to teach myself that it's fine if sometimes, maybe, possibly, it's fine if there's no buffer and pages might (gasp) come out late. I've always thought I was putting my health first, but forcing myself into this paradigm is definitely forcing me to see where I'm most certainly not

So I'm learning. And things will be slow. And that's okay.

Happy March!

In conclusion, hey! Thanks! Things are rough right now and I'd be having a much harder time without your support and encouragement. The fact that you have all shown up in droves to tell me to knock it off and rest... Well, I don't know if I could have gotten myself to do it without you. Probably, eventually. But it'd be a lot scarier.

Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful March! Talk again soon~


Jason Harvey

Friend of mine from high school died due to complications from fibromyalgia and pacemaker replacement surgery. So take care of yourself first. Anything you can do after that is a bonus. Self care is number one. Insert virtual hugs here.

Sam Hansen

Word to the wise: Always put your health first before your work