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We are SUPER excited to announce the public release of an EXTENSIVE  edit of the first four chapters of Tamberlane! During our production of  the Omnibus collection for the recently completed Kickstarter, we spent  hours pouring over every page of the first Arc (Chapters 1-4), tweaking  dialogue and art when needed, both for story consistency and to ensure  the best telling of this story! Over the years, the Tamberlane Saga has  evolved significantly and it was super gratifying to be able to go back  and make adjustments.

To celebrate this big relaunch (which happens to be around  Caytlin's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAYTLIN!!), we'll be hosting a launch  party on Caytlin's Twitch on Friday, December 15 at 9AM PST! We hope to see you there! You can access the twitch here!




Will these new versions be available to read on the website as well?


Oops, haha, looks like we didn't make it clear: this is the public launch of those pages on the website!