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When I did the previous page, the decision to have Piper stick out from the panels wasn't the only thing that changed from the thumbnails. The final panel of "But... it's *Cur*..." was a belated addition, too. Originally, the scene was supposed to end on that page, but I decided it needed one more to bridge the gap, because that panel addition left an unfinished feeling, like it was inviting more. So I decided to underscore Piper's feelings and position here.

Again she pops out of the framing! But this time it's because she's antagonistic and angry, and she's overpowering everyone else's arguments with the force of her anger. It's fun to play with this stuff!

I also tried to make sure Cur didn't just look like a pathetic woobie in the final panel, but instead was stoked to more anger. Piper has some good points, too. He's not just misunderstood, he's also an angry, sometimes cruel kid. 

Anyway, with this page, the scene is done! Wonder what's going to happen next? :3c

EDIT: Discussion with the community made us realize what we were trying to do with Marie was:

  • not well communicated
  • not well attached to the previous page dialogue

So we edited the page. This is the edited version now!




I hope Cur delivers an epic "reason you suck" speech to Piper.


Cur is complicated, like all your characters he is all too human.