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Y'all, you guys are AMAZING! We hit the Ask Blog goal!! I honestly didn't think it would ever get that far! ;u;

So here's how this is going to work:

Y'all leave me questions here, probably on the monthly posts. You can direct them to specific characters, or just in general. Keep in mind, I'll be keeping it tasteful and any "spoilers" will be things that wouldn't come up in the comic on their own.

At the end of each month, I'll pick 1-3 questions and answer them, usually in sketch form. There may be some months where things are tight and hectic, and I'll have to answer in text form, but I suspect it'll be mostly fine!

The answers will then be posted both here and on the Tamberlane tumblr.

Now's a good time to start, so... feel free to ask away!


Timmo Warner

Oakewood: How do you keep your sanity when you're surrounded by agents of chaos?

SpikeSmolder Fan

Will you be showing what Penny did to Piper for scaring Tamberlane like that? ;)


Henry: What's the very best compliment you've ever received for anything?

Specs AK

Piper: why are you a brat? Also where did you get the bell?

Dorian Inman

Aside from boats, are there any other forms of transportation like non sapient beasts of burden, or does everyone walk everywhere?

D. Stuart

Thanks and congrats! I've been pushing this comic everywhere I can! Question: Tamberlane obviously can hear well(?) but doesn't speak much, yet. Did she live with deaf folk or something more complicated. (Habibah in Habibah's song is mute, but most of the pooka colony she lives in understand sign, it seems. And she uses a talk-box as well.) Tamberlane seems to understand a fair amount of speech. Of course, if Pg 90's any indication, they both still have to live past pg. 100! Belfry is a tough girl, to take that punishment and keep smiling and trying. Gotta respect that.Stubat


Oakewood, what's your favorite kind of tea??


Does anyone play a musical instrument? :0

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 08:01:37 Just perfect, my dear
2017-04-26 02:30:18 Oakewood: What's your favorite book?

Oakewood: What's your favorite book?

River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

Parsley: What exactly do you do with the things that the other children trade to you?

River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

Nora: What is the most complex illness that you've had to treat, and how did you manage it?


Walter/Tess: What are your favorite dishes to make?


Henry: Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?? It's YOU! You're a good boy, YES YOU ARE!


Piper: So like, how aware are you that you may literally have been born in hell?